To help in your exam preparation, here are some suggested reference books. This list is not exhaustive or comprehensive; please supplement with your own resources.
General Materials Science
- ASM Metals Handbook, Desk Edition, 1st or 2nd Edition
- J.P. Schaffer, A. Saxena, S.D. Antolovich, T.H. Sanders, Jr., S.B. Warner, The Science and Design of Engineering Materials, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill
- W.D. Callister, Jr., Materials Science and Engineering, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons
- C.B. Carter and M.G. Norton, Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering, Springer
- ASM Handbook, Vol. 21 Composites, ASM International
- Ronald F. Gibson, Principles of Composite Material Mechanics, CRC Press, 2011
- Pierre R. Roberge, Corrosion Engineering: Principles and Practice, McGraw-Hill, 2008
- Process Industries Corrosion, NACE International, 1986
- Guide to the Use of Materials in Waters, NACE International, 2003
Mechanical Metallurgy
- G. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy. 3rd Edition, 1986, McGraw-Hill
- R.W. Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Transport Phenomena
- D.R. Poirier and G.H. Geiger, Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing, 1998, Addison Wesley
Physical Metallurgy
- R. Abbashian, Physical Metallurgy Principles, 2008
- S. Avner, Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, latest edition, McGraw-Hill
- G. Krauss, Steels, Processing, Structure, and Performance, ASM International, 2005
- Basic statistics book of your choice