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Advance Registration Policies Device Research Conference Publication of Conference Papers Student Information Attention Nonmember Attendees Late News Papers Social Events Housing Information 1999 EMC Exhibit Links to Past EMC Pages |
The EMC is again being coordinated with the Device Research Conference (DRC) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which will be held at the same location, Monday through Wednesday, June 2830, 1999. This coordination is made in recognition of the strong interaction between electronic materials and device research and should provide for maximum exchange of information between attendees of both conferences.
For information regarding the DRC, please contact Dr. Bart Van Zeghbroeck, DRC Technical Program Chair, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Engineering Center EE1B55, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309-0425; telephone (303) 492-2809; fax (303) 492-2758; e-mail bart@colorado.edu. |
Registration fee includes welcoming reception, coffee breaks, Thursday picnic, attendance to all technical sessions, and the 1999 EMC Exhibition. One-day fee does not include picnic. On-site registration will be held in the University Center Multicultural Lounge, beginning Tuesday and continuing through Friday during the following hours:
For additional information, please contact: TMS Customer Service Department, TMS, 184 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086-7528 USA; telephone (724) 776-9000, ext. 270; fax (724) 776-3770; e-mail csc@tms.org.
Americans with Disabilities Act: TMS strongly supports the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which prohibits discrimination against, and promotes public accessibility for those with disabilities. In support of and compliance with this Act, we ask that those requiring specific equipment or services as an attendees of the 1999 EMC to indicate your needs on the housing and registration forms.
Policy on Audio and Visual Recording of Technical Paper Presentations/Sessions: TMS reserves the rights to any audio and video reproduction of all presentations at every TMS sponsored meeting. Recording of sessions (audio, video, still photography, etc.) intended for personal use, distribution, publication, or copyright without the express written consent of TMS and the individual authors is strictly prohibited.
Messages: A telephone and message board will be located near the Registration Desk in the Multicultural Lounge. Messages will be posted in this area throughout the Conference. Messages will also be posted in the Residence Halls. If you are residing on campus, you will receive the appropriate number to be used in an emergency in your housing packet.
Campus Smoking Policy: UCSB prohibits smoking in its buildings. Smoking will be allowed only in outdoor areas including breezeways and patios.
Technical Sessions: The 1999 EMC technical program will commence at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 30, on the campus grounds at UCSB in the University Center. University Center/Corwin Pavilion will be the location of the conference plenary session.
Student Travel Assistance: Student authors who plan to present a paper at the 1999 EMC may be eligible for travel assistance depending on the particular circumstances involved. Inquiries regarding student travel assistance should be directed to Thomas Kuech at e-mail kuech@engr.wisc.edu, no later than June 12, 1999.
We want you to join TMS and experience the Society and what it has to offer. Pay only $45.00 and receive membership in TMS for the remainder of 1999.
Receive a six month subscription to the hardcopy of JOM and enjoy topics such as "Progress in the Commercial Application of High-Temperature Superconductors" plus an optional subscription to Journal of Electronic Materials, a joint TMS and IEEE publication; discounts on TMS publications and conference fees, easy access to the World Wide Web (WWW) with TMS OnLine, plus an array of other membership benefits and services. Once you've been a part of TMS and seen all that's happening in electronic materials programming, you'll want to continue your membership long into the future. All you need to do is complete a TMS Membership Application and return it to the registration desk during the conference, along with your $45.00 payment. Or, you may opt to mail your application and payment to TMS Headquarters, 184 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086, U.S.A. (Your membership cannot be processed without a completed application.) Non-member students may apply for Joint ASM/TMS Student Membership for $25.00 annually (students living in North America only), or TMS Student Membership for $15.00 annually (students living outside North America.) |
Welcoming Reception: All attendees are invited to attend a hosted Welcoming Reception on Wednesday, June 30, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. in the University Center Lagoon Plaza.
Evening at the Zoo: On Thursday, July 1, conference attendees and their guests will have the opportunity to enjoy a catered dinner at the spectacular Santa Barbara Zoological Gardens overlooking the Pacific Ocean. All of the animals will be left out late for this event and a miniature train will circle the zoo throughout the evening allowing guests to enjoy the panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean as well as the mountains. Small children will delight in carousel rides early in the evening.
The cost of this event is included in the full conference and student registraton fee. It is not included in the one-day registration fee. The cost for one-day registrants and guests is $55 for adults and $20 for children 12 and under. You may order tickets for this event in advance on the registration form. Tickets will also be available at the registration desk on-site. Deadline for ticket sales will be noon on Wednesday, June 30, 1999. Transportaion is available to and from the zoo. The bus schedule is as follows:
Depart: 5:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m., from University Center (front doors)
Return: 8:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m., from the Zoo entrance
Session Chairs Breakfast: Session chairs are requested to attend a breakfast on Wednesday, June 30, from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. in the Harbor Room at the University Center. Information on session procedures and schedules will be discussed. Please plan to attend.
Informal Coffee Breaks: During the intermission of morning and afternoon sessions (at approximately 10:00-10:20 a.m. and 3:10-3:30 p.m.) coffee, tea, assorted pastries and sodas will be served in the University Center Lagoon Plaza, location of exhibits.
If you need further assistance on housing please contact: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Customer Service Department, 184 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086; telephone (724) 776-9000, ext. 270; fax (724) 776-3770, e-mail: csc@tms.org.
Cindy Wilson, TMS/EMC Technological Exhibit, 184 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086-7528; telephone (724) 776-9000, ext. 231; fax (724) 776-3770; e-mail wilson@tms.org.
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