JOM Editorial Calendar - Topic Details

EUROMAT23: Micro- and Nano-mechanics – Characterization and Modelling

This topic is no longer accepting submissions.

Guest Editor: Verena Maier-Kiener
Co-Guest Editors: André Clausner
Sponsored By: Other-Invited
Publication Date: May 2024
Keywords: Characterization, Computational Materials Science & Engineering, Experimental Methods, Mechanical Properties, Modeling and Simulation, Small Scale Mechanics
Scope: Small-scale mechanical testing has become a mature and well-established field of research. Nevertheless, the methodologies themselves and the materials under study continuously evolve due to exciting new possibilities in instrumentation and high-performance computing. Specifically, combinations of advanced small-scale mechanical testing, high-resolution 3D-imaging, cutting-edge in-situ and operando techniques, data-driven mechanics, advanced multi-scale modelling, and artificial-intelligence algorithms allow new insights into the deformation behaviour of materials. This topic aims at bringing together these fast-growing research communities to support interdisciplinary approaches in micro- and nanomechanics with the objective of gaining insights into small-scale behaviour across all material classes.