Meeting Policies
Meeting Badges
All attendees and meeting participants (presenters, exhibitors, etc.) must register for the meeting. Badges must be worn for admission to technical sessions, the exhibition hall, social functions, and other events. There is a $25 fee to reprint lost badges.
Refund Policy
Written requests must arrive at TMS post marked no later than February 1, 2019. No refunds will be issued after February 1, 2019. A $75 processing fee is charged for all cancellations.
Refund requests should be sent to:
TMS2019, c/o Registration Control Systems
1833 Portola Rd., Suite D
Ventura, California 93003
Anti-Harassment Policy
TMS requires all attendees to abide by the Anti-Harassment Policy.
Photography and Audio/Video Recording Policy
TMS reserves the right to all audio and video reproductions of presentations at TMS-sponsored meetings. By registering for this meeting, all attendees acknowledge that they may be photographed by TMS personnel while at events, and that those photos may be used for promotional purposes, in TMS publications and websites, and on social media sites. Any recording of sessions (audio, video, still photography, etc.) intended for personal use, distribution, publication, or copyright without the express written consent of TMS and the individual authors is strictly prohibited. Attendees violating this policy may be asked to leave the session.
Cell Phone Use
In consideration of attendees and presenters, TMS kindly requests that you minimize disturbances by setting all cell phones or PDAs on "silent" while in meeting rooms.
Antitrust Compliance Policy
TMS complies with the antitrust laws of the United States. Attendees are encouraged to consult with their own corporate counsel for further guidance in complying with U.S. and foreign antitrust laws and regulations.
Americans With Disabilities Act
TMS strongly supports the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which prohibits discrimination against, and promotes public accessibility for, those with disabilities. In support of, and in compliance with ADA, we ask those requiring specific equipment or services to contact TMS Meeting Services in advance at 1-724-776-9000 or on-site at the TMS Member Welcome Center.
TMS Diversity and Inclusion Statement
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is committed to advancing diversity in the minerals, metals, and materials professions, and to promoting an inclusive professional culture that welcomes and engages all who seek to contribute to the field. TMS recognizes that a diverse minerals, metals, and materials workforce is critical to ensuring that all viewpoints, perspectives, and talents are brought to bear in addressing complex science and engineering challenges. To build and nurture this diverse professional community, TMS welcomes and actively engages the participation of underrepresented groups in all of its initiatives and endeavors.