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TMS 2012: Technical Program: Materials Processing and Production
March 11-15, 2012 • Orlando, FL

Fundamentals and general issues of extraction, processing and manufacturing will be covered.


3rd International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing
Papers that describe innovative methods for achieving impurity segregation and removal, by-product recovery, waste minimization and/or energy efficiency are particularly welcome. Also of interest are papers on the various technical, economic, and environmental issues associated with commercial-scale high temperature processing methods. [Learn more]

Defects and Properties of Cast Metals
This symposium will be looking for contributions from all alloys systems, ferrous and non-ferrous and primary, secondary or shape casting markets in order to bring together researchers in these fields who might not usually collaborate and stimulate interdisciplinary discussion. [Learn more]

Electrometallurgy 2012
This symposium will focus on fundamental research, development, and/or application of innovative aqueous or molten salt electrometallurgical processing technologies for the extraction, concentration, recovery, refining, environmental treatment, and recycling of metals from ores, concentrates, process solutions, scrap or waste. [Learn more]

International Smelting Technology Symposium (Incorporating the 6th Advances in Sulfide Smelting Symposium)
This symposium will provide a forum for papers that relate to advancements in all aspects of smelting technology, including the basic principles, technology, and current operating practice. To enhance growth through shared competencies and technological cross-fertilization between related fields, the organizers are soliciting papers from authors who are engaged in the analysis, development, and/or operation of high temperature processes that involve the production of both ferrous and nonferrous metals, metalloids, and alloys. [Learn more]

Materials Processing Fundamentals
The key interest areas to be covered in this symposium are all aspects of the fundamentals, synthesis, analysis, design, monitoring, and control of metals, materials, and metallurgical processes and phenomena. [Learn more]

New Advances in Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Layered Double Hydroxides
This symposium will invite research works on any of these fields. Works on new and innovative synthesis techniques for LDH's and modified LDH's, their structural characterizations, and exploration on new application areas are particularly encouraged. [Learn more]

Production, Recovery and Recycling of Rare Earth Metals
This symposium is targeting on overview of the current state of the art for production, recovery and recycling of the rare earth. In addition the symposium is targeting, novel research on the production of rare earths which limit the environmental impact of the processes, recovery and re-use of rare earths that are currently in use and the recycling of spent materials containing rare earth. [Learn more]

Randall M. German Honorary Symposium on Sintering and Powder-based Materials
This symposium is in honor of Professor Randall M. German and his monumental achievements and contributions to the field of sintering and powder-based materials over the past forty years. [Learn more]

Recycling General Sessions
Sessions will cover innovative research work, advances in ongoing research, and general industrial practices from recycling of metals and materials. Reports of work in other fields, including optimization of physical, aqueous, and thermal processing of scraps and waste; environmental and economic impacts; material selection and design based on recyclability; life-cycle analysis of materials; properties; and applications of recovered materials are welcomed. [Learn more]

T.T. Chen Honorary Symposium on Hydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy and Materials Characterization
The Symposium will honor Dr. T.T. Chen of CANMET-MMSL for his outstanding contributions to the science and practice of extractive metallurgy, especially for his characterization studies on metallurgical products. The scope covers all aspects of the science and industrial practice of hydrometallurgy, electrometallurgy, materials characterization and process mineralogy. [Learn more]


  • Electrowinning and Electrorefining of Copper and Zinc Short Course [MORE]
  • Lead Free Solders Workshop [MORE]
  • Furnace Systems Technology Workshop [MORE]
  • Extraction & Processing Division Distinguished Lecturer Award [MORE]
  • Extraction & Processing Division/Materials Processing & Manufacturing Joint Division Luncheon and Institute of Metals/Robert Franklin Mehl Award Lecture [MORE]
  • Randall M. German Honorary Symposium on Sintering and Powder-Based Materials [MORE]
  • T.T. Chen Honorary Symposium on Hydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy and Materials Characterization [MORE]

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