An Investment in People

Contribute Now

The TMS Foundation supports students and early career professionals with meaningful financial assistance and impactful career-building experiences.

The TMS Foundation is focused on creating opportunities for students and professionals to develop their careers and foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the STEM community. This is an investment in people through education, networking, and professional growth to ensure leadership in the minerals, metals and materials profession and leadership in the world.

Our focus:
  • To strengthen and expand efforts to provide materials scientists and engineers with the skills that will help them become leaders in our industry
  • To address family care challenges as a roadblock to active professional engagement
  • To advance academic opportunities for exceptional students

If you believe in the importance of our work to promote the global science and engineering professions in minerals, metals, and materials, join us! Your support will help ensure the future excellence of our field by fostering new ideas, experiences and perspectives to our work and our community. Thank you!

Individual Contributions

Make a personal gift to the Foundation in one of three ways:


Donate online
with our easy-to-use Contribution Form.


Send a check,
payable to the TMS Foundation, to TMS headquarters: 

TMS Foundation
5700 Corporate Drive Suite 750
Pittsburgh, PA 15237


Donate by Phone
Contact TMS Foundation staff directly to discuss donation options:


Multi-Year Pledge

Your pledge is a promise for the future—by spreading your donation out over several years, you can help ensure that the TMS Foundation is a stable source of support for the next generation of minerals, metals, and materials scientists and engineers. By committing to a multi-year pledge option, you can make a larger gift to the TMS Foundation at a more comfortable pace for your budget.

To make a pledge, fill out the Multi-Year Pledge form and send it back to the TMS Foundation at or 5700 Corporate Drive Suite 750, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. TMS Foundation staff will be in touch to confirm receipt of your form.

Employer Match

Employer match programs are an easy way to increase the impact of your charitable giving, at no additional cost to you. Check with your organization’s human resources department about the availability of matching gifts, payroll deduction, or other donation options at your workplace. The TMS Foundation is a qualified 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and donations are deductible to the full extent of the law in the United States. Questions regarding contributions should be referred to your tax advisor. The following information is generally all you will need to register for employer match:

Listing:  The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society 
 Employer Identification Number (EIN):  25-1484913
 Address:  5700 Corporate Drive Suite 750
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
 Telephone:  1–724776–9000

Honor a Colleague or Mentor

Are you looking for a way to honor a colleague who has devoted their time, talents, and resources to advancing minerals, metals, and materials? Consider a gift in their name to the TMS Foundation. Because the Foundation nurtures future leaders of science and engineering, a gift to the Foundation in honor of a retiring colleague or in memory of an influential mentor ensures that their work will be continued by future generations.

You can easily identify your contribution as a tribute through the online Contribution Form. A special tribute card will be sent to your designated recipient.

Leave a Legacy

Minerals, metals and materials scientists and engineers are changing the world. By investing in our people with education, collaboration, and a diverse workforce, we can ensure continuing innovation and transformation. Making a legacy gift to the TMS Foundation honors your commitment to strengthening the field, now and for future generations. Click here to learn more or download our Smarter Ways to Give brochure.

If you have questions or need more information about legacy giving, please e-mail TMS Foundation staff or call 1-724-776-9000.

Please consult a legal or tax advisor to understand the best legacy plan for your personal situation.

Endow an Award or Program

Endowments, which typically fund an award or scholarship, may be established and named in accordance with a donor’s wishes through a substantial gift according to the TMS Foundation’s operational procedures. Funding is required prior to the award or scholarship being promoted. Endowments provide constant sources of income for programs and are governed by the TMS Foundations operational procedures and donor’s intentions.

A new award application that includes a funding plan can be found in the Propose a New Award section of the TMS Honors & Awards website.


For questions on any of the donation options listed above, or to discuss your donation personally, please e-mail TMS Foundation staff or call 1-724-776-9000.