Division Luncheon Lectures
Because the following events include a catered lunch, there is a $40 cost to attend. Tickets can be purchased through the TMS2019 Meeting Registration form.
Structural Materials Division Luncheon
Speaker: Stephen M. Foiles, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Lecture Title: "Molecular Dynamics: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Date: Monday, March 11, 2019
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Location: Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Lonestar Ballroom A
Cost: $40 (Tickets can be purchased through the Meeting Registration form)
About the Presentation
Molecular dynamics (MD), which follows the classical motion of individual atoms, has become a widely used tool in computational materials science employed to predict a wide range of materials properties and fundamental atomic-scale mechanisms. The great power of MD is that the atoms move in response to their mutual interactions and the external driving forces and the system evolves as the dynamics dictate. No assumptions about underlying mechanisms need to be made; the underlying mechanisms are predicted. Some of the achievements of this approach will be highlighted. However, those wielding this powerful tool have a great responsibility to understand how closely the simulated system actually corresponds to real materials. This uncertainty quantification (UQ) is a very challenging problem because MD is based on a number of underlying approximations including the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, the representation of a material with a mere few million atoms evolving for a few nanoseconds and the uncontrolled approximations inherent in describing the interatomic interactions to name but a few. UQ for MD is a largely ignored field, but one that needs to be addressed if MD is to evolve beyond a qualitative tool to a predictive tool that can impact material design and qualification. Some initial ideas to tackle this problem will be presented along with a discussion of some of the major hurdles ahead.
About the Speaker
Stephen Foiles received a B.S. in Physics from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Cornell University under Professor Neil Ashcroft. He has spent his professional career at Sandia National Laboratories, first at the California site and later in New Mexico where he is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in computational materials science. His research has focused on the application and development of atomic-scale simulation methods, most notably molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods. He has applied these methods to the study of structure, thermodynamics, and dynamics of defects in metals and semiconductors. A particular emphasis of this work has been on the properties of grain boundaries and other internal interfaces. Recently, this work has focused on the variability of interfacial properties both with geometric degrees of freedom as well as external conditions such as temperature and alloy composition. He is a co-recipient of the 2016 Journal of Materials Science Cahn Prize and the TMS Cyril Stanley Smith Award. He has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and the American Physical Society.
Extraction & Processing Division/Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division Luncheon
Speaker: Toru H. Okabe, University of Tokyo, Japan
Lecture Title: "Recycling Precious Metals and Rare Metals from Scraps"
Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Time: Noon to 2:00 p.m.
Location: Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Lonestar Ballroom A
Cost: $40 (Tickets can be purchased through the Meeting Registration form)
About the Presentation
In this talk, the current status of recycling of precious metals and rare metals (or critical metals) will be reviewed, and the related processing technologies will be introduced. Specifically, recent research on the recycling of titanium, rhenium, and some precious metals from scraps will be introduced. The possibility of next-generation recycling technologies of critical metals will also be discussed from a multilateral perspective. Further, recent progress in the refining and recycling processes of titanium and other rare metals will be introduced. If time permits, possible applications of recycling techniques, especially for titanium and precious metal recycling, in practical industrial processes will also be discussed.
About the Speaker
Toru H. Okabe is a Professor and the Deputy Director of the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo (Japan), the Director of the Integrated Research Center for Sustainable Energy and Materials, and a Professor of the Graduate School of Arts and Science. He earned his doctoral degree from Kyoto University (Japan) in 1993.
Okabe specializes in materials science, environmental science, resources circulation engineering, and rare metals process engineering. For more than 30 years, he has consistently pursued research on refining/recycling “rare metals” or “specialty metals” or “less-common metals.” He has also been developing a new processing technology for future materials, such as titanium, with the ultimate goal of realizing proceeding technology that changes rare metals to common metals. Recently, in addition to research on innovative production technology, he has been working on a new recycling and environmental technology of rare metals, such as niobium, tantalum, scandium, tungsten, rhenium, and precious metals.
He was recently granted the 13th Honda Frontier Prize (Honda-Frontier-shou, May 2016) from the Honda Memorial Foundation, the 86th Hoko Prize (Hattori-Hoko-Shou, October 2016) from the Hattori Hokokai Foundation, and the 2016 Molten Salt Award (Yoyuen-shou, January 2017) from the Molten Salt Committee, The Electrochemical Society of Japan, etc.
