Advanced Characterization, Testing, and Simulation Committee

Technical Programming

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Additive Manufacturing and Alloy Design: Bridging Fundamental Physical Metallurgy, Advanced Characterization Techniques, and Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for Advanced Materials: Organized by Amir Farkoosh; David Seidman; Enrique Lavernia; Noam Eliaz; Lee Semiatin

Obviating some of the traditional manufacturing and alloy design barriers, additive manufacturing (AM) makes possible complicated micro-/nano-structures and geometries, which cannot be obtained via conventional manufacturing. Advanced materials, which can outperform their conventional counterparts, are actively being designed with substantially distinctive microstructural features. This symposium invites submissions that focus on exploiting the unique characteristics of AM to design and develop advanced structural or functional materials, employing a “First-Principles” or “Materials by Design” approach. This symposium will feature a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental physical metallurgy and alloy design principles for AM, leveraging the power of advanced characterization techniques, computer simulations, and analytical theory to unlock insights into materials behavior. A significant emphasis of the symposium is placed on alloy design principles, strengthened by the integration of state-of-the-art characterization techniques, such as atom-probe tomography (APT), scanning/transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM) in combination or correlatively. These cutting-edge techniques combined with analytical theory, and mathematical and physical simulations provide researchers with the tools to study AM materials at a hierarchy of relevant length scales, allowing for a holistic and nuanced understanding of their far-from-equilibrium structures, as well as their physical and mechanical properties. Discussions surrounding the synergies between Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), physical simulations and real-world experiments, which highlight the potential of this combined approach in advancing AM materials research are encouraged. By bringing together experts in physical and mechanical metallurgy, advanced characterization techniques, ICME, and thermodynamics, the symposium aims to propel the field toward innovative breakthroughs in materials design for AM. Abstracts of fundamental or applied research are invited in the following subject areas: -Introduction of novel structural or functional alloys designed specifically for additive manufacturing, including but not limited to: light metals (Al, Ti, Mg), steels, ferrous alloys, high-temperature alloys (Ni-, Fe-Ni- or Co-based superalloys), refractory alloys (Re, W), and high-entropy alloys. - Micro-/nano-structure evolutions and phase transformations, including new stable or metastable phases formed under AM solidification conditions, which can be utilized to enhance the mechanical or physical properties of materials. - Mechanical behavior - Physical behavior

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Characterization Techniques for Quantifying and Modeling Deformation: Organized by Wolfgang Pantleon; Irene Beyerlein; C. Tasan; M. Arul Kumar

Advances in characterization technology have greatly improved our ability to quantify deformation mechanisms such as dislocation motion, twinning, and stress-induced phase transformations, and the microstructural changes accompanying deformation such as texture evolution, grain morphology changes, dislocation accumulation and localized strain. A variety of relatively new techniques are being applied to both structural and functional materials. In combination with modeling, these techniques improve our understanding of deformation and failure during material processing/forming and under normal or extreme conditions in service. In situ techniques, especially, are providing an enhanced understanding of individual mechanisms, their interactions, and the direct validation of simulations from computational materials science models. This gathering offers a venue to discuss and share new advances in current techniques or new technique development or in pairing with algorithms or simulations as they apply to deformation behavior. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: * Improving the understanding of deformation mechanisms in structural or functional materials – elasticity, dislocation plasticity, mechanically-induced twinning or phase transformations, damage and fracture * Advances in characterization techniques: X-ray-based techniques, electron-based techniques (including HR-(S)TEM, EBSD, HR-EBSD, ECCI, PED), scanning probe microscopy techniques, and others – in particular in-situ * Advances in materials deformation modeling– with specific emphasis on the integration with advanced characterization techniques

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Real Time Imaging : Organized by Jinichiro Nakano; David Alman; Il Sohn; Hiroyuki Shibata; Antoine Allanore; Noritaka Saito; Zuotai Zhang; Bryan Webler; Wangzhong Mu; Pranjal Nautiyal; Jiawei Mi

Real time observations can provide important information needed to understand materials behavior, as these techniques can provide temporal and spatial insights free from artifacts otherwise induced from conventional experimental techniques. Traditional and emerging advanced imaging techniques, which may be optical or non-optical, would allow such observations. Methods may be enhanced with capabilities that enable heating and cooling, controlled atmospheres, and application of stresses; and can be used to generate real time thermodynamic and kinetic data needed to study a variety of materials and processes. This symposium encompasses a broad range of materials science topics enabling cross-cutting opportunities for multiple disciplines (biomaterials, energy materials, functional materials, structural materials, etc.) while topics will be separately categorized in the technical program. Presentations are solicited on the application of these methods to materials science and industrial processes, as well as on development of such techniques. Topics include, but not limited to: • Studies using real time optical (e.g., visible light, white light, laser, IR, and UV) and non-optical (e.g., scanning probe, electron, and ultrasound) imaging techniques • Researches using in-situ, in-operando, in-vitro, and in-vivo observation imaging techniques, such as thermal imaging furnace and other real time imaging methods • Confocal techniques, including fluorescence and reflection types, which may be equipped with capabilities such as heating/cooling chambers, gas chambers, mechanical testing, Raman spectroscope, mass spectrometry, and FTIR • Microscopic or telescopic imaging methods include hot thermocouple, resistance heating, and sessile drop techniques used for high temperature phenomena. • Thermodynamic and kinetic data from these techniques, useful for phase diagram constructions, oxidation/corrosion modeling, phase formation kinetics studies, etc. • Work using high speed and slow speed cameras • Materials used in manufacturing real time imaging devices • Novel technologies and methodologies for emerging imaging devices A joint session with the following symposium may take place: • The Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling symposium Respective papers may participate in part of the dedicated joint session.

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Characterization of Materials through High Resolution Coherent Imaging: Organized by Xianghui Xiao; Richard Sandberg; Ross Harder; Brian Abbey; Saryu Fensin; Ana Diaz; Mathew Cherukara

This symposium will highlight cutting-edge research in coherent and phase contrast imaging techniques, including x-ray and electron-based approaches like coherent diffraction imaging (CDI), ptychography, holography, and advanced phase contrast imaging (PCI) methods. We will explore their applications across diverse materials classes and delve into the integration of modeling, simulation, and artificial intelligence (AI) for enhanced characterization and analysis. The symposium will also bring in discussions on the new challenges in the era of diffraction limited storage rings (DLSR). We hope this symposium will help to foster collaboration and advance the field of coherent and phase contrast imaging. Background and Rationale: A high degree of spatial coherence is an attractive property in x-ray and electron beams. In some cases, these imaging methods provide resolution beyond that achieved with optics and can also provide remarkable sensitivity to a variety of contrast mechanisms. Various novel x-ray and electron coherent imaging methods have been developed and optimized, leading to rapid growth in applications over the past decades. It is expected that coherent imaging technical developments and applications will get a further boost in the era of DLSRs. More than a dozen DLSR facilities are currently operational or in the planning stage, providing unprecedented high-quality coherent x-ray sources. The two methods that will be the focus of this symposium are CDI and PCI with both x-rays and electrons. Both directly utilize the coherence properties of the incident beams. CDI has rapidly advanced in the last twenty years to allow characterization of a broad range of materials, including nanoparticles, strained crystals, micro-electronic chips, biomaterials and cells. PCI has been widely employed in dynamics and engineering studies of materials, geophysics, medicine and biology. These highly sensitive imaging techniques enable characterizing the structures of real materials under real conditions in real time. Advanced material modeling methods at the atomistic and continuum scales, including AI-based methods, are being used in conjunction with these imaging techniques to enhance their capability. The integration of AI, modeling, experiment not only makes reliable predictions at spatio-temporal scales in a broad range possible but also reduces the experimental measurement time, dose on the sample and amount of data. This is critical in the CDI and PCI applications in DLSR sources. On the one hand, the highly coherent X-ray sources based on DLSR would allow faster experiments at better precision and sensitivity in shorter time. On the other hand, the higher coherent flux may bring in more artifacts from surrounding materials other than the samples and enforce more severe radiation effects in the measurements. How to utilize these brilliant new sources wisely is a new challenge in the DLSR era. We will have a special session dedicated to the CDI/PCI developments and scientific applications from the new sources. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: 1. All coherent and phase contrast X-ray-based techniques including Bragg CDI, Fresnel CDI, ptychographic CDI, propagation phase contrast imaging, interferometry imaging, and analyzer-based phase-contrast imaging. 2. All electron-based techniques including ptychography and electron CDI. 3. High performance computing (HPC) and AI to accelerate data analysis, improve image quality, imaging speed/efficiency, and autonomously steer experiments. 4. Digital twins to inform high-resolution imaging experiments. 5. All structural and functional materials systems needing high resolution imaging. 6. Industrial applications 7. Developments of new CDI/PCI experimental protocols. 8. New sample preparation protocols. Logistics: This is a rapidly evolving field and has an increasingly large presence at TMS. We had great success with our first five symposiums. The first held in 2013 in San Antonio and then in 2015 (Orlando), 2017 (San Diego), 2019 (San Antonio), virtually in 2021, and 2023 (San Diego) with great international responses. The symposium grew to two full days (four sessions) since 2017. We plan on continuing this direction with at least a four-session symposium. Attendance has been growing with regularly 20-30 people in attendance and sometimes upwards of 50 for selected invited talks.

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Composite Materials for Nuclear Applications III: Organized by Anne Campbell; Dong (Lilly) Liu; Rick Ubic; Lauren Garrison; Peng Xu; Johann Riesch; James Wade-Zhu

Composite materials are of growing interest for nuclear fusion and fission due to their combined excellent physical and mechanical properties that are compatible with extreme radiation and high temperature environments. With the development of next-generation fission reactors and fusion power, materials that can withstand higher neutron flux/thermal load/thermal mechanical stresses and more aggressive environments in terms of oxidation, corrosion/erosion, and tolerance to transmutation elements are required. This requirement makes it necessary to (i) understand the operational limits and degradation mechanisms of existing composite materials and (ii) develop and qualify new materials designs. There is a strong overlap in materials research between fission and fusion in terms materials design, processing, characterization, and modelling. This symposium aims to bring scientists and engineers together to share ideas and so join the effort in both fields at an international level for the development of these crucial composite materials and to enable collaborations across groups and countries. The design/processing/modelling/joining of the following materials, as well as their physical/mechanical characterization using ex situ and/or in situ techniques, are encouraged: * Design, processing, and joining of composites for advanced fission and fusion reactors * Modeling over multiple length scales * Material physical and mechanical properties characterization using ex-situ and in-situ techniques * Irradiation effects on materials properties and performance * Chemical compatability reactor relevant environments * Hydrogen transport and trapping * Composite materials systems can include (but are not limited to): * Graphite/carbon-based composites * Ceramic-based composites * Metal-matrix composites * Composite nuclear fuels and claddings

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling: Organized by Orion Kafka; J.C. Stinville; Garrett Pataky; Brian Wisner; Krzysztof Stopka; Kelly Nygren

