Active maintenance of these web resources ceased in 2012 and they will not be updated. They are posted for archival purposes only.

Topic Title: SELECTED RESOURCES: A TMS Knowledge Packet on the Physical Metallurgy of Solders and Solder Interfaces
Topic Summary: Key resources from JOM, TMS Annual Meetings and Solder Mechanics-State of the Art Assessment, as well as useful links
Created On: 5/30/2007 8:17 AM

 5/30/2007 8:17 AM

Todd Osman

Posts: 219
Joined: 2/2/2007

This suite of resources covers the physical metallurgy of lead-free solders and interfaces. It offers in-depth coverage of the fundamentals of solder physical metallurgy and recent progress in the understanding of the metallurgy/fatigue of lead-free solders.

Clicking on the attachment at the end of this entry provides access to downloadable versions of the following key TMS resources and useful links:

•Roeder, J.F., et. al. “Physical Metallurgy of Solder Systems,” Solder Mechanics – State of the Art Assessment.
•Romig, Jr., A.D., et. al. “Physical Metallurgy of Solder Substrate Reactions,” Solder Mechanics – State of the Art Assessment,
•Liu, X.J., et. al. “The Use of Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Databases for Electronic Materials.”
•Lin, K.-L. “Interfacial Evolution between Solder and Metallization.”
•Chen, S.-W., et. al. “Phase Transformation and Microstructural Evolution in Solder Joints.”
•Kao, C. R. “Cross-Interaction of Cu and Ni in Lead-Free Solder Joints.”
•Kao, C.R. “Applications of Phase Diagrams in Solving Materials Problems in Electronic Packaging.”
•Kim, T.H., et. al. “Sn-Ag-Cu and Sn-Cu Solders: Interfacial Reactions with Platinum.”
•National Institute of Standards and Technology."Phase Diagrams & Computational Thermodynamics: Solder Systems."

Citation: "Physical Metallurgy of Solders and Solder Interfaces." Materials Technology@TMS. 2007. TMS.


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