Young Leaders International Scholar - FEMS

The Japan Institute of Metals (JIM) and the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) established joint Young Leaders International Scholar Programs with TMS to promote young member activities and strengthen the collaborations between TMS and these two international societies. These collaborations have resulted in exchange programs, which offer select young members the opportunity to present papers at international sessions.

TMS, FEMS, and JIM identify one or more young leaders to travel to the other organization's meeting to present a paper. The chosen International Scholars also spend a few days visiting select industrial facilities, research labs, or universities. On their return, they are required to write an article about their experiences for their host organization's publication. The host organization supports the scholars, in part, during their stay overseas with complimentary meeting registration and financial/non-financial assistance as necessary. FEMS holds a five-day EUROMAT Conference every two years in September with presentations of about 2,000 papers in total. In the even years, FEMS holds a five-day Junior EUROMAT in July in Lausanne with presentations of about 350 papers. The TMS scholar to FEMS will attend the Euromat meeting in odd-numbered years. Award recipients must travel to and attend the conference in order to receive the travel funds associated with this award.

Recipients are chosen by the members of the TMS Membership Diversity & Development Committee.

This award is funded by/through the TMS Foundation.


  1. Must be a member of TMS.
  2. Must be 40 years old or younger in order to participate in this program.
  3. Candidate should be a member actively participating in Young Leader activities.
  4. Candidate should have experience in presenting technical papers at functions associated with his or her member organization.
  5. Candidate should be a responsible individual, honor commitments and be able to spend seven days in Europe as a representative of the TMS organization.
  6. Candidate must possess presentation skills in English.
  7. Candidate should possess leadership skills.

How to Apply

Submission Deadline:

August 15 of the even numbered years to travel to a FEMS EUROMAT Conference in the following year.

Note that you may only apply to one International Scholar Program per year.

Please submit the following documents to complete the application process:

  1. Completed application form. Click on the How to Apply tab and read the instructions. After registering and logging into the site, click on Dashboard. Under My Programs, select Young Leader. Depending on the young leader award you select, different instructions and uploads will be populated.
  2. A copy of the applicant's CV or resume.
  3. Letter of application describing any TMS Young Leaders or other society activities, special achievements, honors or awards you have received. Indicate your leadership qualities and other attributes which might distinguish you as the candidate for selection, and why you would like to be chosen as a Young Leader International Scholar. Personal statements should be typed and no longer than one page.
  4. A 150-word abstract of applicant's paper.
  5. A letter of recommendation from applicant's immediate supervisor or employer.

Current Year Awardee(s)

New award winners will be posted soon. Check back later.

Past Years Awardees

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