Meeting Resources

The 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity

July 25-30, 2021 • Virtual Event

Technical Program

Final Program

The 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2021) is dedicated to convening the breadth of the metal forming community to share their latest improvements and innovations in all aspects of metal forming science and technology. The heart of the ICTP conference series is the technical contributions from scientists and engineers across industry, academia, and government.

Keynote Speakers

Global Issues
Matthias Kleiner, Leibniz Association (Germany)
Presentation Title: Innovations Through Collaborative Research
Sudarsanam Babu, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (USA)
Presentation Title: NSB's Vision 2030: Fostering Global Community of Science and Engineering
Pierre-Olivier Bouchard, Mines ParisTech (France)
Presentation Title: Numerical Modeling of Ductile Damage during Metal Forming: State of the Art and Future Challenges
Oana Cazacu, University of Florida-REEF (USA)
Presentation Title: Recent Advances on Modeling Plastic Deformation of Textured Metals with Applications to Metal Forming
Irene Beyerlein, University of California, Santa Barbara (USA)
Presentation Title: Using Plasticity for Making High-Performance Nanostructured Composites
Christopher Schuh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
Presentation Title: The Fundamentals of Microparticle Impact Bonding in Metals, Alloys, and Advanced Materials
Jun Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai (China)
Presentation Title: Recent Investigations on Incremental Sheet Forming: From Fundamentals to Industrial Application Technologies
Takashi Kuboki, University of Electro-Communications (Japan)
Presentation Title: Tube Forming and Fabricating Technologies for Contributing Society by Tackling Problems of Environment and Aging Population

Honorary Symposia

Below are several distinguished individuals whose careers will be honored at this ICTP through symposia and other recognition in the programming. Please contact the key organizer listed below for additional details.

Proposed Honorary Symposia

Taylan Altan, The Ohio State University, (USA)
Key Organizer: Eren Billur, Billur Metal Form, (Turkey)

Betz Avitzur, Lehigh University, (USA)
Key Organizer: Wojciech Misiolek, Lehigh University (USA)

Niels Bay, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
Key Organizer: Paulo Martins, University of Lisbon (Portugal)

Xue Yu Ruan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)
Key Organizer: Jun Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)

Yasuhisa Tozawa, Nagoya University (Japan)
Key Organizers: Takashi Ishikawa, Chubu University (Japan)
Yoshinori Yoshida, Gifu University (Japan)

Rob Wagoner, The Ohio State University (USA)
Key Organizer: Hojun Lim, Sandia National Laboratories (USA)

Zhongren Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology (China)
Key Organizers: Shijian Yuan, Harbin Institute of Technology (China)
Gang Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology (China)

ICTP 2021 Awards

Abstract Submissions

The 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity was originally planned for July 2020 and is now set for July 2021, due to the global impact of COVID-19. A call for abstracts reopened for the 2021 event, but the abstract submission deadline has passed. If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, send an e-mail to TMS Programming Staff.

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