Meeting Resources

Industrial Aluminum Electrolysis Course 2024 (IAE 2024): Advancing Aluminum Production

Enabling a Better Understanding of Constraints, Opportunities, and Practices for Improving Cell Design, Productivity, Energy Efficiencies, and Decarbonization

December 1–6, 2024 • Sydney, Australia

Facility Tour

Tour Location

Tomago Aluminium
38 Tomago Road
Tomago NSW 2322, Australia
Phone Number: +61 2 4966 9669

About the Tour Location

Tomago Aluminium is Australia’s largest aluminum smelter and has been operating 24 hours a day since 1983. The company contributes $2.2 billion annually to the Australian economy, of which $800 million is spent locally. The smelter produces 590,000 tons of aluminum every year, which is 37% of Australia’s primary aluminum. 90% of the product made at Tomago is exported to the Asia-Pacific region.

Tomago Aluminium is an independently managed joint venture. Joint Venture partners are Rio Tinto, Gove Aluminium Finance, and Norsk Hydro. The owners provide raw materials to Tomago that are converted to aluminum at the Tomago plant. The product is supplied back to the owners who then take it to market.

Tomago employs 1000+ staff (full time equivalent) as well as 200 contractors. The staff are drawn from a significant geographic area throughout the Hunter Valley and Central Coast travelling from as far as 100km south, 80km north, and 50km west of the plant.

Aluminum is increasingly becoming the world’s metal of choice as it is sustainable for environmentally conscious economies. It is also versatile and is used in the production of cars, planes, homes, sporting equipment, and so much more. It is Australia’s fifth largest export commodity.

Click an image below for a larger version.

Photos courtesy of Tomago Aluminium.

Safety Measures

All attendees must wear enclosed shoes and long pants that can be pulled over the top of boots.

Additionally, participants should bring the following items:

  • Overcoat
  • Safety Boots
  • Gloves
  • Glasses/Over Glasses
  • P2 Mask

Tomago Aluminium will provide Hard Hats.

Attendees using medical implants or a pacemaker, please advise TMS staff in advance so that we can ask the Tomago team to contact you for additional information.