The 2nd World Congress on Artificial Intelligence in Materials and Manufacturing (AIM 2024)

June 16–20, 2024 • Cleveland Hilton • Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Publishing Plan

Congress participants are encouraged to submit their work to the TMS journal Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, which will be publishing a topical collection dedicated to this event. This collection will take the place of a traditional conference proceedings publication. Only submissions from participants will be considered for this collection. Submissions will go through the journal's standard peer review process, and there is no guarantee of acceptance.

Journal Information and Submission Instructions

Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation (IMMI)
Editor in Chief: Charles Ward

IMMI is a journal committed to building a seamless and dynamic materials and manufacturing design framework supporting the accelerated discovery, development, and application of materials and processes. The journal explores innovations from the discovery of materials through their manufacture that support the practice of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME). Visit the IMMI website for author instructions and other journal details.

Submit your article here. After logging in, choose "Submit New Manuscript", and then select article type "Thematic Article." When reaching the "Additional Information" screen, indicate that you are submitting for the topical collection "AIM 2024" from the list of options.

Important Dates

Journal Submission Extended Deadline: October 15, 2024

For More Information

For inquiries about this publishing plan, contact