JOM Editorial Calendar - Topic Details

Microstructure Evolution: Structural Materials for Advanced Reactors

Manuscript Submission Deadline: July 01, 2025
Guest Editor: Miaomiao Jin
Co-Guest Editors: Xing Wang
Publication Date: January 2026
Keywords: Advanced Materials, Characterization, Computational Materials Science & Engineering, Experimental Methods, Fundamentals, Radiation, Corrosion, Microstructure, Characterization, Simulation
Scope: The recent rapid progress in advanced nuclear reactor technologies demands the advancement of structural materials capable of withstanding the challenging operation conditions inside reactors, e.g., intensive radiation, high temperatures, and corrosive coolants. The microstructure of structural materials is essential for understanding their properties in such extreme environments. The main objective is to solicit frontier research on various microstructural aspects of structural materials under reactor environments. The key areas of this special topic include characterizing, comprehending, and predicting the microstructure evolutions by leveraging multiscale computational modeling, advanced characterization techniques, or the combination of both.
Call for Papers: Download

How to Submit a Manuscript

Please read the detailed Instructions for Authors and upload your manuscript at the Editorial Manager website for JOM. To ensure sufficient time for peer review, papers will not be accepted after the posted manuscript submission deadline. Original research papers should be 3,000-9,000 words with up to 12 figures maximum; review papers should be 6,000-11,000 words with up to 20 figures maximum.

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