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Honors and Awards

The mission of TMS is to promote the global science and engineering professions concerned with minerals, metals, and materials.

Recipient: 2010 John Bardeen Award

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society's John Bardeen Award, established in 1994, recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions and is a leader in the field of electronic materials.

Recipient: Eugene Haller

Recipient PhotoCitation:
For seminal contributions to the materials science and technology of isotopically engineered semiconductors.

“Winning the 2010 John Bardeen Award of TMS is a great honor and a much appreciated recognition of the research contributions that my collaborators, students, postdocs and I have made. The award carries the name of one of my greatest heroes in the sciences, John Bardeen. I had the fortune to speak with John Bardeen on a few occasions. I was always impressed by his friendly and low-key style of discussing science. As a young postdoctoral fellow at the Rad Lab in Berkeley (now the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), I discussed our ultra-pure Germanium research and development with John Bardeen who at the time was reviewing our work for the Atomic Energy Commission (now the Department of Energy). He listened carefully with an approving smile!”

Eugene Haller is a materials science professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley.


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