This symposium features novel methods and new discoveries for understanding all aspects of material fatigue. It brings together scientists and engineers from all over the world to present their latest work on current issues in: characterizing and simulating fatigue damage; identifying microstructural weak links; enhancing fatigue strength and resistance; reporting on quantitative relationships among processing, microstructure, environment, and fatigue properties; fatigue in non-metallic materials; and providing methods to perform life predictions. This symposium further provides a platform for fostering new ideas about fatigue at multiple scales and in multiple environments, numerically, theoretically, and experimentally. The symposium organizers plan to build on the highly successful 2023 and well-attended 2024 symposia by expanding our new topical area of non-metallic fatigue while maintaining support fatigue topics relevant to academic and industry research across metallic materials systems. The proposed 2025 TMS symposium will be provisionally organized into seven topical areas, roughly one per session. One of the sessions, related to microstructure-based fatigue studies on additive-manufactured materials, will be jointly organized with the AM Fatigue & Fracture symposium to prevent overlapping topics at the TMS2025 meeting. The proposed sessions will be carried out over three full days. Throughout the seven sessions, there will be an estimated 60 oral presentations, with 3-5 of those being invited/keynote presentations on relevant topics. Researchers who achieved new findings in fundamental and industrial fatigue topics will be given the opportunity to provide an invited talk. Additionally, a poster session will be held to supplement the oral presentations and to encourage student involvement. Previous FIM symposia have declined to publish extended articles, although we will continue to gauge interest at the meeting. Topics of interest may include (but are not limited to): Predictive methods for fatigue properties. For instance, digital twin approaches; data-driven, data-centric and high-throughput methods; multiscale modeling approaches. Advanced experimental characterization of microstructurally driven fatigue behavior. For instance, emerging characterization methods; multi-modal, correlative and 3D measurements. Fatigue deformation processes. For instance, damage initiation, crack propagation, and plastic localization. Fatigue properties in extreme environments. For instance, Fatigue properties of novel alloys for extreme environments; fatigue properties at high or cryogenic temperatures; very/ultra-high cycle fatigue. Fatigue of non-metallic materials. For example, carbon fiber composites, cementitious and construction materials, ceramics, semiconductor materials up to full chips and packaging, and polymeric materials systems, including resins and other 3D printed polymers. Fatigue studies and design under the process-(micro)structure-properties-performance paradigm Microstructure-based fatigue studies on additive-manufactured materials (Coordinated joint session with Additive Manufacturing Fatigue and Fracture: Towards Rapid Qualification Symposium)

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated Through Novel In-Situ Experiments and Modeling: Organized by Minh-Son Pham; Saurabh Puri; Amit Pandey; Dongchan Jang; Josh Kacher; Jagannathan Rajagopalan; Robert Wheeler; Dhriti Bhattacharyya

The focus of this symposium is to discuss current research and key developments in theory, computational and experimental methods to study and predict the mechanical properties of materials in application-orientated environments. These environments may include, but are not limited to high mechanical loads, cryogenic (or high) temperatures, electrical and magnetic field, radiation, corrosion and oxidation. In-situ mechanical testing using SEM, TEM, AFM, Raman, synchrotron, X-ray, IR, and FTIR observation techniques are becoming increasingly popular for studying the material response during processing or under external loads across time and length scales. At the same time, significant progress has been made in the development of high fidelity models to analyze (or validate hypotheses of) the behavior of materials at different spatial and temporal scales. The intent of the symposium is to provide a forum for researchers from national laboratories, academia, and industry to discuss research progresses in the area of in operando and/or in-situ mechanical testing across time and length scales, advances in computational approaches and most importantly, integration of experiments and modeling to accelerate the development and acceptance of innovative materials and testing techniques. Topics include: Development of instruments and experimental methodology for in-situ studies of material responses in advanced manufacturing and deformation processes. Imaging, analytical and modeling techniques to correlate microstructure (including dislocations, crystallographic orientations, precipitates, phases), processing defects, and strain field with mechanical properties. Microstructural observations using in-situ techniques across length scales. Experimental characterization and multiscale modeling of deformation of high-temperature materials, high-strength materials, thin films, low-dimension nanostructures, and interfaces. Uncertainty quantification and quantitative validation of computational models. We are planning to have a joint session with the symposium entitled, Advanced Real Time Imaging. Respective abstracts will be selected to include in the joint session.

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Microstructural, Mechanical, and Chemical Behavior of Solid Nuclear Fuel and Fuel-Cladding Interface II: Organized by Xing Wang; Miaomiao Jin; Jason Harp; Fabiola Cappia; Dong (Lilly) Liu; Caleb Clement; Jennifer Watkins; Michael Tonks; Yi Xie

Fuel and fuel-cladding interaction constitute the key to understanding fuel performance. The combined effects of microstructural evolution and chemical change cause loss of performance in various forms such as embrittlement, deformation, phase instability, etc., which need to be well understood to enable materials evaluation and prediction in normal and accident scenarios. The designs of current and next-generation reactors are varied. Types of fuels include ceramic, metal, and composite fuels, such as UO2-, UN-, U3Si2-, U-Zr-, U-Mo-based, and TRISO. There are also multiple types of cladding materials in use or under consideration, e.g., Zircaloy, stainless steels, SiC/SiC composites, ODS, HEA concepts, and cladding coatings. In particular, the confounding factors from chemically active fission products (lanthanides, tellurium, etc.) and impurities (oxygen, carbon, etc.) can complicate the fuel performance analysis, due to changes in fuel and fuel-cladding interactions. Meanwhile, the rapid progress of advanced reactor technologies in the industry underscores the urgent need to expedite the development and qualification of nuclear fuels. This symposium aims to bring together experimental and computational investigations that assist in understanding the microstructural, mechanical, and chemical changes in solid fuels and fuel-cladding interfaces. Both the synergistic and separate effects of involved physical processes, with fresh or certain burn-up or surrogate fuels, are of interest. This symposium also calls for research on fuel performance modeling using multi-scale and multi-physics methods. Studies of advanced fuel types and cladding concepts are strongly encouraged. The topics of interest include experimental and modeling efforts in the following aspects, but not limited to: • Evolution of defects, microstructure, and phase in fuels or fuel surrogates • Impact of impurities on microstructure and phase transformation of fuels or fuel surrogates • Behaviors of fission products in fuels and/or cladding • Development of claddings for advanced reactors • Fuel-cladding mechanical and chemical interactions • Accelerating fuel development and qualification via advanced characterization, multi-scale simulation, machine learning, and other techniques

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Nanostructured Materials in Extreme Environments III: Organized by Youxing Chen; Haiming Wen; Yue Fan; Khalid Hattar; Ashley Bucsek; Jessica Krogstad; Irene Beyerlein; Trevor Clark

Applications in critical fields like nuclear, aerospace, and defense often require operation in harsh conditions, characterized by extreme temperatures, intense mechanical stress, rapid strain-rate deformation, corrosive atmospheres, and heavy irradiation. These severe conditions present formidable challenges to the materials used. Nanostructured materials have emerged as a promising solution, offering exceptional properties such as high mechanical strength and superior resistance to irradiation. Their enhanced characteristics make them promising candidates for use in these demanding environments. This classification encompasses ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline materials, along with nanocomposites, including nanolaminates, and nanoparticle/nanoprecipitation-strengthened materials. However, these materials face challenges due to a tendency towards coarsening or compound formation, driven by the high density of interfaces within them. Thus, it's crucial to develop methods to stabilize these nanostructures. This symposium aims to deepen our understanding of how nanostructured metallic, ceramic, and composite materials behave under extreme conditions. We welcome abstracts on a range of topics related to nanostructured materials, although our interest is not limited to these areas. • Materials response in high temperature environment • Materials response under high or ultrahigh mechanical load/pressure • Materials response under high strain-rate deformation • Irradiation-induced microstructure evolution • Evolution of mechanical and physical properties under extreme conditions • Corrosion (and/or erosion) resistant nanomaterials and coatings • Stress corrosion cracking of nanomaterials • In-situ characterization of materials response in harsh environments • Response in simultaneous and coupled multiple extreme environments • Strategies for stabilizing nanostructure in extreme environments • Theory and computational modeling of defect generation and interactions with interfaces under harsh environment • Methodological development of modeling tools for materials response in extreme environments

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Novel Strategies for Rapid Acquisition and Processing of Large Datasets from Advanced Characterization Techniques: Organized by Sriram Vijayan; Rakesh Kamath; Austin Mcdannald; Fan Zhang; Sarshad Rommel

Quantification and correlation of microstructural data to material properties and process variables are key to the design of novel materials and optimization of advanced manufacturing processes. The investigation of the evolution of microstructural features (size, morphology, and chemistry) across different length and time scales in novel material systems and materials subject to advanced manufacturing processes demand the need for a thorough multiscale characterization approach, and typically results in large datasets. Recent developments in high-throughput and autonomous experimental approaches combined with advances in instrumentation, computational capabilities and analysis software have compounded the challenge of curating these large datasets. There is an imminent need for development of novel approaches/strategies to extract high quality and actionable microstructural information from these datasets in a rapid and efficient manner. This symposium seeks to bring researchers from industry and academia alike interested in discussing these novel strategies on data obtained from a single or a combination of techniques, which include - optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), scanning/transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM), neutron and synchrotron x-ray-based techniques, atom probe tomography (APT), and x-ray micro-computed tomography (XCT). Topics include, but are not limited to - • High-throughput property or microstructural characterization methodologies that enable rapid discovery and/or improved design of novel material systems. • Machine learning and AI guided real-time or post facto reduction of high-volume datasets acquired during in situ characterization studies of microstructure evolution. • Challenges and opportunities related to curation, handling, access and storage of metadata/data from large characterization datasets and the adherence to FAIR data principles. • Acceleration of feature extraction and quantification from large imaging (OIM, SEM, EBSD, S/TEM, radiography, tomography) spectroscopy and/or diffraction-based datasets through computer vision and/or machine learning workflows/packages. • Workflows for on-the-fly data extraction and feedback for advanced manufacturing routes using in situ monitoring techniques.

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Spatially Tailored Materials: Processing-Structure-Properties: Organized by Gianna Valentino; Marie Charpagne; Ian Mccue; J.C. Stinville

Recent advances in fabrication enable the local control of microstructures, compositions, and phases across various length scales in a monolithic material. This is particularly relevant for extreme conditions – such as those found in the energy, transportation, and space sectors – where materials are subject to complex thermomechanical loading and environmental degradation. Desired site-specific material properties can now be achieved through advances in manufacturing, allowing graded compositions and/or microstructures across one or more spatial dimensions. However, challenges persist in understanding the formation and evolution of metastable interfaces during far-from-equilibrium processing, making it difficult to identify the relationships between processing, microstructures, and local properties. Before these materials can be implemented, they must overcome difficulties in controlling manufacturing pathways, harnessing nano- to mesoscale interfaces, adapting characterization techniques, and predicting behavior a priori. A mechanistic understanding of the design, fabrication, and performance of interface evolution is crucial for developing the next generation of engineering materials. These novel material systems redefine our perception of the relationships between processing, microstructures, and properties, necessitating the exploration of high-throughput methods to accelerate our understanding. This symposium will bring together worldwide researchers who are pioneering spatially tailored material design, synthesis, characterization, and optimization of location-specific properties. This proposed 2025 TMS symposium will be organized into four sessions, conducted over two full days. Additionally, a poster session will be held to supplement oral presentations and encourage student involvement. Specific topics of interest may include, but are not limited to: • Processing methods, including thin films, spark plasma sintering, additive manufacturing, thermal spray, etc. • Accelerated material discovery, design space mapping, and rapid identification of processing-structure-property relationships • Understanding nano-, micro-, and mesoscale interface formation and evolution, including new methods and techniques for high-throughput characterization • Mechanical behavior and environmental degradation of spatially tailored interfaces under extremes • Computational and experimental design of functionally graded materials This symposium represents a new endeavor at TMS, addressing the growing research in areas like functionally graded materials, additive manufacturing, and rapid material characterization and discovery. What sets it apart from other symposia on these general topics is its concentrated focus on the intricate relationships between processing, structure, and properties specific to functionally graded materials. Our goal is to enrich symposia like the “Functionally Graded Materials, Coatings and Claddings: Toward Microstructure and Property Control” symposium by endorsing presentations that deepen the fundamental comprehension of these relationships in spatially graded materials.

