Active maintenance of these web resources ceased in 2012 and they will not be updated. They are posted for archival purposes only.

FORUMS > GENERAL STEM Replies Originator Last Post
New Messages 2 Million Minutes
 A Discussion on High School Reform
0 Todd Osman 6/4/2008 1:44 PM
by Todd Osman
New Messages Design Squad
 PBS Kids Go!
0 Todd Osman 1/17/2008 3:11 PM
by Todd Osman
New Messages Student News Net Science Career Profiles
 Offers profiles of scientists and their careers plus links to college and universities with science and engineering.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:31 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages NSF Current Newsletter
 Online newsletter highlights cutting-edge science and engineering research and education supported by the NSF.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:26 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages TeachEngineering
 Lessons and activities for teaching engineering content in K-12 science and math classes.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:23 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages K-12 Engineering Education Resources
 Resources in applied science and math, engineering, computer science/information technology and engineering technology.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:21 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages The NIST Virtual Museum
 Series of online "exhibits" and "galleries" on various NIST achievements and notable projects.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:18 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Molecular Workbench: An Interface to the Molecular World
 Offers interactive, visual simulations designed to teach science and engineering concepts at all educational levels
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:14 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages MathMol
 Provides K-12 students and teachers with basic concepts in mathematics and their connection to molecular modeling.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:10 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages The Why Files
 Exploring the science, math and technology behind the news of the day.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:08 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages National Center for Technological Literacy
 provides information on the Center's programs, as well as access to various educational resources.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:05 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages National Inventors Hall of Fame
 Features a searchable database of inventors and inventions.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 9:00 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Science News for Kids
 Presents science "news" of interest to Middle School Students.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 8:58 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages BrainPOP
 Movies supported by activities such as a quiz, comic strip, experiment and other printable worksheets.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 8:55 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Online Learning Environment
 Designed as an integral part of a high school engineering/technology curriculum with quizzes, worksheets and resources.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 8:49 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Turning Secondary Students Into Inventors
 Teaching modules as well as links to resources that assist in invention and design in a classroom environment.
0 Diana Grady 1/4/2008 8:45 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Engineering Magic
 Explains the engineering and science principles behind six magic tricks. Teachers guides and student handouts available.
0 Diana Grady 1/3/2008 11:44 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Making Science Make Sense
 Bayer's educational outreach program for grades K-12 offering classroom and parent guides on sharing science.
0 Diana Grady 1/3/2008 11:38 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Smithsonian Education
 Educators can search the Smithsonian's resource library, obtain access to lesson plans in science and technology.
0 Diana Grady 1/3/2008 11:31 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Education Web Sites at DOE Labs and Facilities
 For K-12 teachers with links to all educational outreach programs offered through US DOE labs and facilities.
0 Diana Grady 1/3/2008 11:27 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Taking America's Measure
 Web site for students offers games, puzzles and other activities.
0 Diana Grady 1/3/2008 11:24 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Mad Scientist Network
 A web interface that enables the user to ask questions related to chemistry, physics, astronomy,engineering and science.
0 Diana Grady 1/3/2008 11:20 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages HowStuffWorks: The Science Channel
 Extensive guide to the design and operation behind everyday objects, products, and systems.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:40 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages
 Lesson plans, skills-building videos, resources and best practices for K-12 STEM education.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:38 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Project Lead the Way
 Curricula for middle school and high school education geared towards developing future engineers.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:33 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Center for the Advancement of STEM Education
 Provides STEM training for teachers.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:30 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages National Science Education Standards
 Details minimum standards for K-12 science education
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:27 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Making Science Make Sense
 Extensive list of K-12 curricula resources devoted to hands-on, inquiry-based science education.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:24 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages GetSmarter
 An animated, interactive testing and learning site for K-12 grade math and science students.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:21 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Great Links to Great Science Resources
 Identify and communicate science and mathematics resources available on Internet for standard and open-ended curricula.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:16 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages TryScience: The Teacher Page
 Offers lesson plans, detailed experiment instructions, internet based activities and more.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:13 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Kids Science News Network
 Grades K-5th, using the Web, animation, and video to introduce science, technology, engineering, math and Nasa concepts.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:10 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages K-12 Education Curriculum: Center for Innovation in Science and Engineering Education (CIESE)
 This link leads to a catalogue of CIESE K-12 projects and lessons plans.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 12:03 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages The Futures Channel
 Provides free multimedia resources for math and science teachers.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 11:58 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages NASA Education
 This web site provides extensive information and access to various NASA education programs.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 11:55 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Pre-College Career Planning
 Promotes exploration of career paths and offers access to challenging online activities and lesson plans.
0 Diana Grady 1/2/2008 11:50 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Math Archives
 K-12 Teaching Materials including lesson plans, software, competitions, professional society listing
0 Cathy Rohrer 12/11/2007 10:13 AM
by Cathy Rohrer
New Messages The Science House
 North Carolina State University. Partnership with K-12 teachers providing teacher training, student science enrichment
0 Cathy Rohrer 12/11/2007 10:04 AM
by Cathy Rohrer
New Messages Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS)
 Offers access to programs for High School Students and resources, as well as information for volunteer involvement.
0 Diana Grady 12/10/2007 11:11 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Science NetLinks
 Provides standards-based resources for K-12 science educators, including internet-based lesson plans, interactives and r
0 Diana Grady 12/10/2007 10:55 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists
 Web site of the DOE's Office of Science initiative providing links to a variety of DOE educational outreach efforts.
0 Diana Grady 12/10/2007 10:51 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages National Science Digital Library
 Online resource which directs users to exemplary resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
0 Diana Grady 12/10/2007 10:44 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Science and Education
 Center for Multiscale Modelng of Atmospheric Processes (CMMAP). Lesson plans on the atmosphere and climate change
0 Cathy Rohrer 10/18/2007 10:26 AM
by Cathy Rohrer
New Messages ASEE Engineering K12 Center
 A collection of resources for students, teachers and volunteers, including model outreach programs
0 Jess Smith 10/17/2007 10:08 AM
by Jess Smith
New Messages Following the Path of Discovery - Repeat Famous Experiments and Inventions
 Science projects for K-12
0 Cathy Rohrer 10/15/2007 2:02 PM
by Cathy Rohrer
New Messages Learning resources for statistics education Undergraduate statistics lectures, labs, homework, videos, tutorials
0 Cathy Rohrer 10/11/2007 9:53 PM
by Cathy Rohrer
New Messages The Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics
 NASA Glenn Research Center. On-line text, animations, and software for K-12 students, teachers, life-long learners
0 Cathy Rohrer 10/11/2007 3:21 PM
by Cathy Rohrer

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