Light Metals Division Luncheon
Speaker: Kevin Anderson, Mercury Marine, USA
Lecture Title: "Technological Advancements in the Secondary Aluminum Industry"
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Time: Noon to 2:00 p.m.
Location: Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Lonestar Ballroom A
Cost: $40 (Tickets can be purchased through the Meeting Registration form)
About the Speaker
Kevin Anderson is currently a Senior Technical Fellow for Brunswick Corporation in the Mercury Marine Division in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin. He is a member of The National Academy of Engineering for his work on sustainable aluminum alloy design and is a Fellow of ASM. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in metallurgical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign. Anderson was a leader of aircraft materials and physical metallurgy at Reynolds Aluminum Research. He is an inventor of high damage tolerant diecasting alloys that are made from 100% recycled aluminum and are registered with the Aluminum Association. In addition to receiving several important industrial awards for his work, Anderson holds more than 30 U.S. patents, with the vast majority successfully in production. He has taught aluminum metallurgy on an international level since 1999, been the past chairman of the Advanced Casting Research Consortium at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the Materials Innovation Committee of TMS, and is a member of the Grainger Institute for Engineering Advisory Board at the University of Wisconsin.
About the Presentation
Our world will continue to need primary aluminum for years to come. However, particularly in economies that have a long history of aluminum products, secondary aluminum is playing an increasing role. In fact, since 2001, secondary aluminum production in the United States surpassed primary aluminum production with many positive benefits such as lower cost, energy savings, and environmental stewardship. There are numerous high-level and plant-floor themes that drive technological advancement in the secondary aluminum industry. These include, but are not limited to, environmental protection, cost reduction, energy savings, product lifecycle management of aluminum intensive structures, improved mechanical properties, improved metal cleanliness, accurate scrap sortation, scrap stream management, accurate and rapid chemical composition determination, and improved process understanding through data science. During the presentation, Anderson will highlight numerous production relevant technologies that have been either adapted from other industries or developed within the industry to address these themes and continue the advancement of the secondary aluminum industry.
Award Lectures
Extraction & Processing Division Distinguished Lecturer
Speaker: Sridhar Seetharaman, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Lecture Title: "The Importance of Transient Phenomena in Metallurgical Processes"
Date: Monday, March 11, 2019
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 8:55 a.m.
Location: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 213B
About the Presentation
Metallurgical processes undergo a transient trajectory towards equilibration, and the specifics of this can often have an influence on the outcome on the rate of a reaction, resulting micro-structure, or yield. The transient trajectory can be influenced by factors such as impurities in raw materials, thermal history, and evolving reaction areas. This talk will review examples from slag/metal reactions, precipitations in the melt, and oxidization of cases wherein studies of the details of transient trajectory paths reveal useful information on how metallurgical processes can be affected.
About the Speaker
Sridhar Seetharaman is professor and associate vice president for research in the College of Applied Science and Engineering at Colorado School of Mines. He served, most recently, with the U.S. Department of Energy as a Senior Technical Advisor as an EWQ (merit-based Exceptionally Well Qualified Candidate) and was responsible for Clean Water and Next Generation Electric Machines. He was until 2016 the Tata Steel/RAEng Joint Chair for Research Into Low Carbon Materials Technology and Director of Materials strategy for the HMV Catapult at WMG . Prior to that, he was the POSCO Professor at Carnegie Mellon University and the co-director of the Industry-University Consortium, Center for Iron and Steelmaking Research (CISR). He was also an NETL Faculty Fellow working on materials for fossil fuel power. He is a visiting Professor at USTB in China (sponsored by SAFEA’s top overseas scholar) and honorary professor at the University of Warwick. His research and teaching interests lie in Materials for Clean Energy Processes and Materials Processing through Clean Energy.
He is the editor for AIST Transactions and an associate editor for Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A and B. He is also on the International Advisory Board for Steel Research International and ISIJ International. He received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his undergraduate degree from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden.
William Hume-Rothery Award
Speaker: Mark D. Asta, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Lecture Title: "Order within Disordered Materials – Insights into the Nature and Impact of Short-Range Order in Concentrated Solid Solutions"
Date: Monday, March 11, 2019
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 8:40 a.m.
