Recorded Presentations

Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions 3 (DMMM3)

July 23–24, 2018 • University of California, Santa Barbara • Santa Barbara, California, USA

View PDFs of selected presentations from the Third TMS Summit on Creating and Sustaining Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions. Slides from five presentations, including the opening plenary and a summary of conclusions, are available.

Presentation Downloads

DMMM3 Early Career & Students Breakout Session
“The Citrine NextGen Fellowship”
Chris Borg, Citrine

DMMM3 Keynote
“Cohorts, Community & Commencement”
Keith J. Bowman, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

DMMM3 Metrics & Assessing Breakout Session
“Characteristics of Individuals Educated or Employed as Engineers”
Lynn Milan, National Science Foundation

DMMM3 Opening Plenary
“Professional Cultures and Inequality in STEM”
Erin Cech, University of Michigan

DMMM3 Summary
“Summary of DMMM3”
Jonathan D. Madison, Sandia National Laboratories