Handling Your Materials Data for Maximum Impact Using the FAIR Data Principles

Course Cancelled
This course has been cancelled and will not be held at TMS Specialty Congress 2024.

The Handling Your Materials Data for Maximum Impact Using the FAIR Data Principles course will be offered on Sunday, June 16, 2024, in coordination with the TMS Specialty Congress 2024 at the Cleveland Hilton in Cleveland, Ohio. Expert instructors will provide an introduction to the concepts of the FAIR Data Principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) for materials scientists and engineers and instruct data generators and users on how to implement these principles in their everyday handling of data to maximize their data impact.

Who Should Attend?

Data generators and data users, as well as managers, leaders, and/or supporters of such efforts interested in maximizing the impact of materials and manufacturing related data should attend.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the use of the FAIR Data Principles and how to apply them to materials data
  • Gain a practical working knowledge for materials data generators for how best to handle, curate, and manage materials and manufacturing related data to allow for maximum impact and/or community uptake of the data
  • Establish a working knowledge of some key data platforms available to materials data generators, as well as materials data users


Charles Ward (Lead Instructor)

Retired, Air Force Research Laboratory
Editor-in-Chief, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation

David Elbert

Faculty Research Scientist, Johns Hopkins University

Matthew Jacobsen

Software Engineering Technical Lead, Air Force Research Laboratory

Registration Rates

Registering As Advance Registration Rate
(On or Before April 30)
Standard Registration Rate
(After April 30)
Professional $450 $495
Student $225 $275