Location: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 304B
About the Presentation
Atomistic simulation methods have led to a range of fundamental insights into structure-property relations in configurationally disordered materials, and have become an indispensable tool in computationally accelerated materials design. This talk will provide a brief overview of the general approaches underlying such calculations, highlighting their application in the modeling of properties of concentrated alloy solid solutions. A specific focus will be on the role of short-range order (SRO) - a structural characteristic of solid solutions that has gained renewed attention in the context of multi-principal element alloys, due to its potential impact on stability and mechanical behavior. Insights into the nature of SRO in oxide and metal solid solutions is discussed, as well as its relevance in the context of properties ranging from radiation effects to mechanical deformation. The characteristics of SRO derived from computational simulation are compared to recent experimental observations employing modern characterization tools capable of probing local structure.
About the Speaker
Mark Asta is Arthur C. and Phyllis G. Oppenheimer Professor in Advanced Materials Analysis in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, and Materials Sciences Division Director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Asta received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1993. He subsequently joined Sandia National Laboratories, where he was a postdoctoral researcher and then senior member of technical staff. In 2000, he joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University, as an Associate Professor, receiving tenure in 2003. In 2005 he moved to the University of California, Davis, as a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, where he became Vice Chair in 2008. In 2010 he joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley (serving as department chair from 2012 to 2018), with a faculty scientist appointment at LBNL.
Asta’s research is in the field of computational materials science, and focuses on the development and application of atomistic and first-principles methods for simulating thermodynamic and kinetic properties of bulk materials, surfaces, and interfaces, and for computationally-guided discovery and design of materials for structural and energy-related applications. He served as a member of the National Science Foundation’s Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure and as a member of the scientific advisory boards for the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, for the University of Wisconsin MRSEC, and for the University of Illinois Materials Research Laboratory. He was a member of the Executive Committee for the University Materials Council (the organization of Materials Science and Engineering Department Chairs in North America) from 2013 to 2017, and served as its chair in 2016. He currently serves as a member of the Joint Lawrence Livermore National Security LLC and Los Alamos National Security LLC Science and Technology Committee. Asta was awarded ASM International's Materials Research Silver Medal Award in 2002, Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2010, and the TMS Functional Materials Division Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award in 2013.
Institute of Metals/Robert Franklin Mehl Award
Speaker: Hael Mughrabi, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Lecture Title: "Revisiting ‘Steady-State’ Monotonic and Cyclic Deformation: Emphasizing the Quasi -Stationary State of Deformation"
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Time: 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Location: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 303C
About the Presentation
High-temperature creep, cyclic deformation in saturation, and a number of technologically important processes are typical examples of so-called "steady-state" deformation. In these cases, it is usually assumed that the deformation-induced microstructure undergoes no further changes. However, clear evidence shows that non-negligible microstructural changes occur in steady-state high-temperature creep and in cyclic saturation. Thus, "steady-state" deformation is actually a quasi-stationary deformation.
A deeper analysis reveals a persistent slight increase of the dislocation density, due mainly to geometrically necessary dislocations in the subgrain boundaries which transform gradually into sharper boundaries with higher misorientations. The analysis clarifies, as a byproduct, specific effects which arise from the increasing heterogeneity of the dislocation pattern. Thus, a marked decrease of the arrangement factor "alpha" in the Taylor flow-stress is noted, as predicted by the so-called composite model. This effect is compensated partially by the increase of the dislocation density. Thus the flow stress remains rather insensitive to subtle microstructural changes.
About the Speaker
Hael Mughrabi received his Ph.D. in physics from Stuttgart University, Germany, in 1970. Until 1983, he was a senior researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute of Metal Research in Stuttgart, where he performed research in the fields of crystal defects and crystal plasticity. In 1978/79, he was a visiting professor at Cornell University. He was appointed a professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Director of the Institute of General Materials Properties at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in 1984, where he then held positions as Department Head and Dean of the School of Engineering. Since his retirement as a professor emeritus in 2002, he has remained active in different ways.