2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Special Topics in Nuclear Materials: Lessons Learned; Non-Energy Systems; and Coupled Extremes: Organized by Charles Hirst; Timothy Lach; Caleb Clement; Stephen Taller; Janelle Wharry; Jason Trelewicz

Nuclear materials research is continuously evolving within an environment of rapidly shifting socio-political, economic, and environmental policies and priorities, as well as in response to research advances across the broader materials science community. This symposium captures emergent topics to facilitate deep and timely discussions that will elevate the impact and visibility of these topics, and build research momentum in these areas. For TMS 2025, three emerging topics are identified: Lessons Learned: Many journal publications highlight the outcome of extensive and expensive irradiation campaigns to examine material properties or fundamental science information, but rarely address outcomes that do not paint the outcome in a positive manner. Presentations are sought that address unforeseen circumstances that interrupted or negated the scientific method when studying issues related to materials performance in extreme environments. General studies for nuclear materials that highlight what did not work as intended and the understanding gained on why the study did not work are strongly encouraged. Examples include: • Artefacts generated during sample preparation or experimentation • The role of non-disclosed impurities or processing on performance • Impacts of non-ideal specimen geometries on thermal or mechanical performance Radiation Effects in Non-Energy Systems: In addition to traditional reactor improvements, advancements in nuclear materials science have introduced capabilities in industrial, transportation, and material characterization applications. Many of these critical advancements have not previously been explored in nuclear-centric symposia as they do not fit the traditional mold of nuclear materials science. This mini-symposium seeks abstracts concerning, but not limited to, the following: • Nuclear fission/fusion used for non-power generation applications such as industrial heat, thermal propulsion, and isotope production • Novel applications of nuclear waste and byproducts • Characterization of non-reactor nuclear materials, such as components of spallation neutron sources or high energy beamlines Coupled Irradiation-Mechanical Extremes: Structural materials in reactor environments experience an extreme combination of radiation, high temperature, and stress. However, most conventional irradiation experiments fail to investigate the effect of stress on microstructural evolution. Simultaneous irradiation and loading significantly affects mechanical behavior, from accelerating creep deformation to increasing fatigue lifetimes, yet remains a critically under-explored phenomenon in the field of nuclear materials science. This mini-symposium invites abstracts investigating but not limited to: • Novel testing methods to apply stress/strain during irradiation • Irradiation creep mechanisms in metals and ceramics • Irradiation fatigue phenomena in transient nuclear environments

MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology: Tackling Metallic Structural Materials Challenges for Advanced Nuclear Reactors: Organized by Miaomiao Jin; Xing Wang; Karim Ahmed; Jeremy Bischoff; Adrien Couet; Kevin Field; Lingfeng He; Raul Rebak

Advanced nuclear reactor designs will play a critical role in meeting the ever-increasing demand for carbon-free energy worldwide. Compared to light water reactors (LWRs), the proposed advanced nuclear energy systems present an exceptionally harsh environment for the structural materials due to a combination of elevated temperature, increased radiation damage, extended service time, and more corrosive coolants. Furthermore, the growing interest in demonstrating advanced reactor designs requires the qualification process of structural materials to be accelerated. All these challenges must be tackled in order to realize the desired safety, efficiency, and economics of future nuclear reactors. Meanwhile, rapid progress in other emerging fields, such as additive manufacturing, high-throughput testing and simulation, multiscale modeling, and data analytics provide new avenues to addressing these challenges in structural materials for advanced reactors. This symposium aims to gather research on metallic structural materials, which can be the evaluation of existing material systems under new conditions or the design of advanced structural materials. Both experimental and computational work are welcome. Abstracts are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas: • Novel structural material concepts for enhanced radiation tolerance • New manufacturing processes (e.g., additive manufacturing) • High-throughput testing and characterization of materials for nuclear applications • Multiscale modeling and simulation • High-throughput simulation and machine learning • Corrosion in non-LWR and accidental conditions • Microstructural evolution under extreme environments

MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology: Uncertainty Quantification Applications in Materials and Engineering: Organized by Mark Andrews; Gavin Jones

Uncertainty Quantification is the science of assessing what is known and not known in a given analysis. It provides the analysts the realm of variation in the analytical response or solution given that input parameters may not be well characterized. Aside from understanding the plausible variation in the analytical responses, it also plays an important role in decision analytics. The scope for this symposium includes examples of applying Uncertainty Quantification methods to Material Science and Engineering analyses. It includes any of the following topics. Methods to quantify input parameter measurement uncertainty. Using Sensitivity Analysis to identify input parameters which have the greatest impact on the responses of interest. Model Calibration methods and results. Assessing model form uncertainty. Using Bayesian methods to quantify uncertainties. How quantifying uncertainties aides in decision making process.

2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Additive Manufacturing: Advanced Characterization with Synchrotron, Neutron, and In Situ Laboratory-scale Techniques III: Organized by Fan Zhang; Donald Brown; Andrew Chuang; Joy Gockel; Sneha Prabha Narra; Tao Sun

The rapidly evolving field of additive manufacturing (AM) features the constant development of new manufacturing technologies and materials and calls for the most advanced characterization tools to enable process monitoring and control and understand the transient microstructural development of AM materials. Facility-based X-ray and neutron techniques and in-house advanced characterization techniques have played a vital role in the research and development of AM technologies. This symposium aims to bring together scientists, engineers, and industrial professionals in the scattering, imaging, and advanced characterization community and the additive manufacturing community to discuss these technique’s latest development and applications in AM and to discuss potential future directions and foster collaborations. We especially welcome abstracts addressing industrial applications and industrial perspectives on characterization needs. This symposium will feature two main themes. The first theme will feature a wide range of presentations and discussions on using facility-based X-ray and neutron scattering, imaging, and spectroscopy methods to understand AM processing at different time and length scales. We welcome abstracts in areas including, but not limited to: 1. Time-resolved imaging and diffraction of the AM process 2. Structure and microstructure evolution during the build and post-build treatments 3. Residual stress measurements and their model validation 4. X-ray fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy measurements for AM materials’ chemical composition analysis 5. Neutron diffraction and small angle neutron scattering measurements to probe the AM materials’ internal microstructure 6. Spatially resolved measurements at different length scales, including microdiffraction and microtomography 7. In situ characterization of AM material response under thermo-mechanical loadings, including quasi-static, high rate, and cyclic loading 8. Model validation with synchrotron and neutron data, including machine-learning development The second theme emphasizes in situ characterization and diagnostics using laboratory-scale techniques. Abstracts are requested in, but not limited to, the following areas: 1. Advancement of existing and emerging in situ process monitoring and process control techniques to reveal process phenomena, detect material defects, and control process variation 2. Identification and understanding of the formation of inherent defects and process anomalies during fabrication from laboratory-scale research to industrial-scale implementation, including those using machine learning methods. 3. High deposition rate AM processes focusing on electron-beam powder bed fusion and powder/wire-based DED processes.

2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Real Time Imaging: Organized by Jinichiro Nakano; David Alman; Il Sohn; Hiroyuki Shibata; Antoine Allanore; Noritaka Saito; Zuotai Zhang; Bryan Webler; Wangzhong Mu; Pranjal Nautiyal; Jiawei Mi

Real time observations can provide important information needed to understand materials behavior, as these techniques can provide temporal and spatial insights free from artifacts otherwise induced from conventional experimental techniques. Traditional and emerging advanced imaging techniques, which may be optical or non-optical, would allow such observations. Methods may be enhanced with capabilities that enable heating and cooling, controlled atmospheres, and application of stresses; and can be used to generate real time thermodynamic and kinetic data needed to study a variety of materials and processes. This symposium encompasses a broad range of materials science topics enabling cross-cutting opportunities for multiple disciplines (biomaterials, energy materials, functional materials, structural materials, etc.) while topics will be separately categorized in the technical program. Presentations are solicited on the application of these methods to materials science and industrial processes, as well as on development of such techniques. Topics include, but not limited to: • Studies using real time optical (e.g., visible light, white light, laser, IR, and UV) and non-optical (e.g., scanning probe, electron, and ultrasound) imaging techniques • Researches using in-situ, in-operando, in-vitro, and in-vivo observation imaging techniques, such as thermal imaging furnace and other real time imaging methods • Confocal techniques, including fluorescence and reflection types, which may be equipped with capabilities such as heating/cooling chambers, gas chambers, mechanical testing, Raman spectroscope, mass spectrometry, and FTIR • Microscopic or telescopic imaging methods include hot thermocouple, resistance heating, and sessile drop techniques used for high temperature phenomena. • Thermodynamic and kinetic data from these techniques, useful for phase diagram constructions, oxidation/corrosion modeling, phase formation kinetics studies, etc. • Work using high speed and slow speed cameras • Materials used in manufacturing real time imaging devices • Novel technologies and methodologies for emerging imaging devices The symposium plans the following joint sessions with: • The Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling symposium Respective papers may participate in part of the dedicated joint session.

2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling: Organized by Orion Kafka; J.C. Stinville; Garrett Pataky; Ashley Spear; Brian Wisner

This symposium features novel methods and new discoveries for understanding all aspects of material fatigue. It brings together scientists and engineers from all over the world to present their latest work on current issues in: characterizing and simulating fatigue damage; identifying microstructural weak links; enhancing fatigue strength and resistance; reporting on quantitative relationships among processing, microstructure, environment, and fatigue properties; fatigue in non-metallic materials; and providing methods to perform life predictions. This symposium further provides a platform for fostering new ideas about fatigue at multiple scales and in multiple environments, numerically, theoretically, and experimentally. The symposium organizers plan to build on a highly successful 2023 symposium by introducing a new topical area, while continuing to support fatigue topics relevant to academic and industry research. The proposed TMS2024 symposium will be provisionally organized into seven sessions. One of the sessions, related to microstructure-based fatigue studies on additive-manufactured materials, will be jointly organized with the AM Fatigue & Fracture symposium to prevent overlapping topics at the TMS2024 meeting. The proposed sessions will be carried out over three full days. Throughout the seven sessions, there will be an estimated 60 oral presentations, with 3-5 of those being keynote presentations on relevant topics. Researchers who achieved new findings in fundamental and industrial fatigue topics will be given the opportunity to provide an invited talk. Additionally, a poster session will be held to supplement the oral presentations and to encourage student involvement. Prizes for best posters will be awarded. A possible edited volume of extended articles on selected topics discussed in this symposium will be evaluated during the meeting. Topics of interest may include (but are not limited to): Predictive methods for fatigue properties. For instance, digital twin approaches; data-driven, data-centric and high-throughput methods; multiscale modeling approaches. Advanced experimental characterization of microstructurally driven fatigue behavior. For instance, emerging characterization methods; multi-modal, correlative and 3D measurements. Fatigue deformation processes. For instance, damage initiation, crack propagation, and plastic localization. Fatigue properties in extreme environments. For instance, Fatigue properties of novel alloys for extreme environments; fatigue properties at high or cryogenic temperature; very/ultra high cycle fatigue. Fatigue of non-metallic materials. For example, carbon fiber composites, cementitious and construction materials, ceramics, semiconductor materials up to full chips and packaging, and polymeric materials systems including resins and other 3D printed polymers. Fatigue studies and design under the process-(micro)structure-properties-performance paradigm Microstructure-based fatigue studies on additive-manufactured materials (Coordinated joint session with Additive Manufacturing Fatigue and Fracture: Towards Rapid Qualification Symposium)

2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Irradiation Testing: Facilities, Capabilities, and Experimental Designs: Organized by Walter Luscher; Peter Hosemann; Andrew Hoffman; Joris Van den Bosch; Brenden Heidrich

Irradiation testing is integral to the development and acceptance of materials and components intended for radiation environments. Irradiation testing addresses a broad array of concerns ranging from the validation of models describing irradiated material behavior to providing proof-of-concept information to justify further development by industry or acceptance by regulatory authorities. Nuclear energy production frequently drives the need for developing materials with enhanced irradiation performance. Current material development efforts include those intended for established reactor designs as well as those being considered for use in either fusion or advanced reactor concepts. Outside the reactor, additional structures, such as those in spent fuel pools and storage casks, must also withstand the challenges posed by long-term exposure to radiation during subsequent spent fuel handling, storage, and disposal. Beyond energy production, irradiation testing can also help develop and refine isotope production processes as well as shielding requirements. These efforts support a wide array of applications ranging from medical diagnostics and scientific research to enhancing worker safety and prolonging space exploration missions, respectively. Irradiation testing is clearly a critical aspect of material development and a wide array of test capabilities are required. The aim of this symposium is to highlight facilities with irradiation testing capabilities that enable data collection from materials exposed to neutron, proton, ion, or gamma irradiation. Topics of interest for this symposium include irradiation vehicle design, in-situ monitoring and control, irradiation facility capabilities, experimental design, and post-irradiation examination capabilities. Test vehicle designs used to support drop-in or instrumented lead experiments in materials research reactors are of interest as well as the experimental configurations used to facilitate beamline irradiations. Active and passive methods of monitoring and controlling key parameters, such as temperature and flux, are also interest. Finally, methods of obtaining data from experiments either during irradiation (e.g., in-situ data collection) or from post-irradiation examination are also of interest. This symposium is intended to bring together national laboratory, university, and nuclear industry researchers from around the world to discuss the current capabilities and challenges associated with the design and execution of irradiation experiments.

