Four of the TMS technical divisions will honor distinguished members at honorary symposia held during TMS2018. These symposia are open to all TMS2018 attendees.
Coupling Advanced Characterization and Modeling Tools for Understanding Fundamental Phase Transformation Mechanisms: A Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division Symposium in Honor of Hamish Fraser
Symposium Organizers: Gregory B Thompson, University of Alabama; Sudarsanam S. Babu, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville: Peter Collins, Iowa State University; Soumya Nag, GE Global Research; Rajarshi Banerjee, University of North Texas
In celebration of Professor Hamish Fraser’s 70th birthday and his career-long achievements in the fields of phase transformations, microstructure-structure property relationships, and advanced electron microscopy, this symposium will bring together experts in each area to address current and developing topics in these respective fields. This symposium of invited talks will cover a broad spectrum of available advanced characterization and modeling tools that are being employed for addressing fundamental phase transformation mechanisms. The symposium will have dedicated sessions that emphasize phase transformations in non-ferrous alloys, such as titanium-based alloys and intermetallics, areas in which Fraser has made pioneering contributions. Other sessions will address phase transformation issues at different length scales, both in bulk and in nanostructured materials, and the use of advanced electron microscopy to reveal the underlying mechanisms of phase stability and transformation pathways in these materials.
Sponsored by the TMS Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division, the TMS Phase Transformations Committee and the TMS Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Committee.
Magnesium Alloy Development: A Light Metals Division Symposium in Honor of Karl Kainer
Symposium Organizers: Norbert Hort, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht; Alan A. Luo, The Ohio State University
Magnesium alloys play a key role as lightweight materials for automotive, aerospace, 3C industries and even as a biodegradable material for medical implants. However, each of these areas of applications has its own requirements on the property profile. Therefore the alloys have to be designed according to the required property profile. This has to cover the influence of alloys e.g. on mechanical properties, corrosion behavior, deformability etc. but also on processing steps. Additionally there is a need in prediction performance of alloys and to validate this with appropriate computational approaches. The scope of this symposium includes the description of magnesium alloy design from the selection of alloying elements, processing steps towards selected applications, the performance of alloys during service and how they get recycled. These real-life approaches will be accompanied by modelling and simulation approaches to predict the microstructure and properties.
Sponsored by the TMS Light Metals Division and the TMS Magnesium Committee.
Mechanical Characteristics and Application Properties of Metals and Non-metals for Technology: An Extraction & Processing Division Symposium in Honor of Donato Firrao
Symposium Organizers: Shadia Jamil Ikhmayies, Al Isra University; Jiann-Yang Hwang, Michigan Technological University; Bowen Li, Michigan Technological University; Pasquale Russo Spena, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
This symposium will concentrate on physical and mechanical metallurgy and surface heat treatments, aircraft accidents, fractures, and failure analysis. It will focus on materials for technological applications—such as metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, and amorphous—and on mechanical characteristics and application properties of metals and nonmetals usually employed in technology. Bulk and surface transformations due to thermal and thermochemical treatments applied to steels, cast irons, aluminum, and copper alloys will be of interest. Sessions will be devoted to standard and non-destructive testing methods on materials.
Topics to be covered will include:
- Fe-C stable and metastable phase diagrams
- Technological performance of materials in various uses.
- Materials structural modifications in their fabrication cycle.
- Corrosion, corrosion-fatigue, metal fatigue, and high cycles fatigue (HCF)
Sponsored by the TMS Extraction & Processing Division and the TMS Materials Characterization Committee.
Metal-Matrix Composites Innovations, Advances and Applications: An SMD Symposium in Honor of William C. Harrigan, Jr.
Symposium Organizers: Srivatsan S. Tirumalai, The University of Akron; Yuzheng Zhang, Gamma Alloys; William Harrigan, Gamma Technology, LLC
This symposium is being held in honor of Dr. William C. Harrigan, Jr., to bring to light his outstanding contributions resulting from dedicated, diligent, and dynamic contributions in the domains spanning processing, characterization, property evaluation, failure analysis, applications, and large-scale commercialization. This inter-disciplinary symposium will bring together developments from the onset of initiation to current state-of-the-art on all aspects related to the processing, fabrication, characterization, mechanical property evaluation, failure analysis, and potentially viable choice for both existing and emerging applications. The family of composites span the entire spectrum of metals including the intermetallics. This symposium will serve as a forum for presenting advances on aspects both related and relevant to materials processing, fabrication, characterization, quantification, both by way of properties and failure, by both researchers and engineers working in industry, national research laboratories, and academia. Invited papers from leading-edge academic and industrial research settings will provide a lucid and comprehensive overview of the current status and potential future directions for both research and applications. Contributed papers cover specific problems in the same areas, with topics including metals and metal-matrix composites, nano-metal based composites, and intermetallic-based composites.
Sponsored by the TMS Structural Materials Division and the TMS Composite Materials Committee.