Mughrabi has published more than 300 papers/book chapters in the fields of crystal plasticity, materials characterization, internal stresses, metal fatigue, mechanical properties of high-temperature and ultrafine-grained materials. He has been editor/co-editor of several books/journals and conference proceedings. His work was acknowledged in ISI Highly Cited Researchers. He has been a frequent plenary/keynote speaker. He is a member of several professional societies. He was honored by an Honorary Symposium at the TMS 2008 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, elected to Honorary Membership of the German Materials Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, DGM) and received several national/international awards, including the highest award of DGM, the Heyn-Denkmünze, and an honorary doctoral degree from the Ruhr-University in Bochum.
Young Professional Tutorial Luncheon Lecture
Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Luncheon: Noon to 12:45 p.m. (Tickets can be purchased through the Meeting Registration form)
Lectures: 12:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (No tickets required)
Location: Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Lonestar Ballroom C
Speaker: Elsa Olivetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lecture Title:"Data Mining to Guide Synthesis Towards Resource-Effective Materials, Processes, and Systems"
About the Presentation
Advances in computational materials design have enabled rapid screening for desirable properties of both real and virtual compounds. However, the pace of commercially‐realized advanced materials is still limited by trial‐and‐error synthesis techniques. The goal of this research project is to advance computational learning around materials synthesis approaches by creating a predictive synthesis system for advanced materials design and processing. To date we have automated extraction of recipes from over 1.2 million published scientific articles through body text extraction, focused on synthesis of inorganic materials using primarily machine learning approaches. We have performed text and data mining with deep learning techniques including recurrent and convolutional neural network approaches that enable comprehensive search across all materials and types of synthesis. Examples demonstrating the value of this dataset for informing synthesis will be presented including for titania nanostructures, MnO2 polymorphs, and even the possibility of new synthesis parameter generation. These approaches may also be coupled with techno‐economic models of manufacturing processes to learn how new materials development may scale from laboratory to implementation.
Speaker: Ashley D. Spear, University of Utah
Lecture Title: "Data-Driven Materials Science: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities"
About the Presentation
Thanks to rapidly expanding capabilities in manufacturing, materials characterization, and computational modeling, the materials community has begun to gain unprecedented access to multi-dimensional and multi-resolution data that can, at times, seem unwieldy to manage, process, and analyze. With access to such large and rich data comes a wonderful opportunity to combine materials science with computer and data science. This lecture will present some recent success stories from the community on the use of data-driven approaches to unveil, or even predict, material phenomena through the use of image-processing algorithms, multi-dimensional correlation analyses, machine learning, and more. In the context of these success stories, the lecture will highlight some of the challenges associated with data-driven approaches, as well as opportunities to leverage such approaches to continue to improve our understanding of and ability to predict complex material behavior.
About the Speaker
Ashley Spear directs the Multiscale Mechanics & Materials Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah, where her group specializes in 3D deformation, fatigue, and fracture in polycrystalline alloys. Spear received her B.S. in Architectural Engineering from the University of Wyoming and her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Cornell University. She has received numerous teaching awards, the Young Investigator Award from the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the Faculty Early Career Award from the National Science Foundation. Spear has been actively involved with TMS since 2011.
Japan Institute of Metals International Scholar
Speaker: Sakiko Kawanishi, Tohoku University, Japan
Lecture Title: "An Approach for Solubility Measurement of SiC in Molten Silicon and its Alloy by Real-Time Interference Observation"
Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: Henry B. González Convention Center, Room 302B
About the Presentation
Solubility of a component in molten metals and alloys is one of the important materials properties for various applications. In this study, solubility measurement in molten metal at high temperature was performed by dissolving target crystals under a real-time imaging of interference patterns of the crystal. An optical microscope equipped with a heating chamber was used for the observation. The dissolved amount of the crystal was measured in real-time from the evolution of the He-Ne laser interference patterns, used to track the liquid/SiC interface. Temperature dependence of SiC solubility in molten silicon was evaluated up to 1873 K. Solubility of SiC in Fe-36 mol% Si at 1573 K was also assessed. Both measurements, ranging from 0.007 to 0.5 mol% of carbon, reproduced the reported solubilities. The technique can be applied for various systems. Details of observation technique and evaluated results will be presented.
About the Speaker
Sakiko Kawanishi is an assistant professor with the Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM) at Tohoku University, Japan. She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Osaka University and earned her doctor of engineering at the University of Tokyo. Prior to her current position, she worked as a researcher at the Steel Research Laboratory and as a post-doc at the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo.