Effective Business Improvement Methodologies for the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Industries

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Henry B. González Convention Center, Room 303B
Barry A. Sadler, Net Carbon Consulting Pty Ltd; Eric D. Schmidt, Vallourec Star; Robert W. Hyers, University of Massachusetts

The minerals, metals, and materials industries have used a proliferation of methodologies for business improvement over the past 20 years or so. These have included Six Sigma in various forms, Lean manufacturing principles, Six Sigma and Lean combined, Theory of Constraints, statistical process control and derivations such as "in control and capable", continuous improvement, Kaizen, total quality management, total quality control, and so on. More recently, approaches such as big data analysis or analytics have been applied.

In this session, invited speakers will review the different approaches taken for business improvement in the minerals, metals, and materials industries and share best practices. The session will conclude with a panel discussion involving the speakers.

Featured Speakers:

Adrian Deneys, Praxair, Inc.
Presentation Title: "Business Development Strategies and Approaches in Minerals, Metals and Materials—an Industrial Gas Supplier’s Perspective"

Cynthia K. Belt, Metals Energy Management LLC
Presentation Title: "Case Studies of Continuous Improvement Projects in the Metals Industry"

Keith A. Sinclair, Sinclair Associates
Presentation Title: "Process Stability – the Key to Improvement in Mining, Smelting and Process Industries"

Nicholas E. Cherolis, Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants
Presentation Title: "The Value of Investigating and Trending Minor Failures to Prevent Major Incidents"