Final Program
The 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2021) is dedicated to convening the breadth of the metal forming community to share their latest improvements and innovations in all aspects of metal forming science and technology. The heart of the ICTP conference series is the technical contributions from scientists and engineers across industry, academia, and government.
In the context of global challenges, such as pandemics, climate change, or digitization urgent and highly complex questions arise that require excellent, innovative research at the highest level to answer them. But what are the prerequisites for creative, excellent top-level research that finds urgently needed innovative solutions to acute problems?
Innovation processes are not one-way streets but occur in constant interaction between knowledge and application and hence rarely happen at one time in one place: Innovation frequently relies on collaborations between disciplines, across sectors and even beyond different regions. And sometimes it is based on chances of serendipity.
Dealing with global challenges requires more and more concentration and mutual inspiration of our knowledge, our powers and our methods as scientists. Productive interaction networks of diverse transfer relationships between different participants are needed for this. Quite often innovation is driven by the demands of exploration and happens in the development of a technique through application in the field. This kind of innovation includes new organizational forms of joint research, business models or social practices.
Matthias Kleiner is the president of the Leibniz Association, a position he has held since 2014. The Leibniz Association connects 96 independent research institutions that range in focus from natural, engineering, and environmental sciences to economics, spatial and social sciences, and the humanities. As president, he represents the joint interests of the member institutions in dealings with the central and federal state governments, other research organizations and the public.
Kleiner completed his habilitation in the field of forming technology in 1991. In 1994, he joined the faculty of the newly founded Brandenburg Technical University of Cottbus as Professor of Forming Technology in the Chair in Design and Manufacturing. Kleiner was awarded the most prestigious prize in German research, the German Research Foundation’s Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize in 1997. He responded to the call to the TU Dortmund University in 1998, where he held the Chair of Forming Technology.
From 2004 to 2006, he served as managing director of the newly established Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction (IUL). He has played an instrumental role in a number of international and interdisciplinary research projects and research networks and acts as a member of numerous international professional committees and academies. In 2011, he co-chaired the German Ethics Commission for a Safe Energy Supply. Kleiner was elected president of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2007. His six year-term of office as president of the DFG ended in December 2012. Kleiner assumed office as president of the Leibniz Association in July 2014.
The NSB’s Vision 2030 lays out actions to achieve the four goals. (1) Foster a Global Science and Engineering Community: Make sure that America is a reliable partner and is at the table to avoid being technologically surprised. (2) Expand the Geography of Innovation: Do more to create opportunities and jobs across the country. (3) Deliver Benefits from Research: Enhance the return to U.S. taxpayers from these investments and empower the nation’s businesses and entrepreneurs to compete globally. Achieve this goal in a way to ensure a more inclusive enterprise and diverse S&E community. (4) Develop STEM Talent for America: Over the next decade, our nation must focus heavily on developing America’s STEM talent, including researchers and a STEM-capable workforce at all educational levels, from skilled technical workers to Ph.D. researchers. In addition, the role of science and technology of plasticity with reference to advanced manufacturing will be outlined.
Sudarsanam Suresh Babu is the UT/ORNL governor’s chair professor in advanced manufacturing at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UT) and serves in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical engineering. Suresh has a joint professorship with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). As a governor's chair, Suresh has a joint appointment within Energy Science and Technology Directorate and in the Manufacturing Sciences Directorate at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Suresh leads basic and applied research in a wide range of additive and other advanced manufacturing processes including product design implications in collaboration with faculty and students at UT as well as with researchers at the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF) at ORNL. He is also the director of the Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Graduate Research and Education. In 2020, Suresh was appointed as a member of the National Science Board by the President of United States of America. Suresh obtained his bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, and his master’s degree in industrial metallurgy-materials joining from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He obtained his Ph.D. in materials science and metallurgy from University of Cambridge, UK in 1992. He has held various engineering, researcher and faculty positions in India, Japan, and U.S. throughout his career before joining UT.
Despite numerous studies, the prediction of ductile damage and failure during metal forming processes still needs further investigations in particular for complex loading paths. Ductile damage analysis is usually addressed through uncoupled failure criteria or coupled damage models. Both approaches rely either on micromechanical bases or on phenomenological considerations. After a short review of these different approaches, the talk will focus on the main complexities related to damage analysis during metal forming processes. Strain rate and temperature effects, complex multiaxial stress states, non-proportional and cyclic loading conditions will be addressed with examples given at the process scale, whereas a micro-scale finite element framework will also be presented to get a better understanding of some of the physical mechanisms arising in such complex loading conditions.
Pierre-Olivier Bouchard holds an engineering degree in computational engineering and applied mathematics and a Ph.D. in computational mechanics. He is a professor at the Center for Material Forming Processes (CEMEF) of Mines ParisTech in France. His research is dedicated to the numerical modeling of material forming process, multi-scale damage and fracture mechanics and to the influence of forming processes on in-use properties. He is the recipient of the 2005 European Scientific Prize ESAFORM for his work on the 3D Numerical Modelling of Damage and Fracture, and he is the coordinator of the MECAMAT French national association working group dedicated to the physics, mechanics and modeling of damage and fracture.
An accurate description of the yield surface defining the onset of plastic deformation is essential for high-fidelity numerical predictions of forming processes. Due to the ease in calibration from simple tests, generally von Mises isotropic criterion and Hill orthotropic criterion are used in industry. While more advanced 3-D yield criteria have been developed, generally such criteria are written in terms of eigenvalues of transformed stress tensors and as such the anisotropy coefficients are not directly expressible in terms of mechanical properties.
Using general representation theorems, generalizations of the isotropic invariants J2 and J3 such as to account for plastic anisotropy have been developed. Using these anisotropic invariants, the anisotropic form of any isotropic yield function can be obtained simply by replacing J2 and J3 with their respective anisotropic generalizations. This framework ensures that the minimum number of anisotropy coefficients is specified. Illustrative examples of full three-dimensional yield criteria expressed in terms of generalized invariants and their application to the prediction of formability of single crystals and polycrystalline FCC, BCC and HCP materials are presented.
Oana Cazacu is the Charles E. Taylor Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida-REEF. She graduated from University of Bucharest (Romania) with a joint B.S. and M.S. in Applied Mathematics in 1990 and earned a Ph.D. and Habilitation degree (HDR) from University of Lille, France in 1995 and 2004, respectively. She is the Editor of the Plasticity of Materials book series (Elsevier), Associated Editor of Mechanics Research Communications (Elsevier) and International Journal of Material Forming (Springer), and member of the editorial board of Springer Nature Applied Sciences (Springer).
Her main research interests lie in theoretical and computational solid mechanics with focus on multi-scale modeling of plasticity and damage in textured metals. Major contributions include the development of widely used anisotropic criteria for lightweight metals, now included in the built-in materials library of commercial and academic finite-element codes. She has authored and co-authored one boo and 13 book chapters. Oana has edited and co-edited four books, has 90+ papers in refereed international journals, and over 60 articles in proceedings of international conferences. Lectures include 90 invited lectures in international conferences and research institutions (18 plenary or keynote lectures). She has been the recipient of visiting chair professorships in Europe (e.g. University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris-Sorbonne), University of Lille; Univ. of Lorraine, France; Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, Spain), and Australia (Swinburne University).