2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Materials Informatics to Accelerate Nuclear Materials Investigation: Organized by Miaomiao Jin; Yongfeng Zhang; Tiankai Yao; Anjana Talapatra; Luca Messina; Fei Xu; Benjamin Afflerbach

Data-driven machine learning methods are becoming increasingly useful to accelerate materials discovery and qualification for nuclear applications. The investigation of the association between variables such as structure and performance is always essential in developing strong materials for advanced reactors. However, experiments can be very costly and lengthy considering the reactor environments. Similarly, materials modeling can also face critiques in mode inaccuracy and inefficiency in typical multiscale frameworks. Therefore, how to smartly incorporate the modern development of artificial intelligence (AI) in nuclear materials study will be of strategic significance to accelerate nuclear materials investigation and unlock far more useful materials than traditional Edisonian methods for optimization within a high-dimension parametric space. Recently, increasing work in the nuclear materials community has indicated the efficacy of this powerful tool in improving the accuracy and efficiency of modeling tools, and prediction of radiation effects such as void swelling and embrittlement based on experimental data. Indeed, more integrations of AI and nuclear materials investigation are widely open for exploration, e.g., guiding the material design and synthesis, multi-parameter optimization, and modeling linear or non-linear relations among physical quantities. In this symposium, we hope to bring together the research in nuclear materials taking advantage of materials informatics. The topics of interest include both experimental and modeling efforts in the investigation of nuclear materials that involve the application of machine learning methods, such as (not limited to): • Fundamental defects properties • Microstructural evolution • Radiation effects (swelling, hardening, embrittlement, etc) • Mechanical/Chemical interactions • Manufacturing and characterization technologies

2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling: Organized by Saurabh Puri; Amit Pandey; Dhriti Bhattacharyya; Dongchan Jang; Josh Kacher; Minh-Son Pham; Shailendra Joshi; Jagannathan Rajagopalan; Robert Wheeler

The focus of this symposium is to discuss current research and key developments in theory, computational and experimental methods to study and predict the mechanical properties of materials in application-orientated environments. These environments may include, but are not limited to high temperature, cryogenic temperature, electrical and magnetic field, gas, radiation, chemical, pressure extremes, and humidity. In-situ mechanical testing using SEM, TEM, AFM, Raman, synchrotron, X-ray, IR, and FTIR observation techniques during testing are becoming increasingly popular for studying mechanical behavior of materials. Many such techniques have been developed to probe material response to stimuli across nano- to macro-length scales. At the same time, significant progress has been made in the development of high fidelity models to analyze the behavior of materials at different spatial and temporal scales. The intent of the symposium is to provide a forum for researchers from national laboratories, academia, and industry to discuss research progress in the area of in operando and/or in-situ mechanical testing at small length scales, advances in computational approaches and most importantly, integration of experiments and modeling to accelerate the development and acceptance of innovative materials and testing techniques. Topics include: Development of instruments and experimental methodology for in-situ techniques and/or testing at non-ambient temperatures and/or environments. Imaging, analytical and modeling techniques to correlate microstructure, defects, crystal orientation, and strain field with mechanical properties. Microstructural observations using in-situ techniques across length scales. Experimental characterization and multiscale modeling of deformation of high-temperature materials, high-strength materials, thin films, 1D, 2D, and other low-dimension nanostructures, and interfaces. Uncertainty quantification and quantitative validation of computational models. We are planning to have a joint session with the symposium entitled, Advanced Real Time Imaging. Respective papers will be selected to include in the joint session.

2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Nanostructured Materials in Extreme Environments II: Organized by Haiming Wen; Youxing Chen; Yue Fan; Khalid Hattar; Ashley Bucsek; Jessica Krogstad; Irene Beyerlein; Zhaoping Lu

Many critically important applications (such as nuclear, aerospace and defense) involve extreme environments where high temperature, high mechanical stress, high strain-rate deformation, corrosive atmosphere and intense irradiation are present. Such extreme environments pose significant challenges to the materials being used. Nanostructured materials, including ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline materials, nanotwinned metals and alloys, nanolayered materials, nanoparticles or nanoprecipitates strengthened materials, etc., have exhibited many excellent properties like high mechanical strength and superior irradiation resistance and attracted a lot of research. Their improved properties make them promising candidates for applications in extreme environments. In addition, from the aspect of fundamental research, nanostructured materials in harsh environment offer exciting opportunities to investigate how microstructures respond to the environment and how this eventually affects the mechanical and physical properties. However, there are strong driving forces for irreversible processes such as coarsening or compound formation in nanostructured materials due to the existing high density of interfaces in them. Therefore, strategies need to be developed for the stabilization of the nanostructures. This symposium will focus on understanding the unique aspects of the response of nanostructured metallic, ceramic and composite materials in extreme environments. Abstracts are solicited in, but not necessarily limited to, the following areas with respect to nanostructured materials: • Response in high temperature environment • Response under high or ultrahigh mechanical load/pressure • Response under high strain-rate deformation • Irradiation response and defect generation and migration, as well as microstructure evolution during irradiation • Evolution of mechanical and physical properties under extreme conditions • Corrosion (and/or erosion) resistant nanomaterials and coatings • Stress corrosion cracking of nanomaterials • In-situ characterization of materials response in harsh environments • Response in simultaneous and coupled multiple extreme environments • Diffusive and displacive phase transformations in harsh environments • Strategies for stabilizing nanostructure in extreme environments • Theory and computational modeling of defect generation and interactions with interfaces under harsh environment • Methodological development of modeling tools for materials response in extreme environments

2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Novel Strategies for Rapid Acquisition and Processing of Large Datasets from Advanced Characterization Techniques: Organized by Sriram Vijayan; Rakesh Kamath; Austin Mcdannald; Fan Zhang; Sarshad Rommel

Quantification and correlation of microstructural data to material properties and process variables are key to the design of novel materials and optimization of advanced manufacturing processes. The investigation of the evolution of microstructural features (size, morphology, and chemistry) across different length and time scales in novel material systems and materials subject to advanced manufacturing processes demand the need for a thorough multiscale characterization approach, and typically results in large datasets. Recent developments in high-throughput and autonomous experimental approaches combined with advances in instrumentation, computational capabilities and analysis software have compounded the challenge of curating these large datasets. There is an imminent need for development of novel approaches/strategies to extract high quality and actionable microstructural information from these datasets in a rapid and efficient manner. This symposium seeks to bring researchers from industry and academia alike interested in discussing these novel strategies on data obtained from a single or a combination of techniques, which include - optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), scanning/transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM), neutron and synchrotron x-ray-based techniques, atom probe tomography (APT), and x-ray micro-computed tomography (XCT). Topics include, but are not limited to: * Advances in methods for feature extraction and quantification from large imaging datasets (OM, SEM, S/TEM, radiography, tomography) and their accelerated analysis through computer vision and/or machine learning packages. * Novel developments in hardware enabling rapid acquisition of microstructural data for high-throughput characterization techniques and analysis workflows for autonomous characterization experiments. * Utilization of machine learning enabled pipelines for fast reduction and quantification of microstructural information from large imaging, spectroscopy and/or diffraction-based datasets. * Techniques for tracking and analysis of microstructural evolution in real time or post-facto from in situ characterization datasets �* Workflows for on-the-fly data extraction and feedback for advanced manufacturing routes using in situ monitoring techniques - e.g.- IR thermography, back-scatter electron imaging in additive manufacturing machines. * Challenges and opportunities related to curation, handling, access and storage of metadata/data from large characterization datasets and the adherence to FAIR data principles.

2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Recent Advances in Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction and Related Techniques: Organized by Stuart Wright; Marc De Graef; David Rowenhorst; Katharina Marquardt

This symposium focuses on the use of Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) in the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) but contributions on related SEM based techniques are encouraged as well including: Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD), Electron Channeling Patterns (ECP) and Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging (ECCI). We invite contributions in the following areas: • Advances in theory, modeling, indexing and interpretation of diffraction patterns. • Novel analysis and quantitative metrics of EBSD data • Advances in detector systems, including direct electron detection • EBSD, TKD, and/or ECP/ECCI applications in Materials Science • EBSD, TKD, and/or ECP/ECCI applications in Geology • Open source software related to EBSD, TKD, ECP, ECCI

MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology: Integration between Modeling and Experiments for Crystalline Metals: From Atomistic to Macroscopic Scales V: Organized by Arul Kumar Mariyappan; Irene Beyerlein; Levente Balogh; Caizhi Zhou; Lei Cao; Josh Kacher

This symposium will provide a platform for researchers working on the state-of-the-art of multiscale modeling of materials, microstructural characterization, and small-scale mechanical testing to understand the mechanical behavior of crystalline metals. Background and Rationale: The mechanical behavior of crystalline metals strongly depends on microstructure and the evolution of microstructure at different length scales. Examples include changes in crystallography, defect content and distribution, grain morphology, interfaces, and texture. The success behind the development of multiscale predictive model relies on finding and exploiting the synergies between modeling and experiments. In recent years intense efforts have been dedicated to advancing atomistic, micro, meso and macro-scale simulations tools and bridging them to understand the structure-property relationship. Achieving this goal requires a strong connection between models and experimental characterization techniques at different length scales. This symposium aims to encourage scientists/researchers from diverse areas of materials science and engineering to present recent achievements, identify challenges in developing multiscale material models from the atomic scale to the macro scale, and discuss connections with advanced experimental techniques. The subject areas of the symposium include, but are not limited to: 1. Structural, functional and nuclear materials 2. Dislocations, deformation twins, phase transformation and recrystallization 3. Atomistic modeling 4. Dislocation dynamics and phase field modeling 5. Crystal plasticity models 6. Advanced X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques 7. Advanced microscopy techniques including HR-(S)TEM, HR-EBSD, PED and in-situ TEM and SEM 8. Emphasis on integrating experiments with modeling for guidance/validation 9. Experimentally aided Multi-scale Material Modeling

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Characterization Techniques for Quantifying and Modeling Deformation: Organized by Arul Kumar Mariyappan; Irene Beyerlein; Wolfgang Pantleon; C. Tasan; Olivia Jackson

Objective: This symposium will provide a venue for presentations featuring the use of advanced characterization techniques in all classes of materials to quantify and model deformation mechanisms. Background and Rationale: Advances in characterization technology have greatly improved our ability to quantify deformation mechanisms such as dislocation motion, twinning, and stress-induced phase transformations, and the microstructural changes accompanying deformation such as texture evolution, grain morphology changes, dislocation accumulation and localized strain. A variety of relatively new techniques are being applied to both structural and functional materials. In combination with modeling, these techniques improve our understanding of deformation and failure during material processing/forming and under normal or extreme conditions in service. In situ techniques, especially, are providing an enhanced understanding of individual mechanisms, their interactions, and the direct validation of simulations from computational materials science models. This gathering offers a venue to discuss and share new advances in current techniques or new technique development or in pairing with algorithms or simulations as they apply to deformation behavior. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: (1) Improving the understanding of deformation mechanisms in structural or functional materials – elasticity, dislocation plasticity, mechanically-induced twinning or phase transformations, damage and fracture (2) Advances in characterization techniques: X-ray-based techniques, electron-based techniques (including HR-(S)TEM, EBSD, HR-EBSD, ECCI, PED), scanning probe microscopy techniques, and others – in particular in-situ (3) Advances in materials deformation modeling– with specific emphasis on the integration with advanced characterization techniques

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Real Time Imaging: Organized by Jinichiro Nakano; David Alman; Il Sohn; Hiroyuki Shibata; Antoine Allanore; Noritaka Saito; Anna Nakano; Zuotai Zhang; Candan Tamerler; Bryan Webler; Wangzhong Mu; David Veysset; Pranjal Nautiyal

Real time observations can provide important information needed to understand materials behavior, as these techniques can provide temporal and spatial insights free from artifacts otherwise induced from conventional experimental techniques. Traditional and emerging advanced imaging techniques, which may be optical or non-optical, would allow such observations. Methods may be enhanced with capabilities that enable heating and cooling, controlled atmospheres, and application of stresses; and can be used to generate real time thermodynamic and kinetic data needed to study a variety of materials and processes. This symposium encompasses a broad range of materials science topics enabling cross-cutting opportunities for multiple disciplines (biomaterials, energy materials, functional materials, structural materials, etc.) while topics will be separately categorized in the technical program. Presentations are solicited on the application of these methods to materials science and industrial processes, as well as on development of such techniques. Topics include, but not limited to: • Studies using real time optical (e.g., visible light, white light, laser, IR, and UV) and non-optical (e.g., scanning probe, electron, and ultrasound) imaging techniques • Researches using in-situ, in-operando, in-vitro, and in-vivo observation imaging techniques, such as thermal imaging furnace and other real time imaging methods • Confocal techniques, including fluorescence and reflection types, which may be equipped with capabilities such as heating/cooling chambers, gas chambers, mechanical testing, Raman spectroscope, mass spectrometry, and FTIR • Microscopic or telescopic imaging methods include hot thermocouple, resistance heating, and sessile drop techniques used for high temperature phenomena. • Thermodynamic and kinetic data from these techniques, useful for phase diagram constructions, oxidation/corrosion modeling, phase formation kinetics studies, etc. • Work using high speed and slow speed cameras • Materials used in manufacturing real time imaging devices • Novel technologies and methodologies for emerging imaging devices The symposium plans the following joint sessions with: • The Bio-Nano Interfaces and Engineering Applications symposium • The Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling symposium Respective papers may participate in part of the dedicated sessions.

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Characterization of Materials through High Resolution Coherent Imaging: Organized by Richard Sandberg; Ross Harder; Xianghui Xiao; Brian Abbey; Saryu Fensin; Ana Diaz; Mathew Cherukara

This symposium will provide a venue for presentations regarding the use of coherent diffraction imaging techniques (x-ray and electron diffraction imaging, ptychography, holography) and phase contrast imaging techniques for high-resolution characterization in all classes of materials. Additionally, modeling and simulation methods that are relevant to nanoscale imaging techniques will be included. Background and Rationale: A high degree of spatial coherence is an attractive property in x-ray and electron beams. Those from modern synchrotrons and electron microscopes have enabled the development of novel imaging methods. In some cases, these imaging methods provide resolution beyond that achieved with optics and can also provide remarkable sensitivity to a variety of contrast mechanisms. The two methods that will be the focus of this symposium are coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) and phase contrast imaging (PCI) with both x-rays and electrons. Both explicitly take advantage of the coherence properties of the incident beams. CDI has rapidly advanced in the last twenty years to allow characterization of a broad range of materials, including nanoparticles, strained crystals, biomaterials and cells. PCI has been widely employed in dynamics and engineering studies of materials, geophysics, medicine and biology. Various techniques making use of both x-rays and electrons have been developed that provide unique characterization abilities such as three dimensional strain mapping and non-destructive three-dimensional quantitative tomographic imaging. Increasingly, materials modeling at the atomistic and continuum scales is being used in conjunction with these imaging techniques to enhance their capability. Such combined imaging and modeling methods include building experimentally informed models, which are in turn used to make predictions at spatio-temporal scales inaccessible to the imaging technique, and the use of deep learning algorithms trained on synthetic data. These pre-trained deep learning algorithms are being used to improve the quality of acquired x-ray data, reduce experimental measurement times and also reduce compute time required to recover 3D images from raw data. Finally, as the new 4th generation x-ray light sources (Diffraction Limited Storage Ring or DSLR) come online around the world such as the ESRF in France or APS in Argonne National Laboratory, these brilliant and coherent x-ray sources will become increasingly important and applicable to those wanting to understand materials behaviors at the mesoscale to nanometer scale. Our 2023 symposium will have a special session dedicated to imaging experiments at these exciting new sources and their applications to materials. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: (1). All x-ray based techniques including Bragg CDI, Fresnel CDI, ptychographic CDI, propagation phase contrast imaging, interferometry imaging, and analyzer based phase-contrast imaging (2). All electron based techniques including ptychography and electron CDI (3). Computational and simulation efforts with overlap in high resolution imaging. (4). Big data analytics and machine learning methods to accelerate data abstraction and improve image quality (5). All structural and functional materials systems needing high resolution imaging (6). Industrial applications (7.) Development of new techniques and new sources

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Composite Materials for Nuclear Applications II: Organized by Anne Campbell; Dong (Lilly) Liu; Rick Ubic; Lauren Garrison; Peng Xu; Johann Riesch

Composite materials are of growing interest for nuclear fusion and fission due to their combined excellent physical and mechanical properties that are compatible with extreme radiation and high temperature environments. With the development of next-generation fission reactors and fusion power, materials that can withstand higher neutron flux/thermal load/thermal mechanical stresses and more aggressive environments in terms of oxidation, corrosion/erosion, and tolerance to transmutation elements are required. This requirement makes it necessary to (i) understand the operational limits and degradation mechanisms of existing composite materials and (ii) develop and qualify new materials designs. There is a strong overlap in materials research between fission and fusion in terms materials design, processing, characterization, and modelling. This symposium aims to bring scientists and engineers together to share ideas and so join the effort in both fields at an international level for the development of these crucial composite materials and to enable collaborations across groups and countries. The design/processing/modelling/joining of the following materials, as well as their physical/mechanical characterization using ex situ and/or in situ techniques, are encouraged: • Graphite/carbon-based composites for fission and/or fusion (e.g., nuclear graphite, C/C, and novel designs) • Ceramic-based composites for fusion and/or for nuclear cladding (e,g., SiC-SiC, C/SiC, and novel designs) • Metal-based composites (e.g., ODS steels, components with protective single- or bi-layer coatings including diamond on fusion components and/or Cr or Cr/Nb on accident-tolerant fuel cladding, tungsten/tungsten composites, laminate systems) • TRISO fuel (e.g., particles, compacts, and FCM fuel) Presentations on SiC-related topics will be coordinated with concurrent symposia on ceramics to minimize overlap.

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling: Organized by J.C. Stinville; Garrett Pataky; Ashley Spear; Antonios Kontsos; Brian Wisner; Orion Kafka

This symposium features novel methods and new discoveries for understanding all aspects of material fatigue. It brings together scientists and engineers from all over the world to present their latest work on current issues in: characterizing and simulating fatigue damage; identifying microstructural weak links; enhancing fatigue strength and resistance; reporting on quantitative relationships among processing, microstructure, environment, and fatigue properties; and providing methods to perform life predictions. This symposium further provides a platform for fostering new ideas about fatigue at multiple scales and in multiple environments, numerically, theoretically, and experimentally. The symposium organizers are committed to achieving excellence in 2023 by providing a comprehensive symposium that highlights the relevant fatigue topics to academic and industry research. The proposed 2023 TMS symposium will be organized into six sessions. One of the sessions, related to microstructure-based fatigue studies on additive-manufactured materials, will be jointly organized with the AM Fatigue & Fracture symposium to prevent overlapping topics at the TMS2023 meeting. The proposed six sessions will be carried out over three full days. Throughout the six sessions, there will be an estimated 50 oral presentations, with 2-4 of those being keynote presentations on relevant topics. Researchers who achieved new findings in fundamental and industrial fatigue topics will be given the opportunity to provide an invited talk. Additionally, a poster session will be held to supplement the oral presentations and to encourage student involvement. Prizes for best posters will be awarded. A possible edited volume of extended articles on select topics discussed in this symposium will be evaluated during the meeting. Topics of interest may include (but are not limited to): * Predictive methods for fatigue properties. For instance, digital twin approaches; data-driven, data-centric and high-throughput methods; multiscale modeling approaches. * Advanced experimental characterization of microstructurally driven fatigue behavior. For instance, emerging characterization methods; multi-modal, correlative and 3D measurements. * Fatigue deformation processes. For instance, damage initiation, crack propagation, and plastic localization. * Fatigue properties in extreme environments. For instance, Fatigue properties of novel alloys for extreme environments; fatigue properties at high or cryogenic temperature; very high cycle fatigue. * Fatigue studies and design under the process-(micro)structure-properties-performance paradigm. * Microstructure-based fatigue studies on additive-manufactured Materials.

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling: Organized by Saurabh Puri; Amit Pandey; Dhriti Bhattacharyya; Dongchan Jang; Shailendra Joshi; Minh-Son Pham; Jagannathan Rajagopalan; Robert Wheeler; Josh Kacher

The focus of this symposium is to discuss current research and key developments in theory, computational and experimental methods to study and predict the mechanical properties of materials in application-orientated environments. These environments may include, but are not limited to high temperature, cryogenic temperature, electrical and magnetic field, gas, radiation, chemical, pressure extremes, and humidity. In-situ mechanical testing using SEM, TEM, AFM, Raman, synchrotron, X-ray, IR, and FTIR observation techniques during testing are becoming increasingly popular for studying mechanical behavior of materials. Many such techniques have been developed to probe material response to stimuli across nano- to macro-length scales. At the same time, significant progress has been made in the development of high fidelity models to analyze the behavior of materials at different spatial and temporal scales. The intent of the symposium is to provide a forum for researchers from national laboratories, academia, and industry to discuss research progress in the area of in operando and/or in-situ mechanical testing at small length scales, advances in computational approaches and most importantly, integration of experiments and modeling to accelerate the development and acceptance of innovative materials and testing techniques. Topics include: • Development of instruments and experimental methodology for in-situ techniques and/or testing at non-ambient temperatures and/or environments. • Imaging, analytical and modeling techniques to correlate microstructure, defects, crystal orientation, and strain field with mechanical properties. • Microstructural observations using in-situ techniques across length scales. • Experimental characterization and multiscale modeling of deformation of high-temperature materials, high-strength materials, thin films, 1D, 2D, and other low-dimension nanostructures, and interfaces. • Uncertainty quantification and quantitative validation of computational models. We are planning to have a joint session with the symposium entitled, Advanced Real Time Imaging. Respective papers will be selected to include in the joint session.

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Methods, Techniques, and Materials Discovery of Irradiation Effect Using In-situ Microscopy: Organized by Wei-Ying Chen; Xuan Zhang; Kevin Field; Donald Brown; Aida Amroussia

Microstructural characterization of irradiated microstructure is the key to building mechanistic models that predict material behavior under irradiation. While a great knowledge has been obtained from the conventional ex situ, post-irradiation examinations, in situ experiments using electrons, x-ray or neutrons can provide unique information that cannot be acquired by post-irradiation examinations. With recent advance in instrumentation, techniques and with the integration with modeling and artificial intelligence, there are renewed opportunities for in situ microscopy to further enhance our understanding on the irradiation effects on materials. This symposium looks for studies that utilize advanced methods or tools that in situ investigate the microstructure of materials under irradiation. The scope of the symposium includes, but not limited to: • In situ observation of material microstructure under irradiation or irradiated materials under influences (e.g. deformation, heating, corrosion) using charged particles, x-ray or neutrons. • Advanced in situ irradiation microscopy techniques • Computer vision (CV) and machine learning (ML) applications on in situ microscopy • Integrating in situ irradiation experiment with modeling and simulation • Correlation of microstructure induced by In-situ ion irradiation and neutron irradiation • Artifact of in situ experiments and mitigation methods.

