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Honors and Awards

The mission of TMS is to promote the global science and engineering professions concerned with minerals, metals, and materials.

Recipient: 2011 Educator Award

The Educator Award was established in 1985 to recognize outstanding contributions to education in metallurgical engineering and/or materials science and engineering. The award is not limited to the classroom but also includes recognition of innovative ways of educating the general populace.

Recipient PhotoRecipient: Krishan Chawla

For seminal contributions and text books written for the education and training of students in mechanical behavior and composites

“I feel humble and honored by this award. I’ve been a member of TMS since 1965, a long time professional association. Teaching is a passionate subject for me, and this recognition from TMS has a special value to me.”

Krishan Chawla is a Profession at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, located in Birmingham, AL, USA.

The information on this page is maintained by the TMS Professional Affairs Coordinator (