Morris Cohen Award
Javier Llorca -
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- Title: Professor and Scientific Director
- Affiliation: Polytechnic University of Madrid and IMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid, Spain
- Citation: For pioneering application of computational tools and scale bridging techniques to the design of materials and the associated manufacturing routes.
Morris Cohen Award
Oleg N. Senkov -
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- Title: Director of Alloy Development
- Affiliation: MRL Materials Resources, LLC, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- Quote: I am grateful to the Morris Cohen Award nomination committee for recognizing my contributions to the science and technology of materials properties. I am deeply honored and thrilled to receive this prestigious TMS award and to join the company of prior recipients whom I so admire and respect. I am proud to be a member of TMS, a society that has consistently provided me with opportunities for networking, information exchange and professional growth. I am sharing this award with all my mentors and collaborators.
- Citation: For pioneering in the discovery and development of refractory high entropy alloys and refractory complex concentrated alloys and fundamental understanding their properties.
Morris Cohen Award
Huseyin Sehitoglu -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
- Quote: It is an honor to receive this TMS award paying tribute to Morris Cohen whose papers I have studied and learned from especially on the role of stress state on phase transformations. His papers on the role of transformation dislocations helped me formulate the energetics of transformation in my own work on shape memory alloys. It is especially rewarding to receive this award from TMS considering their very high standards.
- Citation: For outstanding lifelong contributions to the understanding of the fatigue of metals.
Morris Cohen Award
No award given.
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- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Morris Cohen Award
Eduard Arzt -
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- Title: Director
- Affiliation: Leibmiz Institute for New Materials (INM), Saarbruecken, Saar, Germany
- Quote: Materials science (the “mother” of sciences) is a wonderful research area for linking deep fundamentals with direct application in everyday life. The mission to build this bridge is also at the heart of TMS. I see this award as confirmation that my own path from very basic metals physics to bioinspired microstructures for robotic applications has created visibility. And I am flattered to see that so many of my international colleagues have converged in their views to nominate me for this award. Many thanks to them and to TMS for bestowing this honor on me!
- Citation: For seminal contributions that significantly advanced our knowledge of creep, densification, electronic transport in materials, biological materials, and bioinspiration.
Morris Cohen Award
William Gerberich -
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- Title: Professor Emeritas
- Affiliation: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- Quote: I can reminisce upon several outstanding events during my career: the ability to give a pre-doc lecture at California Institute of Technology; an invitation from Max Williams to be editor of International Journal of Fracture; giving an American Association for the Advancement of Science contribution in 1968 sandwiched between M. Cohen and G. Somarji; attending TMS departmental receptions in the 1990s for laughs and entertainment; and finally, being part of an honorary session at the TMS 2006 Annual Meeting & Exhibition with session chair and speakers: D. Bahr, W. Nix, B. Carter, R.Ritchie, E. Lilleodden, K. Gall P. Anderson, M. Gopken. D. Farkas. C. Schuh, N. Moody to name a few. Above all, my fondest reminisce is from last year’s retirement of my best students calling me ‘Mr. Sunshine’ for encouraging excellence in Materials Science.
- Citation: For developing mechanistic relationships between the structure and mechanical properties of materials.
Morris Cohen Award
Tressa Pollock -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Citation: For seminal contributions to the development of ICME and its application to understanding the properties of critical materials through creative synthesis, characterization and measurement.
Morris Cohen Award
Robert Ritchie -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- Quote: I have been a member of TMS for some 40 years and regard it as my main professional society home. Being recognized by my peers for a TMS Award is therefore a special honor to me. As for this particular award, I knew Morris Cohen when I taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the late 1970s; he was a giant of man in the topic of the physical metallurgy of steels and someone that I truly admired, which makes this award even more special to me.
- Citation: For seminal contributions to the mechanistic understanding of the fracture and fatigue of a broad range of engineering, bioinspired and biological materials.
Morris Cohen Award
Gerbrand Ceder -
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- Title: Chancellor's Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- Quote: It is wonderful to be recognized with an award in the name of Morris Cohen. Well before I met him for the first time, arriving as a young assistant professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I was aware of his stature as a giant in the field of metallurgy. Cohen transformed metallurgy by bringing fundamental science to it, and I am immensely proud to continue that tradition.
- Citation: For pioneering and leading the development of computer aided materials discovery and design via quantum mechanical calculations of materials properties.
Morris Cohen Award
Marc Meyers -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, La Jolla, CA
- Quote: Since my graduate student days, I have had a special admiration for the seminal contributions of Morris Cohen to materials science and, especially, to martensitic transformations. In a series of classic papers, he clarified the formidable maze of information and developed the fundamental underlying physics. The elegance of his theories and clarity of experiments are a testament to his talent and stand as lasting contributions to the fabric of materials science. To be recognized by this award is for me an honor that goes beyond my dreams.
- Citation: For pioneering work on the dynamic behavior of materials that has led to an enhanced understanding of phase transformations including the kinetics of martensitic transformations and the mechanisms of exothermic chemical reactions, high-velocity dislocations, and thermoplastic instabilities.
Morris Cohen Award
Carlos Levi -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Quote: It is an overwhelming and humbling experience to receive an award named after Professor Cohen, one of the most respected and admired scientists in our field, and it is especially meaningful because it comes from TMS, a society that has been a professional home from the early days of my career.
- Citation: For outstanding contributions to the understanding of solidification and transformations in Ti-based alloys and ceramic coatings.
Morris Cohen Award
Gregory Olson -
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- Affiliation: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
- Quote: It is a very special and personal privilege to accept this award honoring the Giant on whose shoulders I stand.
- Citation: For a long and highly successful collaboration with Morris Cohen and for carrying the torch to new heights of computer added design of materials.
Morris Cohen Award
Michael Ashby -
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- Affiliation: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Great Britain
- Quote: I am honored that TMS have offered me this award, which I am proud to accept. I was privileged to know Morris Cohen while I was working at Harvard – I attended may of his lectures. He was truly one of the fathers of Materials Science in the US and the World, instrumental in lifting it from a largely empirical discipline to the stature of a true science.
- Citation: Pioneer in the engineering science of materials properties. Ashby has revealed the big picture by mapping of properties from deformation mechanism maps to materials selection.