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Honors and Awards

The mission of TMS is to promote the global science and engineering professions concerned with minerals, metals, and materials.

Recipient: 2010 TMS Leadership Award

The TMS Leadership Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the national and international materials community in some aspect of the fields of metallurgy and materials.

Recipient: Donald Gubser

Recipient PhotoCitation:
For scientific vision, technical leadership, innovative management, and professional service to materials science in the Navy, Defense, and national materials research and development programs

“To be chosen as recipient of the 2010 TMS Leadership award is a special honor to me. It provides recognition from a very prestigious professional society that my science leadership has been judged by my peers to be of high quality. It is especially gratifying to know that this award basically emanates from those with whom I have worked closely, both within my own organization as well as within the larger scientific community through professional activities and duties. To be appreciated and valued by those I have worked for many years, and by the members of TMS, is indeed a very high and humbling honor.”

Donald Gubser is superintendent of the Materials Science and Technology Divisionat the Naval Research Laboratory in California.

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