Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions 4 (DMMM4)

March 2-3, 2022
Co-located with the TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Summit Program Details

Check this page regularly for session updates and additional speaker details! All DMMM4 programming and networking events take place in the Anaheim Marriott.

TMS Foundation

DMMM4 programming is made possible through the generous support of the TMS Foundation.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

All-Summit Keynote Session (Grand Ballroom F)

The Road to Equity and Inclusion: Lessons Learned on the Journey

In this highly interactive keynote session, attendees will learn and be inspired by the stories of TMS colleagues as leaders of change in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space. A focus of this session will be to identify themes and strategies from these collective lessons learned that attendees can use to inform their own personal and professional journeys.


Viola L. Acoff, Associate Dean
University of Alabama 

Other Session Highlights

Panel Discussion: Voices of TMS: A panel of diverse TMS members will build upon the discussion introduced in the Keynote Presentation through their own stories and perspectives, with ample opportunity for questions and engagement by attendees. The panel will be moderated by Clarissa Yablinsky, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and panelists will include: Lawrence Fung, Stanford University; Gabriel Ilevbare, Idaho National Laboratory; Suveen Mathaudhu, Colorado School of Mines; and Raul Rebak, GE Global Research.

Afternoon Concurrent Sessions

Career Development Tools and Strategies (Grand Ballroom F)

Underrepresented populations experience unique challenges in the workplace that require strategic guidance on career advancement. This session will give you the opportunity to engage with peers, leaders, and experts from a variety of sectors on topics such as seeking and facilitating mentorship/sponsorship, investing in self-growth (including resources outside of your organization), and investing in your employees’ growth.

Participants will gain actionable tools and strategies for both employers and employees to enhance career development and progression of underrepresented populations for the benefit of the minerals, metals, and materials profession.

Invited Talk

Stacie LeSure, Founder and Senior Researcher, Engineers for Equity
Presentation Title: "Bruised But Not Broken: Storytelling as a Method to Share to the Experiences and Persistence Strategies of African American Women in Engineering Degree Programs"

Other Session Highlights

Panel Discussion on Career Development: Join our invited speaker alongside several of our TMS members, as they share insights into career development. (More)
Career Development for a Diverse Workforce: Networking Event: Join us for a networking event focused on sharing best practices to support career development for a diverse workforce. (More)

STEM Outreach Case Studies and Best Practices (Grand Ballroom H, J, K)

The economic benefits of a diverse workforce are vast, including increased product output, implementation of more efficient solutions, and development of more creative, innovative, and profitable ideas. However, employers and academic institutions around the world still struggle with recruiting a diversity of individuals to STEM careers. A critical first step in addressing this is sparking and maintaining interest in order to fill the pipeline with a diverse population. This highly interactive session will share benchmark examples of STEM outreach from leaders in the field, with participants rotating through a series of workshop stations for an immersive learning experience in preparing and implementing STEM outreach activities and programs.

Invited Talks

Suveen N. Mathaudhu, Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
Presentation Title: "Materials Calisthenics: Harnessing your Interests to Inspire Diverse Audiences"

Jessica A. Krogstad, Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineer, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Presentation Title: "Building Effective STEM Outreach Programs"


Morning Concurrent Sessions

The Invisible Pipeline: Recruitment/Retention of Underrepresented Minorities (Grand Ballroom F)

The recruitment and retention of Underrepresented Minorities (URM’s) in materials science and engineering (MSE) starts with understanding the barriers that these groups face. These barriers require specific and unique strategies for increasing the population of these groups within our field. This track will focus on methods for recruiting and retaining URM’s in our professon and your organization.

Invited Talks

Gabriel O. Ilevbare, Ph.D., Manager, Materials Science and Engineering Department / Idaho National Laboratory
Presentation Title: "Building an Inclusively Diverse Workforce at Idaho National Laboratory"

Ashleigh R. Wright, Associate Director, Institute for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Presentation Title: "Stop Playing Diversity with Underrepresented Minority Faculty"

Other Session Highlights

Building the Pipeline – Addressing Diversity Issues in Materials Science and Beyond: Engage with a panel of experts in a discussion of physical and invisible barriers as well as institutional policies that create and maintain systemic disparities in underrepresented and marginalized groups

Combating Biases in STEM (Grand Ballroom H, J, K)

Learned social stereotypes about groups of people that can unintentionally influence our decisions and interactions with others can have negative impacts on important decisions, including hiring, promotions, and project assignments. This session will enable participants to recognize this and to develop a toolbox of techniques and approaches to mitigate it in the workplace and in other aspects of life.

Emphasis will be placed on gaining a first-hand understanding of these concepts through small group discussions and engaging, hands-on activities.

Invited Talks

Blythe Gore Clark
Olivia D. Underwood Jackson

Blythe Gore Clark, Research and Development Department Manager, Sandia National Laboratories

Olivia D. Underwood Jackson, Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories

Presentation Title: "Mitigating Implicit Bias as Individuals and Institutions"

Katie Thomas, Associate Human Resources Director, Organizational Development and Culture / Idaho State University
Presentation Title: "Leveraging a Strengths-based Approach to Diversity and Inclusion"

Other Session Highlights

Learn by Playing: The Buffalo Card Game: Join us for playing Buffalo, a card game designed by Tiltfactor to subtly challenge your own stereotypes and unconscious bias through play.
Unconscious Bias Scenario Discussions: How does unconscious bias impact your experiences at work. (More)

Afternoon All-Summit Closing Plenary (Grand Ballroom F)

Engaging Those with Physical, Cognitive or Sensory Challenges

Despite legislation on diversity in the workplace, many people with physical, cognitive, or sensory challenges do not experience work opportunities and environments similarly to their peers. A 2018 STEM Inclusion Study by the National Science Foundation found that 16% of TMS members have some kind of disability, whether mental, cognitive, or physical and reported more negative workplace experiences than respondents that did not identify as having these challenges. Addressing this situation requires a deeper understanding of the obstacles and barriers that can result in these negative workplace experiences.

In this session, we will explore methods to engage and support persons with physical, cognitive, and sensory challenges in order to create a more inclusive workplace and organization.


"Maximizing the Potential of Neurodiversity in the Employment and Educational Settings"

Lawrence Fung
Director, Stanford Neurodiversity Project
Stanford University