Superior structural properties of materials are generally desired in harsh environments, such as elevated temperatures, the high strain rates of impact, and radiation. Composite nanolaminates, built with alternating stacks of metal layers, each with nanoscale individual thickness, are proving to exhibit many of these target properties. In principle, the nanolaminate concept can be applied to any two-phase, bimetallic system; however, they have not been widely applied to materials with a hexagonal close-packed (hcp) crystal structure. Many important structural metals used today belong to the hcp class of materials. Some examples of well-known hcp metals are Mg, Zr, and Ti and their alloys. These alloys are technologically relevant, bearing desirable intrinsic properties, such as low specific density, fatigue resistance, biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, and radiation resistance. Even in coarse-grained traditional form, there is an increasing demand to use hcp materials more often and more broadly in structural applications within the automotive, aircraft, aerospace, biomedical, and nuclear industries. The roadblock to applying the nanolaminate concept to hcp materials is their complex, anisotropic deformation behavior. In this presentation, we discuss recently developed methods to manufacture nanostructured composites containing hcp metals. These techniques exploit plastic deformation as part of the synthesis process and have potential to manufacture product in forms and sizes suitable for high-performance structural applications. One method utilizes severe plastic deformation to make sheets of two-dimensional nanolayered Zr/Nb composite. The material produced exhibits exceptionally high strength and enhanced formability. Another method employs intermediate plastic deformation to create bulk samples of hierarchical three-dimensional nanolayered Zr/Nb composite. The resulting material has a combination of high strength, strain hardening, and ductility. We further highlight in this presentation the modeling and experimental efforts to understand the linkages between the internal nanostructure resulting from processing, local deformation mechanisms, and superior macroscale properties. Although we focus these examples on the Zr/Nb system, the insight gained and manufacturing techniques developed can be applied to other bimetallic systems.
Irene J. Beyerlein is a professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) with a joint appointment in the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Departments. She currently holds the Robert Mehrabian Interdisciplinary Endowed Chair in the College of Engineering. After receiving her Ph.D. degree in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Cornell University in 1997, she began a postdoctoral appointment as a J.R. Oppenheimer Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where she remained on the scientific staff in the Theoretical Division, until 2016, when she joined UCSB. She has published one book, nine book chapters, and more than 300 peer-reviewed articles in the field of structural composites, materials processing, multiscale modeling of microstructure/property relationships, deformation mechanisms, and polycrystalline plasticity. She is an Editor for Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia and an Associate Editor for Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. In recent years, she has been awarded the Los Alamos National Laboratory Fellow’s Prize for Research (2012), the International Plasticity Young Researcher Award (2013), the TMS Distinguished Scientist/Engineering Award (2018), and the Brimacombe Metal (2019).
There are a variety of materials manufacturing technologies that rely on kinetic impacts to achieve additive material build-up, including, notably, cold spray and laser-induced forward transfer. The unit processes of these manufacturing paradigms involve small quantities of material (micrometer scale particles) and extremely high velocities (~ km/s), so the impact events involve a number of fundamental physical mysteries at the extremes of materials mechanics. This talk will overview our efforts at developing quantitative in-situ methods to study such impacts, involving strain rates up to about 108 s-1. Using an all-optical test platform to launch and observe the impacts, we are able to provide insight on the mechanics of shock and spall, bond formation, and erosive wear. By systematically exploring a range of materials with different properties, we develop a picture of the controlling physics of bonding, which includes mechanical properties (elastic and plastic), thermal properties (related to adiabatic heat), and surface films. The talk will review our work on a variety of pure metals and engineering alloys and will also provide a view on new issues that arise in advanced materials like metallic glasses.
Christopher A. Schuh is the Danae and Vasilis Salapatas Professor of Metallurgy in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He earned his B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1997 and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Northwestern University in 2001. He joined the faculty in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT in 2002 and rose through the ranks to become department head from 2011-2019. Schuh's research focuses on structural metallurgy and controlling disorder in metallic microstructures, including fundamentals of microstructure and alloy design, grain boundary engineering, and processing science for advanced metallic materials. Schuh has published dozens of patents and co-founded a number of metallurgical companies. His first MIT spinout company, Xtalic Corporation, commercialized a process from his MIT laboratory to produce stable nanocrystalline coatings, which have now been deployed in over 15 billion individual components in use worldwide. Schuh’s startup Desktop Metal is a metal additive manufacturing company developing 3D metal printers that are sufficiently simpler and lower-cost than current options to enable broad use across many industries. Schuh is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors and the National Academy of Engineering.
Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a promising flexible forming process in fabricating low-batch or customized sheet metal parts and has potential in reduced process lead time and cost, and increased formability. In the plenary talk, recent investigations on ISF fundamentals and the technologies for ISF industrial application will be presented, which cover loading path algorithms, forming tool development, surface roughness and forming load predictions, new variants of ISF, deformation mechanism of different ISF variants and several industrial application cases. Finally, an outlook about ISF will be made as well.
Jun Chen received his Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in 1996, and he was a visiting scholar at University of Michigan and Ford Motor Company from April 1998 to April 1999. He has been a professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University since August 2004. His research interests include advanced material stamping and incremental sheet forming, theory of plasticity and numerical simulation of metal forming processes. Chen has hosted more than 30 projects funded by the government and industries. He has jointly published more than 250 journal papers and more than 30 international conference papers, and he serves as an editorial member of five journals.
Technologies for forming and fabricating tubes have been contributing to the development of society and should evolve and have great roles in the future, considering the problems related to the environment and aging population. Tubes have advantages of high rigidity for a unit weight and could manufacture light-weight components for transport equipment. Miniature tubes would be useful at the medical front in the aging society. The technologies on tubes have the potential to contribute to solving these problems and realizing sustainable societies.
This paper introduces the authors' technologies and reviews others' recent technologies on tubes. The technologies include hydro and air forming, rotary forming, bending, micro forming and so on. These technologies are qualitatively evaluated in terms of conflicting characteristics, such as formability, strength, productivity, flexibility and miniaturization. Some technologies are emerging to improve some of the conflicting characteristics at the same time for realizing excellent performances of the formed products.
Takashi Kuboki obtained a master’s degree from Kyoto University in 1990 and started working for Sumitomo Metal Industries. He obtained a Ph.D. in engineering while conducting research and development at the company in 2001. He started his new career at the University of Electro-communication in 2003. Kuboki has work experience in industry for 13 years and in academia for 16 years.
His research field is wide due to his career in industry and academia. He accomplished research work on gears in automotive and grinding for electric devices in addition to metal forming, which includes bar and wire rod drawing, bar rolling, straightening, sheet-metal forming, tube bending, tube rotary forming, extrusion, laser cutting and others. Kuboki is widening his activities in organizations domestically and internationally. He is now a chair of the tube forming committee under The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity. He became a Chartered Engineer of Institution of Mechanical Engineers in the UK in 2000, and an associate member in CIRP in 2016.
Below are several distinguished individuals whose careers will be honored at this ICTP through symposia and other recognition in the programming. Please contact the key organizer listed below for additional details.
Taylan Altan, The Ohio State University, (USA) Key Organizer: Eren Billur, Billur Metal Form, (Turkey)
Betz Avitzur, Lehigh University, (USA) Key Organizer: Wojciech Misiolek, Lehigh University (USA)
Niels Bay, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) Key Organizer: Paulo Martins, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Xue Yu Ruan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) Key Organizer: Jun Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)
Yasuhisa Tozawa, Nagoya University (Japan) Key Organizers: Takashi Ishikawa, Chubu University (Japan) Yoshinori Yoshida, Gifu University (Japan)
Rob Wagoner, The Ohio State University (USA) Key Organizer: Hojun Lim, Sandia National Laboratories (USA)
Zhongren Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology (China) Key Organizers: Shijian Yuan, Harbin Institute of Technology (China) Gang Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology (China)
The 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity was originally planned for July 2020 and is now set for July 2021, due to the global impact of COVID-19. A call for abstracts reopened for the 2021 event, but the abstract submission deadline has passed. If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, send an e-mail to TMS Programming Staff.
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