Meeting Resources
The 7th International Congress on 3D Materials Science (3DMS 2025)

June 15–19, 2025

Anaheim Marriot • Anaheim, California, USA

Technical Program

The 7th International Congress on 3D Materials Science seeks to provide the premier forum for presentations of current interest and significance to the three-dimensional characterization, visualization, quantitative analysis, modeling, and development of structure–property relationships of materials, as well as big data and machine learning issues associated with 3D materials science. Additionally, this congress will provide an intimate environment for rich discussions and interactions among the key researchers in the world to not only assess the state-of-the-art within the various elements of 3D materials science, but also to roadmap the key areas of future research.

Check back soon for a detailed list of technical topics.

Abstract Submissions

Abstracts must be submitted to ProgramMaster to be considered for inclusion in the congress.

If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, send an e-mail to TMS Programming Staff.

For More Information

For more information about this meeting, please complete the meeting inquiry form or contact:

TMS Meeting Services
5700 Corporate Drive Suite 750
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
U.S. and Canada Only: 1-800-759-4867
Other Countries: 1-724-776-9000, ext. 241
Fax: 1-724-776-3770