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When you register to attend the 1999 EMC, your registration fee includes a subscription to Journal of Electronic Materials (JEM), for the year 2000. The journal will include manuscripts of papers presented at this conference. A complete program will be made available for all paid registrants. Those who register for one-day only may order a subscription to JEM on the registration form.
Listed below are three special issue topics of JEM scheduled with manuscript due dates shortly after the conference that might be of particular interest to conference participants. They are: "Compliant and Alternative Substrates," "Quantum Dots," and "III-V Nitrides and SiC."
There will be a special issue of JEM dedicated to recent advances in the area of compliant and alternative substrates. This special issue is scheduled for publication in July 2000. Information for authors may be found on the inside back cover of current issues of the journal. The final date for submission of manuscripts is September 10, 1999. Papers are solicited in the areas of compliant and alternative substrate design, fabrication, and modeling, as well as applications of these substrates to lattice-mismatched epitaxy and devices.
Original manuscripts with original figures suitable for reproduction, two copies of the manuscript, and a completed copyright form should be submitted to one of the following co-editors:
Matthew L. Seaford Air Force Research Lab Materials and Manufacturing Directorate 3005 P. Street, Suite 6, Building 62, Room 132 WPAFB, OH 45433-7707 Telephone (937) 656-5708 Fax (937) 656-7788 E-mail seaforml@ml.wpafb.af.mil |
Peter Moran University of Wisconsin Department of Chemical Engineering 1415 Johnson Drive Madison, WI 53706 Telephone (608) 265-6779 Fax (608) 265-8963 E-mail: pmoran@itis.com |
Thomas F. Kuech University of Wisconsin Department of Chemical Engineering 1415 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53711 Telephone (608) 263-2922 Fax (608) 265-4036 E-mail kuech@engr.wisc.edu |
Theresa Mayer Penn State University Department of Electrical Engineering 111K Electrical Engineering West University Park, PA 16802 Telephone (814) 863-8458 Fax (814) 865-7065 E-mail tsm2@psu.edu |
There will be a special issue of JEM dedicated to quantum dots. This special issue is scheduled for publication in April 2000. Information for authors may be found on the inside back cover of current issues of the journal. The final date for submission of manuscripts is September 1, 1999. Papers are solicited in areas of quantum dot formation, processing, device applications, and electrical, optical and structural characterization.
Original manuscripts with original figures suitable for reproduction, two copies of the manuscript, and a completed copyright form should be submitted to one of the co-editors at the addresses below:
Prof. Supriyo Bandyopadhayay Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588-0511 Telephone (402) 472-0294 Fax (402) 472-4732 E-mail bandy@quantum1.unl.edu |
Prof. Akio Sasaki Osaka Electro-Communication University Department of Electronics Neyagawashi 572, Japan Telephone 81-720-24-1131 Fax 81-720-24-0014 E-mail sasaki@isc.osakac.ac.jp |
Prof. Clivia M. Sotomayor-Torres Institute of Materials Science & Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Wuppertal Gauss-Strasse 20 42097 Wuppertal, GERMANY Telephone 49-202-439-2920 Fax 49-202-439-3037 E-mail clivia@uni-wuppertal.de |
Because of the rapid advances in and technical importance of SiC and III-V nitride materials and devices, there will be a special issue of JEM dedicated to these materials. This special issue is scheduled for publication in March 2000. Information for authors may be found on the inside back cover of current issues of the journal. The final date for submission of manuscripts is August 1, 1999. Papers are solicited in areas of epitaxy, processing, device applications, and electrical, optical and structural characterization. This will be the sixth such special issue in JEM. If the trend of increasing number of submissions continues, two special issues may be published, one on III-V Nitrides and one on SiC.
Original manuscripts with original figures suitable for reproduction, two copies of the manuscript, and a completed copyright form should be submitted to the appropriate co-editor:
III-V Nitride Editor: Ilesanmi Adesida Microelectronics Laboratory University of Illinois, 208 N. Wright St. Urbana, IL 61801 Telephone (217) 244-6379 Fax (217) 244-6375 E-mail adesida@capone.ccsm.uiuc.edu |
SiC Editor: Michael R. Melloch 1285 Electrical Engineering Bldg. Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-1285 Telephone (765) 494-3528 Fax (765) 494-6441 E-mail melloch@ecn.purdue.edu |
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