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Microstructural, Mechanical and Chemical Behavior of Solid Nuclear Fuel and Fuel-cladding Interface: Organized by Yi Xie; Miaomiao Jin; Jason Harp; Fabiola Cappia; Jennifer Watkins; Michael Tonks

Fuel and fuel-cladding interaction constitute the key to understanding fuel performance. The combined effect of microstructural evolution and chemical change cause loss of performance in various forms such as embrittlement, deformation, phase instability, etc, which need to be well understood to enable materials evaluation and prediction in normal and accident scenarios. The designs of current and next-generation reactors are varied. The types of fuels include ceramic, metal, and composite fuels, including UO2-, UN-, U3Si2-, U-Zr-, U-Mo-based, and TRISO. There are also multiple types of cladding materials in use/consideration, e.g., zircoloy, stainless steels, SiC/SiC composite, ODS, HEA concepts and coating, made by various advanced manufacturing methods. In particular, the confounding factors from chemically active fission products (lanthanides, tellurium, etc.) and impurities (oxygen, carbon, etc.) can complicate the fuel performance analysis, due to the changes in fuel and fuel-cladding interaction. This symposium aims to bring together experimental and computational investigations that assist in understanding the microstructural, mechanical, and chemical changes in these solid fuels and fuel-cladding interfaces. Both the synergistic and separate effects of involved physical processes, with fresh or certain burn-up or surrogate fuels, are of interest. Analysis of advanced fuel types and cladding concepts are strongly encouraged. This symposium also calls for multi-scale modeling and simulations and fuel performance modeling. The topics of interest include experimental and modeling efforts in the following aspects, but not limited to: • Evolution of defects, microstructure, and phase in fuels or fuel surrogates • Impact of impurities on microstructure and phase transformation of fuels or fuel surrogates • Behaviors of fission products in fuels and/or cladding • Fuel-cladding mechanical and chemical interactions • Advanced manufacturing and characterization technologies for nuclear fuels

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Nanostructured Materials in Extreme Environments: Organized by Haiming Wen; Nan Li; Youxing Chen; Yue Fan; Niaz Abdolrahim; Khalid Hattar; Ruslan Valiev; Zhaoping Lu

Many critically important applications (such as nuclear, aerospace and defense) involve extreme environments where high temperature, high mechanical stress, high strain-rate deformation, corrosive atmosphere and intense irradiation are present. Such extreme environments pose significant challenges to the materials being used. Nanostructured materials, including ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline materials, nanotwinned metals and alloys, nanolayered materials, nanoparticles or nanoprecipitates strengthened materials, etc., have exhibited many excellent properties like high mechanical strength and superior irradiation resistance and attracted a lot of research. Their improved properties make them promising candidates for applications in extreme environments. In addition, from the aspect of fundamental research, nanostructured materials in harsh environment offer exciting opportunities to investigate how microstructures respond to the environment and how this eventually affects the mechanical and physical properties. However, there are strong driving forces for irreversible processes such as coarsening or compound formation in nanostructured materials due to the existing high density of interfaces in them. Therefore, strategies need to be developed for the stabilization of the nanostructures. This symposium will focus on understanding the unique aspects of the response of nanostructured metallic, ceramic and composite materials in extreme environments. Abstracts are solicited in, but not necessarily limited to, the following areas with respect to nanostructured materials: • Response in high temperature environment • Irradiation response and defect generation and migration, as well as microstructure evolution during irradiation • Evolution of mechanical and physical properties under extreme conditions • Corrosion (and/or erosion) resistant nanomaterials and coatings • Stress corrosion cracking of nanomaterials • In-situ characterization of materials response in harsh environments • Response in simultaneous and coupled multiple extreme environments • Diffusive and displacive phase transformations in harsh environments • Strategies for stabilizing nanostructure in extreme environments • Theory and computational modeling of defect generation and interactions with interfaces under harsh environment • Methodological development of modeling tools for materials response in extreme environments

2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Quantifying Microstructure Heterogeneity for Qualification of Additively Manufactured Materials: Organized by Sharniece Holland; Eric Payton; Edwin Schwalbach; Joy Gockel; Ashley Paz y Puente; Paul Wilson; Amit Verma; Sriram Vijayan; Jake Benzing

The transient heat transfer conditions encountered in additive manufacturing (AM) result in unusual microstructures and textures that can have different properties from conventional wrought or cast processes. The unique microstructure results from the combination of rapid melting and solidification from the AM process. The directional heat transfer results in strongly textured columnar grains, and this microstructure affects the mechanical properties of the final part. Conventionally processed products have been considered superior compared to AM in many of the most demanding and safety critical engineering applications due to the heterogeneity and orientation dependency of mechanical properties, potential for life-limiting defect content, and qualification challenges. This limits adoption of AM parts where they could otherwise offer an advantage, for example in weight savings or reduction in final machining. Mechanical anisotropy results from the strong crystallographic texture in as-fabricated AM parts, and this anisotropy can be influenced with an optimization of the laser scanning strategy or a post fabrication heat treatment. Because the initial microstructures from AM are different from conventional processes, optimal heat treatment times and temperatures for AM materials can differ from those used in conventional thermomechanical processing. The lack of standardization between machines creates an additional level of complexity. As a result, the qualification of materials from AM would benefit from an accurate digital twin of the process, capable of predicting defect probabilities and local microstructure heterogeneity. This symposium will explore the unique thermal sequence of AM materials and their distinctive microstructures, which affect their performance. Contributions are sought that address microstructure development during AM from experimental and computational perspectives, including but not limited to: - quantitative microstructure characterization - mechanisms of defect formation - correlation of in-situ process monitoring data with microstructure - defect probability predictions - uncertainty quantification - multiphysics simulations, both of the manufacturing process and the effects of microstructure on performance. References [1] Seifi, M., et al. "Progress towards metal AM standardization to support qualification and certification." JOM 69.3 (2017): 439-455. [2] Kok, Y., et al. "Anisotropy and heterogeneity of microstructure and mechanical properties in metal AM: A critical review." Materials & Design 139 (2018): 565-586. [3] Lindgren, L.-E., and A. Lundb�ck. "Approaches in computational welding mechanics applied to AM: Review and outlook." Comptes Rendus M�canique 346.11 (2018): 1033-1042. [4] Gatsos, T., et al. "Review on computational modeling of process– microstructure–property relationships in metal AM." JOM 72.1 (2020): 403-419. [5] Rezaei, A., et al. "Microstructural and mechanical anisotropy of selective laser melted IN718 superalloy at room and high temperatures using small punch test." Materials Characterization 162 (2020): 110200.

MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology: Tackling Structural Materials Challenges for Advanced Nuclear Reactors: Organized by Miaomiao Jin; Xing Wang; Karim Ahmed; Jeremy Bischoff; Adrien Couet; Kevin Field; Lingfeng He; Raul Rebak

Advanced nuclear reactors will play a critical role in meeting the ever-increasing demand for carbon-free energy worldwide. Compared to light water reactors (LWRs), the proposed advanced nuclear energy systems present an exceptionally harsh environment for the structural materials due to a combination of elevated temperature, increased radiation damage, extended service time, and more corrosive coolants. Furthermore, the growing interest in demonstrating advanced reactor designs requires the qualification process of structural materials to be accelerated. All of these challenges must be tackled in order to realize the desired safety, efficiency, and economics of future nuclear reactors. Meanwhile, rapid progress in other emerging fields, such as additive manufacturing, high-throughput testing and simulation, multiscale modeling, and data analytics provide new avenues to addressing these challenges in structural materials for advanced reactors. This symposium emphasizes not only the evaluation of existing material systems under new conditions, but also the design of advanced structural materials spanning across alloys, ceramics, composites, etc. Both experimental and computational work are welcome. Abstracts are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas: • Novel structural material concepts for enhanced radiation tolerance • New manufacturing processes (e.g., additive manufacturing) • High-throughput testing and characterization of materials for nuclear applications • Multiscale modeling and simulation • High-throughput simulation and machine learning • Corrosion in non-LWR and accidental conditions • Microstructural evolution under extreme environments

2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Additive Manufacturing: Advanced Characterization with Synchrotron, Neutron, and In Situ Laboratory-scale Techniques II: Organized by Fan Zhang; Donald Brown; Andrew Chuang; Joy Gockel; Sneha Prabha Narra; Tao Sun

Additive manufacturing (AM) is beginning to realize its transformative potential to impact many industrial sectors through performance gains, weight savings, and rapid part customization and delivery. However, more widespread utilization of AM technologies in critical sectors such as aerospace and defense is still hindered by the challenges of qualification and certification of AM parts. The main reasons for these challenges are the material and functional complexities arising from the highly heterogeneous microstructure across multiple length scales that are introduced during the nonequilibrium fabrication processes. To solidify AM’s status as a new design paradigm, continuous advancements in process control and process monitoring as well as development and application of advanced characterization methods to measure and quantify the interactions between material and processing parameters to better understand and construct the material-process-structure relationship are required. The purpose of this symposium is to provide a forum to share, spread, and promote exciting ideas and progress of AM materials and process characterization using advanced synchrotron, neutron, and laboratory-scale processing monitoring and control techniques. It has two main themes. The first theme emphasizes characterization of AM materials using facility-based, state-of-the-art synchrotron and neutron characterization techniques. Abstracts are requested in, but not limited to, the following areas: 1. Time-resolved imaging and diffraction of the AM process 2. Structure and microstructure evolution during post-build heat treatment 3. Residual stress measurements and their model validation 4. Spatially resolved measurements at different length scales, including microdiffraction and microtomography 5. Mechanical behavior characterization, including deformation, fatigue, and fracture 6. Additive manufacturing inspired machine learning methods The second theme emphasizes in situ characterization and diagnostics using laboratory-scale techniques. Abstracts are requested in, but not limited to, the following areas: 1. Advancement of existing and emerging in situ process monitoring and process control techniques to reveal process phenomenon, detect material defects, and control process variation. 2. Identification and understanding of the formation of inherent defects and process anomalies during fabrication from laboratory-scale research to industrial-scale implementation, including those using machine learning methods. We also welcome abstracts addressing industrial applications and industrial perspective on characterization needs, as well as theoretical modeling and numerical simulations that are validated by synchrotron, neutron, or laboratory-scale in situ measurements.

2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Characterization and Modeling of Nuclear Fuels: Microstructure, Thermo-physical Properties: Organized by David Frazer; Fabiola Cappia; Tsvetoslav Pavlov; Peter Hosemann

Evaluating the evolution of nuclear fuel during reactor operation is essential to foster the scientific understanding of fuel behavior. This can provide the data needed to enhance the burn-up of current fuels, enable the use of new accident tolerant fuel forms and metallic fuels. With this research motivation many research facilities worldwide have developed their ability to characterize fresh and irradiated fuels utilizing advanced electron microscopy and thermal characterization techniques. The application of these techniques has led to fuels being studied before and after service providing new knowledge and ideas to enhance burnup and fuel utilization or investigate new fuel forms. In addition, these tools have been applied to evaluate the movement of fission products and further the understanding of the fuel clad chemical interactions and are now ready to be deployed in other fields of research as well. In parallel, model development and implementation of the data generated with advanced techniques in physics-based models for fuel performance codes is becoming increasingly important, both for current fuel burnup extension and advanced fuel development. This symposium aims to take a closer look at the evolution of the microstructure and thermo-physical properties of nuclear fuels during service, including the interaction region between fuel and cladding. Correspondingly, the synergy with materials modeling in advancing and understanding fuels performance under normal and accident conditions will be considered in the symposium. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Scanning electron microscopy characterization of nuclear fuels and its associated techniques such as Energy dispersive spectroscopy and Wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Electron backscatter diffraction Transmission electron microscopy characterization of nuclear fuels 3D reconstructions of electron backscatter diffraction or scanning election microscopy images of nuclear fuels Thermo-physical property measurements of both fresh and irradiated nuclear fuels Modeling of nuclear fuel behavior during operation

2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Characterization Techniques for Quantifying and Modeling Deformation: Organized by Arul Kumar Mariyappan; Irene Beyerlein; Wolfgang Pantleon; C. Tasan; Olivia Underwood Jackson

Objective: This symposium will provide a venue for presentations featuring the use of advanced characterization techniques in all classes of materials to quantify and model deformation mechanisms. Background and Rationale: Advances in characterization technology have greatly improved our ability to quantify deformation mechanisms such as dislocations, twinning, and stress induced phase transformations, and the microstructural changes accompanying deformation such as texture evolution, grain morphology changes, and localized strain. A variety of relatively new techniques are being applied to both structural and functional materials. These techniques, in combination with modeling, are improving our understanding of deformation and failure during material processing/forming and under normal or extreme conditions in service. In situ techniques, especially, are providing enhanced understanding of individual mechanisms, their interactions, and direct validation of simulations from computational materials science models. This gathering provides a venue to discuss and share new advances in current techniques or new technique development or in pairing with algorithms or simulations as they apply to deformation behavior. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: (1) Dislocations, deformation twins, and stress-induced phase transformations (2) All advanced X-Ray-based techniques (3) All advanced electron-based techniques including HR-(S)TEM, EBSD, HR-EBSD, ECCI, PED, in situ TEM (4) All structural and functional materials systems (5) Advances in material modeling through the use of advanced characterization techniques (7) New characterization and in-situ technique development

2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Real Time Imaging: Organized by Jinichiro Nakano; David Alman; Il Sohn; Hiroyuki Shibata; Antoine Allanore; Noritaka Saito; Anna Nakano; Zuotai Zhang; Candan Tamerler; Bryan Webler; Wangzhong Mu; David Veysset; Pranjal Nautiyal

Real time observations can provide important information needed to understand materials behavior, as these techniques can provide temporal and spatial insights free from artifacts otherwise induced from conventional experimental techniques. Traditional and emerging advanced imaging techniques, which may be optical or non-optical, would allow such observations. Methods may be enhanced with capabilities that enable heating and cooling, controlled atmospheres, and application of stresses; and can be used to generate real time thermodynamic and kinetic data needed to study a variety of materials and processes. This symposium encompasses a broad range of materials science topics enabling cross-cutting opportunities for multiple disciplines (biomaterials, energy materials, functional materials, structural materials, etc.) while topics will be separately categorized in the technical program. Presentations are solicited on the application of these methods to materials science and industrial processes, as well as on development of such techniques. Topics include, but not limited to: • Studies using real time optical (e.g., visible light, white light, laser, IR, and UV) and non-optical (e.g., scanning probe, electron, and ultrasound) imaging techniques • Researches using in-situ, in-operando, in-vitro, and in-vivo observation imaging techniques, such as thermal imaging furnace and other real time imaging methods • Confocal techniques, including fluorescence and reflection types, which may be equipped with capabilities such as heating/cooling chambers, gas chambers, mechanical testing, Raman spectroscope, mass spectrometry, and FTIR • Microscopic or telescopic imaging methods include hot thermocouple, resistance heating, and sessile drop techniques used for high temperature phenomena. • Thermodynamic and kinetic data from these techniques, useful for phase diagram constructions, oxidation/corrosion modeling, phase formation kinetics studies, etc. • Work using high speed and slow speed cameras • Materials used in manufacturing real time imaging devices • Novel technologies and methodologies for emerging imaging devices The symposium plans to have joint sessions with: • The Bio-Nano Interfaces and Engineering Applications symposium • The Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling symposium Respective papers may participate in part of the dedicated sessions.

2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advances and Discoveries in Non-equilibrium Driven Nanomaterials and Thin Films: Organized by Ritesh Sachan; Amit Pandey; Saurabh Puri; Amber Srivastava; Nuggehalli Ravindra

This conference plans to bring together scientists and engineers who focus on advances in synthesis and processing, atomic-scale characterization, structure-property correlations, and modeling of novel non-equilibrium nanostructured materials and functional thin films. The scope of the conference includes zero-dimensional (such as nanodots), one-dimensional (nanotubes and nanowires), two-dimensional (thin films), and three-dimensional (bulk) nanostructures, uniquely synthesized under extreme non-equilibrium conditions. Integration of such novel functional materials on practical substrates such as silicon and sapphire plays a critical role in creating multifunctional materials for next-generation systems and will be included as one of the important areas of interest in the proposed symposium. The symposium highlights the science of the thin film deposition methods, nonequilibrium processing techniques (laser/electron/ion irradiations, flash sintering, and mechanical milling, etc.), role of interfaces, and defects for fabricating such novel non-equilibrium nanostructures and thin-film heterostructures. It focuses on the recent discoveries of 2D materials, nanodiamonds, oxide thin films, and nanostructures through non-equilibrium processing which stands to revolutionize quantum computing, superhard coatings, high-temperature, and high-power electronics, and biomedical applications. Topics include: • Non-equilibrium processes for the synthesis of novel nanostructures. • Structure-properties correlations in complex oxide thin film heterostructures. • Atomic-scale characterization of 0-D, 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D nanostructures with novel functional properties. • Pulsed laser deposition and laser processing of novel materials and epitaxial thin-film structures. • Nanomaterials fabrication with guided laser/ion/electron irradiations. • Role of defects and interfaces in properties manipulations in nanostructures. • Coatings and surface modifications for high-temperature and high-power electronics and biomedical applications.

2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling: Organized by J.C. Stinville; Garrett Pataky; Ashley Spear; Antonios Kontsos; Brian Wisner; Orion Kafka

This symposium features novel methods and new discoveries for understanding all aspects of material fatigue. It brings together scientists and engineers from all over the world to present their latest work on current issues in: characterizing and simulating fatigue damage; identifying microstructural weak links; enhancing fatigue strength and resistance; reporting on quantitative relationships among processing, microstructure, environment, and fatigue properties; and providing methods to perform life predictions. This symposium further provides a platform for fostering new ideas about fatigue at multiple scales and in multiple environments, numerically, theoretically, and experimentally. The proposed 2022 TMS symposium will be organized into six sessions: -Advanced Experimental Characterization of Microstructurally Driven Fatigue Behavior -Microstructure-based Fatigue Studies on Additive-Manufactured Materials (to be jointly organized with AM Fatigue & Fracture symposium) -Multi-mechanical Interactions during Extreme Environment Fatigue Loading -From Cyclic Plastic Localization to Crack Nucleation and Propagation -Data-Driven Investigations of Fatigue -Multiscale Modeling Approaches to Improve Fatigue Predictions The proposed six sessions will be carried out over three full days, with morning and afternoon sessions each day. Throughout the six sessions, there will be an estimated 50 oral presentations, with 2-4 of those being keynote presentations. Additionally, a poster session will be held to supplement the oral presentations and to encourage student involvement. Students may submit an abstract for a poster presentation, an oral presentation, or both. Prizes for best posters will be awarded. A possible edited volume of extended articles on select topics discussed in this symposium will be evaluated during the meeting.

2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated Through Novel In-Situ Experiments and Modeling: Organized by Saurabh Puri; Amit Pandey; Dhriti Bhattacharyya; Dongchan Jang; Shailendra Joshi; Josh Kacher; Minh-Son Pham; Jagannathan Rajagopalan; Robert Wheeler

The focus of this symposium is to discuss current research and key developments in theory, computational and experimental methods to study and predict the mechanical properties of materials in application-orientated environments. These environments may include, but are not limited to high temperature, cryogenic temperature, electrical and magnetic field, gas, radiation, chemical, pressure extremes, and humidity. In-situ mechanical testing using SEM, TEM, AFM, Raman, synchrotron, X-ray, IR, and FTIR observation techniques during testing are becoming increasingly popular for studying mechanical behavior of materials. Many such techniques have been developed to probe material response to stimuli across nano- to macro-length scales. At the same time, significant progress has been made in the development of high fidelity models to analyze the behavior of materials at different spatial and temporal scales. The intent of the symposium is to provide a forum for researchers from national laboratories, academia, and industry to discuss research progress in the area of in operando and/or in-situ mechanical testing at small length scales, advances in computational approaches and most importantly, integration of experiments and modeling to accelerate the development and acceptance of innovative materials and testing techniques. Topics include: • Development of instruments and experimental methodology for in-situ techniques and/or testing at non-ambient temperatures and/or environments. • Imaging, analytical and modeling techniques to correlate microstructure, defects, crystal orientation, and strain field with mechanical properties. • Microstructural observations using in-situ techniques across length scales. • Experimental characterization and multiscale modeling of deformation of high-temperature materials, high-strength materials, thin films, 1D, 2D, and other low-dimension nanostructures, and interfaces. • Uncertainty quantification and quantitative validation of computational models. We are planning to have a joint session with the symposium entitled, Advanced Real Time Imaging. Respective papers will be selected to include in the joint session.

2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Characterization Techniques for Quantifying and Modeling Deformation: Organized by Rodney McCabe; Marko Knezevic; Irene Beyerlein; Wolfgang Pantleon; C. Tasan; Arul Kumar Mariyappan; Olivia Underwood Jackson

Objective: This symposium will provide a venue for presentations regarding the use of advanced characterization techniques in all classes of materials to quantify and model deformation mechanisms. Background and Rationale: Advances in characterization technology have greatly improved our ability to quantify deformation mechanisms such as dislocations, twinning, and stress induced phase transformations, and the microstructural changes accompanying deformation such as texture evolution, grain morphology changes, and localized strain. A variety of relatively new techniques are being applied to both structural and functional materials. These techniques, in combination with modeling, are improving our understanding of deformation and failure during material processing/forming and under normal or extreme conditions in service. In situ techniques are also providing enhanced understanding of individual mechanism interactions and direct validation of plasticity models. This gathering provides a place to talk about new advances in current techniques or in technique development as they apply to deformation. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: (1) Dislocations, deformation twins, and stress induced phase transformations (2) All advanced X-Ray-based techniques (3) All advanced electron-based techniques including HR-(S)TEM, EBSD, HR-EBSD, PED, and in situ TEM (4) All structural and functional materials systems (5) Advances in material modeling through the use of advanced characterization techniques (6) Industrial applications (7) Technique development

2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Advanced Real Time Imaging: Organized by Jinichiro Nakano; David Alman; Il Sohn; Hiroyuki Shibata; Antoine Allanore; Noritaka Saito; Anna Nakano; Zuotai Zhang; Candan Tamerler; Bryan Webler; Wangzhong Mu; David Veysset

Real time observations can provide important information needed to understand materials behavior, as these techniques can provide temporal and spatial insights free from artifacts otherwise induced from conventional experimental techniques. Traditional and emerging advanced imaging techniques, which may be optical or non-optical, would allow such observations. Methods may be enhanced with capabilities that enable heating and cooling, controlled atmospheres, and application of stresses; and can be used to generate real time thermodynamic and kinetic data needed to study a variety of materials and processes. This symposium encompasses a broad range of materials science topics enabling cross-cutting opportunities for multiple disciplines (energy materials, functional materials, structural materials, biomaterials, etc.) while similar topics are categorized in the same scope in the technical program. Presentations are solicited on the application of these methods to materials science and industrial processes, as well as on development of such techniques. Topics include, but not limited to: - Studies using real time optical (e.g., visible light, white light, laser, IR, and UV) and non-optical (e.g., electron and ultrasound) imaging techniques - Researches using in-situ, in-operando, in-vitro, and in-vivo observation imaging techniques, such as thermal imaging furnace and other real time imaging methods. - Confocal techniques, including fluorescence and reflection types, which may be equipped with capabilities such as heating/cooling chambers, gas chambers, mechanical testing, Raman spectroscope, mass spectrometry, and FTIR. - Microscopic or telescopic imaging methods include hot thermocouple, resistance heating, and sessile drop techniques used for high temperature phenomena. - Thermodynamic and kinetic data from these techniques, useful for phase diagram constructions, oxidation/corrosion modeling, phase formation kinetics studies, etc. - Work using high speed and slow speed cameras - Materials used in manufacturing real time imaging devices - Novel technologies and methodologies for emerging imaging devices At TMS2021, the symposium plans to have joint sessions with: - The Bio-Nano Interfaces and Engineering Applications symposium - The Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling symposium Respective papers may participate in part of the dedicated sessions.

