Registration fee includes technical sessions, welcome reception, continental breakfast (Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday), refreshment breaks, poster reception, and a ticket to one luncheon of your choice.
Presenters are required to register before the advance registration deadline for the Specialty Congress. We require this to secure commitment from presenters that they plan to travel to and attend the Congress in person to deliver their oral or poster presentation. Cancellations and no shows disrupt the program and detract from the quality of the event. If a change in travel plans occurs, we urge presenters to identify a substitute who can attend and present in their place. TMS can transfer the existing registration to the substitute attendee. If a registrant must cancel, TMS must be notified via email before the advance registration deadline of April 30, 2025, to receive a refund.
Please take a moment to view the “My Account” information in your user profile to ensure that your name – including your preferred name for your in-person event badge – and affiliation appear correctly in our records. You may make any updates necessary.
Student Rate: Must be a full-time graduate or undergraduate student; a copy of student school identification card is required; nonmember students should send a copy of their student ID to to receive the student registration rate. Note: Material Advantage membership is not included in Student Nonmember Registration.
Professional nonmember registrants are eligible to receive complimentary TMS membership through 12/31/2025. Instructions for accessing membership will be provided via email following registration.
REFUND POLICY: Written requests must arrive at TMS no later than April 30, 2025. No refunds will be issued after April 30, 2025. A $130 processing fee is charged for all cancellations.
By registering for this meeting, attendees accept the terms of the TMS Privacy Policy and acknowledge that they may be photographed and/or recorded by TMS for promotional purposes while at events as described in the TMS Meeting Policies. Registrants and their guests also agree to abide by the TMS Anti-Harassment Policy, TMS Meetings Code of Conduct, and TMS Meeting Policies. For additional information on policies related to TMS events, visit