Authors may be considered for inclusion in a proceedings volume by submitting and presenting abstracts at selected TMS meetings. Visit the TMS Meetings & Events Calendar to find which meetings are currently accepting abstract submissions.
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- Reach a global audience through the highly accessible SpringerLink online publishing platform.
- Individually assigned DOI numbers for each proceedings article ensures the discoverability of your work.
- Professional copyediting, production, and design services—free to all TMS proceedings authors—further showcase your work in a polished, final product.
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TMS Annual Meeting and Specialty Meetings
Authors of TMS annual meeting manuscripts, and manuscripts prepared for specialty conference proceedings published by TMS in partnership with Springer, should follow the manuscript preparation guidelines. These authors also must submit a TMS Transfer of Copyright Form (PDF) at the time of their manuscript submission. Manuscripts that do not have an accompanying copyright form will not be published.
If you are submitting a manuscript for the Light Metals proceedings, please use the specific Light Metals Manuscript Preparation Guidelines.
Other Projects
Authors submitting manuscripts for other proceedings projects for which camera-ready copy is required should contact TMS Programming staff for the appropriate manuscript guidelines.