2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Ceramic Materials for Nuclear Energy Research and Applications: Organized by Xian-Ming Bai; Yongfeng Zhang; Larry Aagesen; Vincenzo Rondinella

Nuclear energy is an essential element of a clean energy strategy, avoiding greenhouse gas emissions of over two billion tons per year. Ceramic materials play a critical role in nuclear energy research and applications. Nuclear fuels, such as uranium dioxide (UO2) and mixed oxide (MOX) fuels, have been widely used in current light water reactors (LWRs) to produce about 15% of the electricity in the world. Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising accident-tolerant cladding material and is under active research studies. Some oxide ceramics have been proposed for novel inert matrix fuels or have been extensively studied as waste forms for the immobilization of nuclear waste. Moreover, ceramics are under active studies for fusion reactor research. This symposium focuses on experimental and computational studies of ceramics for nuclear energy research and applications. Both practical reactor materials and surrogate materials are of interest. The topics of interest include but are not limited to: defect production and evolution; mobility, dissolution, and precipitation of solid, volatile, and gaseous fission products; changes in various properties (e.g., thermal conductivity, volume swelling, mechanical properties) induced by microstructural evolution; and radiation-induced phase changes. Experimental studies using various advanced characterization techniques for characterizing radiation effects in ceramics are of particular interest. The irradiation techniques such as laboratory ion beam accelerators, research and test reactors, as well as commercial nuclear power reactors are all of interest. Computational studies across different scales from atomistic to the continuum are all welcome. Contributions focused on novel fuels such as doped UO2, high density uranium fuels like uranium nitrides and silicides, and coatings for accident-tolerant fuel claddings are also encouraged. This symposium is intended to bring together national laboratory, university, and nuclear industry researchers from around the world to discuss the current understanding of the radiation response of ceramics through experiment, theory and multi-scale modeling.

2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Characterization of Materials through High Resolution Imaging: Organized by Richard Sandberg; Ross Harder; Xianghui Xiao; Brian Abbey; Saryu Fensin; Ana Diaz; Mathew Cherukara

This symposium will provide a venue for presentations regarding the use of coherent diffraction imaging techniques (x-ray and electron diffraction imaging, ptychography, holography) and phase contrast imaging techniques for high-resolution characterization in all classes of materials. Additionally, modeling and simulation methods that are relevant to nanoscale imaging techniques will be included. Background and Rationale: A high degree of spatial coherence is an attractive property in x-ray and electron beams. Those from modern synchrotrons and electron microscopes have enabled the development of novel imaging methods. In some cases, these imaging methods provide resolution beyond that achieved with optics and can also provide remarkable sensitivity to a variety of contrast mechanisms. The two methods that will be the focus of this symposium are coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) and phase contrast imaging (PCI) with both x-rays and electrons. Both explicitly take advantage of the coherence properties of the incident beams. CDI has rapidly advanced in the last fifteen years to allow characterization of a broad range of materials, including nanoparticles, strained crystals, biomaterials and cells. PCI has been widely employed in dynamics and engineering studies of materials, geophysics, medicine and biology. Various techniques making use of both x-rays and electrons have been developed that provide unique characterization abilities such as three-dimensional strain mapping and non-destructive three-dimensional quantitative tomographic imaging. Increasingly, materials modeling at the atomistic and continuum scales is being used in conjunction with these imaging techniques to enhance their capability. Such combined imaging and modeling methods include building experimentally informed models, which are in turn used to make predictions at spatio-temporal scales inaccessible to the imaging technique, and the use of deep learning algorithms trained on synthetic data. These pre-trained deep learning algorithms are being used to improve the quality of acquired x-ray data, reduce experimental measurement times and also reduce compute time required to recover 3D images from raw data. Finally, as the new 4th generation x-ray light sources (Diffraction Limited Storage Ring or DSLR) come online around the world, increasingly brilliant and coherent x-ray sources will become increasingly important and applicable to those wanting to understand materials behaviors at the mesoscale to nanometer scale. Our 2021 symposium will have a special session dedicated to these new exciting sources and their applications to materials. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: (1) All x-ray based techniques including Bragg CDI, Fresnel CDI, ptychographic CDI, propagation phase contrast imaging, interferometry imaging, and analyzer based phase-contrast imaging (2) All electron based techniques including ptychography and electron CDI (3) Computational and simulation efforts with overlap in high resolution imaging. (4) Big data analytics and machine learning methods to accelerate data abstraction and improve image quality (4) All structural and functional materials systems needing high resolution imaging (5) Industrial applications (6) Development of new techniques and new sources

2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Characterization of Nuclear Materials and Fuels with Advanced X-ray and Neutron Techniques: Organized by Xuan Zhang; Jonathan Almer; Maria Okuniewski; Joshua Kane; Donald Brown; J. Kennedy; Arthur Motta

Neutron and x-ray radiation sources offer new opportunities to advance the fundamental understanding of nuclear reactor materials, fuels and engineering components. A variety of advanced characterization tools including diffraction, imaging and spectroscopy have recently become available to allow measurements of microstructure and deformation over a range of relevant time and length scales, on both pre- and post-irradiated materials, and under in situ conditions including stress, corrosive media and temperature. The symposium will highlight recent experimental efforts and future prospects to characterize material and fuel systems for nuclear reactor applications using neutron and x-ray radiation techniques. Areas covered will include stress/strain evolution, void and crack initiation and propagation, structural stability, phase stability and transformations, characterization of irradiation defects, and corrosion. Specifically, the following areas are encouraged: • In situ studies of dynamic processes including deformation, phase transformations, recrystallization and corrosion. • 3D imaging based on diffraction, phase, density, or elemental contrast. • Characterization of irradiation-induced effects. • Experimentation coupled with modeling.

2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Data Science and Analytics for Materials Imaging and Quantification: Organized by Emine Gulsoy; Charudatta Phatak; Stephan Wagner-Conrad; Marcus Hanwell; David Rowenhorst; Tiberiu Stan

Materials imaging and the analysis of the data play a central role in materials characterization. The combination provides a way to `see' a material and quantify its complexities leading to an understanding of its behavior under various conditions. Combining experiments with complementary techniques such as analytical spectroscopy allows one to gain a deeper insight into the relevant physical phenomena. Materials imaging has reached a critical mass of data generation partially due to faster and larger detectors, as well as advanced microscopes and state-of-the-art light source facilities. Modern mathematics and computer science tools are enabling the automation of data integration and analysis; as well as opening new possibilities for extraction of quantitative metrics from materials imaging. This symposium solicits abstract submissions from researchers who are advancing the field of materials imaging using novel techniques and developing new methods that leverage high performance computational methods for analysis. Image simulation, uncertainty quantification, and imaging data curation are equally of interest. Session topics include, but are not limited to: - Advances in materials imaging techniques, including in-operando conditions - Fast imaging in support of high-throughput experimentation - Automating experimentation: machine learning algorithms for image acquisition and instrument control - Workflows for automated data curation of microscopy data - Advances in infrastructure for materials imaging and microscopic data - Advances in simulations for materials imaging - Approaches for data mining, machine learning, image processing, and extracting useful insights from large imaging data sets of numerical and experimental results and reuse of microscopic data

2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling: Organized by Garrett Pataky; Ashley Spear; Antonios Kontsos; Brian Wisner; J.C. Stinville

This symposium features novel methods and new discoveries for understanding material fatigue and life prediction. It brings together scientists and engineers from all over the world to present their latest work on current issues in characterizing and simulating fatigue damage; identification of microstructural weak links; enhancement of fatigue strength and resistance; quantitative relationships among processing, microstructure, environment, and fatigue properties; and life prediction. This symposium provides a platform for fostering new ideas about fatigue at multiple scales and in multiple environments, numerically, theoretically, and experimentally. The symposium will be organized into six sessions: • Data-Driven Investigations of Fatigue • Multiscale Modeling Approaches to Improve Fatigue Predictions • Microstructure-based Fatigue Studies on Additive-Manufactured Materials (Jointly organized with AM Fatigue & Fracture symposium) • Fatigue Characterization Using Advanced Experimental Methods in 2D and 3D • Multi-mechanical Interactions during Extreme Environment Fatigue Loading • Crack Initiation Mechanisms and Short-Crack Growth Behavior

2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling: Organized by Saurabh Puri; Amit Pandey; Dhriti Bhattacharyya; Dongchan Jang; Jagannathan Rajagopalan; Josh Kacher; Minh-Son Pham; Robert Wheeler; Shailendra Joshi

The focus of this symposium is to discuss current research and key developments in theory, computational and experimental methods to study and predict the mechanical properties of materials in application-orientated environments. These environments may include, but are not limited to high temperature, cryogenic temperature, electrical and magnetic field, gas, radiation, chemical, pressure extremes, and humidity. In-situ mechanical testing using SEM, TEM, AFM, Raman, synchrotron, X-ray, IR, and FTIR observation techniques during testing are becoming increasingly popular for studying mechanical behavior of materials. Many such techniques have been developed to probe material response to stimuli across nano- to macro-length scales. At the same time, significant progress has been made in the development of high fidelity models to analyze the behavior of materials at different spatial and temporal scales. The intent of the symposium is to provide a forum for researchers from national laboratories, academia, and industry to discuss research progress in the area of in operando and/or in-situ mechanical testing at small length scales, advances in computational approaches and most importantly, integration of experiments and modeling to accelerate the development and acceptance of innovative materials and testing techniques. Topics include: • Development of instruments and experimental methodology for in-situ techniques and/or testing at non-ambient temperatures and/or environments. • Imaging, analytical and modeling techniques to correlate microstructure, defects, crystal orientation, and strain field with mechanical properties. • Microstructural observations using in-situ techniques across length scales. • Experimental characterization and multiscale modeling of deformation of high-temperature materials, high-strength materials, thin films, 1D, 2D, and other low-dimension nanostructures, and interfaces. • Uncertainty quantification and quantitative validation of computational models. We are planning to have a joint session with the symposium entitled, Advanced Real Time Imaging. Respective papers will be selected to include in the joint session.

2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Solid State Diffusion Bonding of Metals and Alloys: Organized by Mohamed Elbakhshwan; Mark Anderson; Todd Allen; Tasnim Hassan

Solid state diffusion bonding is a welding process that is based on the atomic diffusion across the mating surfaces to produce monolithic parts with comparable mechanical properties to those of the bulk material. It often performed at high pressures and temperatures to promote the interdiffusion process. The technique is widely used in nuclear, aerospace, petrochemical, and solar energy applications and used to join both similar and dissimilar materials and alloys. Nevertheless, the bonding process is highly sensitive to several factors such as; surface finish, temperature, and pressure. In some cases, low-melting interlayer is needed to promote the interdiffusion process. Bonding time is always a major factor in the process; while increasing time allow atomic diffusion to occur, it led to the precipitation of second phase particles in the matrix and grain boundaries. This symposium will focus on recent progress in the diffusion bonding processes performed in research environments as well as on industrial scales, with special focus on: 1. Microstructural changes after the bonding process. 2. Changes in the mechanical properties in the bonded joins. 3. Precipitation in complex alloys. 4. Optimal bonding conditions for metals and alloys.