TMS Best Paper Contest - Graduate

Students are encouraged to submit essays on global or national issues as well as technical research papers, relating to any field of metallurgy or materials science. Students should display original thought and creativity in the development of the essays, which should include a comprehensive bibliography on which the paper is based.

To enable recipients to receive the award in person at the TMS annual meeting, $250 is available to offset travel expenses. Award recipients must travel to and attend the conference in order to receive the travel funds associated with this award.

Funding for this scholarship is provided by the TMS Foundation.


  1. The applicant must be a student member of Material Advantage and/or TMS Graduate Student Program.
  2. Applicants must be a current graduate student enrolled full time in a metallurgical/materials science engineering program at a qualified college or university.
  3. Papers must be unpublished as of the submission deadline date
  4. Only one paper contest entry per student is accepted
  5. Papers should be of a technical/research nature and may deal with any of the following disciplines:
    1. Physical and mechanical metallurgy
    2. Extractive and process metallurgy
    3. Materials science
  6. The paper should be prepared by one author. It should be the original work of that author as far as possible. If a faculty member is listed as co-author, have them submit a letter confirming that the applicant is the primary author.
  7. Papers must be written in English, utilizing good communication skills.
  8. The paper should be neither less than 2,000 nor more than 4,000 words.

How to Apply

Submission Deadline:
March 15 of each year.

Please submit online your application, paper, and letter from a faculty member if needed.

Paper and e-mailed applications and letters will not be accepted.

Current Year Awardee(s)

2025 TMS Best Paper Contest - Graduate - 1st Place
Hugh Shortt
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2025 TMS Best Paper Contest - Graduate - 2nd Place
Olajesu Olanrewaju
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Past Years Awardees

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