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The Tenth Biennial Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Workshop (OMVPE), sponsored
by the Electronic Materials Committee of The Minerals,
Metals & Materials Society (TMS), will be held at the Hilton
San Diego Resort, San Diego, California, March 11-15, 2001.
Whether in research or industry, OMVPE is a leading epitaxial-materials technology.
The Tenth OMVPE Workshop follows the tradition begun at Cornell in 1983, and
provides a forum for the exchange of recent scientific and technical knowledge.
Scientists from industry, academia and government labs are invited to participate
by presenting OMVPE-related papers. Technical sessions will cover the spectrum
from fundamental to applied OMVPE topics. Exchange is an important feature of
the workshop and the site and format have been chosen to promote informal interaction
and communication.
Vendor exhibit will be hosted in the Pavilion. Refreshments during breaks
will be served in the exhibit area. Exhibit hours are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
from 9:00am–noon, and Tuesday evening from 7:00pm–9:00pm. Exhibit space will
be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Purchase of a 10x10 booth ($1000)
includes one full Conference Registration (a $460 value), a 6’ draped table,
and four free exhibit passes. Booths will include standard electrical service,
chairs, and wastebasket.
Exhibit space may be reserved by completing the on-line
secure reservation form. If you prefer to register via fax or mail (e.g.,
in order to pay by check or money order), download, complete, and submit the
document format version of the form (readable and printable using the
Acrobat) and send it to
Cindy A. Wilson, Exhibits Coordinator
184 Thorn Hill Road
Warrendale, PA 15086
Phone: 724-776-9000, ext. 231
Fax: 724-776-3770
E-mail: wilson@tms.org
Note: Extended coffee breaks will be held in the Exhibit Area.
The following companies have reserved space to participate in the trade Exhibition being held during the Workshop as of February 20, 2001:
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