Meeting Resources
Handling Your Materials Data for Maximum Impact Using the FAIR Data Principles

July 26-27, 2023 • Online Course

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Explore an introduction of the concepts of FAIR Data Principles for materials scientists and engineers and learn how to instruct data generators and users on how to implement these principles in their everyday handling of data in this new TMS online course.

In 2016, the GO FAIR international consortium of scientists and organizations published “FAIR Guiding Principles for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship” in the journal Scientific Data. This article outlined the need for scholarly data that is organized using the principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability. By organizing scholarly data properly, it can be more easily managed and shared, particularly through machine-aided research.

As highlighted in the TMS accelerator study, Building a Materials Data Infrastructure, adoption of these FAIR Data Principles is critical for the development of a highly impactful materials data infrastructure. This is especially relevant because (1) materials science is a data-intense field, (2) machine learning (which is centered about the use of data) grows rapidly in popularity and utility, and (3) optimizing materials data sharing and usage is critical to accelerating materials and manufacturing innovations.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the use of the FAIR Data Principles and how to apply them to materials data
  • Gain a practical working knowledge for materials data generators for how best to handle, curate, and manage materials data to allow for maximum impact and/or community uptake of data
  • Establish a working knowledge of some key data platforms available to materials data generators, as well as materials data users

Planned Modules

  • Introduction
  • Recommended Practices for Materials Data Generators: Fundamentals and Principles for Data Curation
  • Recommended Practices for Materials Data Generators: Scientific Workflow and Applications
  • Data Platforms and Tools

Who Should Take This Course

  • Anyone engaged in materials science and engineering who generates materials data or who is a materials data user. This includes researchers, engineers, and students.

For course details, visit Course Curriculum and Instructors pages.


Discount Registration Deadline:
June 20, 2023

Course Dates:
July 26-27, 2023

On-Demand Access Closes:
August 21, 2023


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Conference Sponsors and Organizers

This course is being organized by the following individuals:


  • Charles Ward (Lead Instructor), Air Force Research Laboratory (Retired)
  • Kareem Aggour, GE Research
  • David Elbert, Johns Hopkins University
  • Matthew Jacobsen, Air Force Research Laboratory
  • Brian Puchala, University of Michigan
  • Fatih Sen, Novelis
  • Logan Ward, Argonne National Laboratory

Go to the Instructors section to view bios and learn more about their research and professional experience.

For More Information

For more information about this course, please contact:

TMS Meeting Services
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Pittsburgh, PA 15237
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