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Abstract Deadline Extended:
> April 15, 2013.

Confirmation of Abstract Acceptance:
> May 15, 2013.

Registration Deadline:
> July 15, 2013.

Nanoscale Multilayers’13
An International Workshop on the Mechanical Behavior of Nanoscale Multilayers
October 1-4, 2013 • Madrid, Spain

Nanoscale multilayers or nanolaminates are one-dimensional nanostructured materials made up by alternating layers of two or more materials while keeping each individual layer thickness below ~100 nm. Different layered combinations can be found (metal-metal, metal-ceramic and ceramic-ceramic) offering unique mechanical, optical, magnetic and electronic properties suitable for applications as irradation-resistant materials in nuclear engineering, tribological coatings, high performance capacitors for energy storage, integrated circuit interconnects, data storage and X-ray optics. In all these cases, the thermomechanical properties of the multilayers constitute a key factor, either from the functional perspective (protective coatings or nuclear materials) or from the reliability viewpoint (integrated circuit interconnects or optical coatings).

A large amount of work has been carried out in the past fifteen years to ascertain the scaling laws between the layer thickness and the mechanical properties. However, the exploitation of the full potential of nanoscale multilayers requires two major breakthroughs: 1) a better understanding of the role of interface structure on defect nucleation, propagation and annihilation during deformation and fracture and 2) the development of cost-efficient multilayer manufacturing routes that allow the interfacial engineering required. This will only be possible by a synergetic approach between multi-scale modeling strategies and the use of state-of-the-art experimental characterization techniques. This workshop is aimed at elucidating these issues by bringing together leading experts in the following topics in the field of nanoscale multilayers:

  • Processing-microstructure relationships (coating technology and solid state processing).
  • Strength and ductility. Toughness. Thermal stability.
  • Radiation resistance. Interface structure. Defect-interface interactions.
  • Wear resistance and friction of multilayered protective coatings.
  • Mechanical reliability of integrated circuit interconnects.
  • Multi-scale modeling and multi-physics approaches to deformation, damage, fracture and defect-interface interactions.
  • State-of-the-art techniques for microstructural and mechanical characterization (3D materials science, in situ mechanical testing, nanomechanics, etc.).

Conference Chairs

  • J.M. Molina-Aldareguia, IMDEA Materials Institute
  • I. Martin-Bragado, IMDEA Materials Institute
  • J. LLorca, IMDEA Materials Institute & Polytechnic University of Madrid

International Advisory Board

  • M. Cherkaoui, Georgia Tech, USA
  • N. Chawla, Arizona State University, USA
  • V. Moroz, Synopsys, USA
  • E. Zschech, Fraunhofer Institute for Non Destructive Testing, Germany
  • I. Beyerlein, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
  • W. Clegg, Cambridge University, UK
  • M. Odén, Linkoping University, SE
  • J. M. Albella, ICMM-CSIC, Spain
  • R. Elizalde, CEIT, Spain
  • D. Pantuso, INTEL Co., USA
  • J. Sun, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
  • M. E. Law, University of Florida, USA
  • K. Lu, Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, China
  • F. Spaepen, Harvard University, USA
  • R. Spolenak, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland


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