International Symposium on Superalloys 718, 625, 706 and Derivatives

INT'L SYMPOSIUM ON SUPERALLOYS 718, 625, 706 and DERIVATIVES • October 2-5, 2005 • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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  • Electronic Final Manuscripts Due to TMS
    June 17, 2005
  • Welcoming Reception
    October 2, 2005

At this early date, these deadlines may be delayed marginally. Also, there will be authors who will still submit their papers for the Symposium Proceedings via a typed manuscript that follows the same format printed in the previous five symposium volumes.

Welcome to the 6th International Superalloys Symposium

Devoted exclusively to superalloys 718, 625, and 706, this symposium will provide state-of-the-art knowledge to complement the five previous meetings, which resulted in five published volumes acknowledged as the single source reference on progress and problems in superalloys from 1989 to 2001.

The three-day technical program is planned from Monday, October 3rd through Wednesday, October 5th. The symposia will cover all aspects of the production behavior, metallurgical performance, and worldwide developments on the theory, technology and application of our three most widely used superalloys and derivatives—Superalloys 718, 625, and 706.

The event begins with a Welcoming Reception/Mixer on Sunday evening, October 2 at 6:30 PM, which includes the following two invited overviews;

Make plans to join this exciting sypomsium and register today.


The following organizations are meeting co-sponsors:

NACE Intl Nickel Institute
ASM International


The information on this page is maintained by the TMS Meetings Department (