JOM Editorial Calendar - Topic Details

High Temperature Electrochemistry for Energy and Sustainability

Manuscript Submission Deadline: August 01, 2024
Guest Editor: Soumendra Basu
Co-Guest Editors: Srikanth Gopalan
Sponsored By: Other-Invited
Publication Date: February 2025
Keywords: Advanced Materials, Advanced Processing, Energy Conversion and Storage, High-Temperature Materials, Electrochemistry
Scope: The topic covers fundamentals and applications of high-temperature electrochemistry, including using I-V, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT) data to understand polarization losses, reaction mechanisms, and device degradation; electrochemical behavior of solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers; green engineering as applied to energy conversion and primary production of materials; solid-oxide-membrane based electrolytic cells for converting waste to hydrogen; hydrogen storage materials; devices based on mixed-ion-electron-conducting (MIEC) oxide membranes for generating and separating pure hydrogen from hydrocarbons enabling carbon dioxide sequestration; and electrochemical processes for recovery of critical materials for energy applications.

How to Submit a Manuscript

Please read the detailed Instructions for Authors and upload your manuscript at the Editorial Manager website for JOM. To ensure sufficient time for peer review, papers will not be accepted after the posted manuscript submission deadline. Original research papers should be 3,000-9,000 words with up to 12 figures maximum; review papers should be 6,000-11,000 words with up to 20 figures maximum.

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