
Learn about special events taking place at the TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, including networking events, featured lectures and award talks, and special events geared toward students and young professionals.

Special Lectures

Preview the invited speakers who will deliver talks at this year's technical division luncheons and meet the award recipients who will discuss their work at the TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition.

Networking Events

Make new connections and meet with colleagues at TMS networking events, which bring you face to face with scientists and engineers from around the world. Be sure to add some of these events to your meeting schedule.

Bladesmithing Competition

Learn more about the 2022 TMS Bladesmithing Competition and view the contest entries that will be on display in the TMS2022 Exhibit Hall. 

Undergraduate Student Events

Learn about contests like the TMS Materials Bowl and the Technical Division Student Poster Contest, as well as networking events and professional development opportunities designed specifically for undergraduate students at TMS2022.

Graduate Student Events

Graduate students are encouraged to participate both in activities geared towards graduate and undergraduate students, as well as in those designed for young professionals and new TMS members. This page provides a summary of these activities for graduate student attendees.

Technical Committee Meetings

Find out when TMS technical committees will be meeting before and during the TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition.