If your abstract is scheduled for presentation during MetFoam 2019, it is eligible to be included in the conference proceedings. All authors are strongly encouraged to submit a manuscript, but submitting a manuscript is not required to present at MetFoam 2019.
The manuscript deadline has been extended to September 13, 2019.
The following details will help you in preparing your manuscript for review and publication.
1. Prepare your manuscript according to the guidelines at www.tms.org/proceedingsinstructions. As noted in the instructions, you must submit your manuscript in either Microsoft Word (preferred file types include .doc, .docx, and .dot) or LaTeX (file type .tex). If you choose to submit your manuscript in LaTeX format, you must also provide a PDF copy for reviewer use by including it with your figures (see next item).
Figures: Like many journals, TMS conference proceedings publications strongly encourage figures to be submitted separately from the manuscript. Figures submitted as separate files should be compressed into a single .zip file, which should be uploaded along with your manuscript. (LaTeX users: The PDF copy of your manuscript should be uploaded in the same .zip file.) If it is not possible for you to submit your figures as separate files, you should embed the figures in the manuscript exactly where they should be placed in the published version.
Page limit: Manuscripts should be between 4 and 8 pages in length.
2. Submit your manuscript, figures, and completed copyright form via ProgramMaster at www.programmaster.org/metfoam2019. Log in then follow the Main Menu link "Presenter/Author Tools."
The MetFoam 2019 proceedings publication will be produced by TMS in partnership with Springer. The publication and all individual contributions will be assigned DOI numbers, and the publication will be submitted to the major indexing services. The expected publication date is February 2020, at which time all meeting attendees will have complimentary access to the proceedings in eBook format.
If you have any questions, please contact programming@programmaster.org.
For more information about this meeting, please complete the meeting inquiry form or contact: