Ceramic Materials Committee

The Ceramic Materials Committee is part of the Extraction & Processing Division

Scope & Mission Statement

To advance the characterization, processing, and development in areas of ceramic materials. Objectives include the following:

  • Serve as a communication platform for TMS members in ceramic materials and related fields.
  • Organize symposia and technical sessions for the dissemination of information in the areas of ceramic materials at national and regional technical meetings held by the society.
  • Publish papers, reports, books and bibliographical material pertinent to the committee’s area of interest.
  • Participate in and endorse national and regional technical meetings held by the Society.

Ceramic materials is a broad area for both research and manufacturing. Under TMS, the Ceramic Materials Committee will be mostly laid in the materials related to metals. During and between TMS Annual Meetings, this technical committee will play a unique role for academic activities in the field of ceramics and related materials within the TMS community. During TMS fall meetings and MS&T meetings, this committee will endeavor to collaborate with ACerS committees to promote the academic communication activities in the field of metal-matrix ceramic materials and interfacial and composites of metal-ceramics. This would have no conflict of interest with the American Ceramic Society and would enhance the TMS and ACerS partnership.


Thank you for visiting the Ceramic Materials Committee page. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with our new home on the TMS website. The Resources listed in the menu on this page will assist you in staying in contact with fellow committee members, let you access meeting minutes summarizing previous discussions and help keep you up to date on future programming and publication plans for the committee.

Please note that we've also added links to third-party tools like Easy Polls and Doodle to help you gain quick feedback from your fellow committee members.

Questions? You can always contact the TMS staff liaison with any questions you have about your responsibilities as a member of the committee. This contact information is available under the Resources menu on this page.

Upcoming Meetings

  • Committee Meeting
    Date: Sunday March 23, 2025
    Time: 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM (PT)
    Venue: MGM Grand Hotel Conference Center
    Room: Room 107

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If you suspect violations to these Terms of Use by other users, please notify privacy@tms.org immediately.
*Due to the nature of their scope and activities, some TMS committee rosters are confidential and not accessible to all TMS members.