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ISSI-2: General Information

September 21-25, 1997 · Champion, Pennsylvania

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Dates and Location
Advance Registration
Attention: Nonmember Attendees
Social Functions
Tabletop Exhibit Response Form
Student Financial Aid
Lodging and Meals


The 2nd International Symposium on Structural Intermetallics (ISSI-2), sponsored by the High Temperature Alloys and Titanium Committees of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society's (TMS's) Structural Materials Division will be held at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Champion, Pennsylvania, Sunday, September 21, through Thursday, September 25, 1997. ISSI-2 is cosponsored by the Japan Institute of Metals, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Metalkunde, Institute of Materials, Societe Francaise de Metallurgie et de Materiaux, Swiss Society for Materials Technology, and the Materials Research Society.


All attendees are encouraged to register in advance to avoid delays in registering at the meeting. Also, preregistration fees are lower than on-site fees. Registration includes entry to all technical sessions, participation in meeting-specific social functions, and a copy of the proceedings. To preregister, complete the registration form. Advance registrations will be accepted until September 1, 1997. Subsequent to this date, on-site registration will be required. On-site registration will be held beginning Sunday and continue through Wednesday during the following hours:

ATTENTION: Nonmember Attendees
(For new members only)
A complimentary membership in TMS for the remainder of 1997 is available in conjunction with you nonmember registration to ISSI-2. Simply complete and submit the TMS Membership Application and the ISSI-2 Registration Form.

As a member, you will receive a six month subscription to JOM, discounts on TMS publications and conference fees, access to the TMS Membership Directory on the World Wide Web via TMS OnLine, and an array of other membership benefits and services.


ISSI-2 is a quadrennial international conference on the research, development and application of intermetallic compounds, alloys and composites for high-temperature structural applications. The format and approach of this conference builds on the proven concepts of the International Symposia on Superalloys, the Gordon Conferences, and the first ISSI, which was held in 1993. As such, the arrangement of the ISSI-2 is distinctive in comparison to traditional conferences. In particular,

The unique format of this conference will benefit the broad technical community dedicated to the development of intermetallic alloys for structural applications. Improved communication between scientists, engineers, and designers to be fostered by this conference is crucial to the successful development of high-temperature intermetallic alloys.


Invited Speakers: A number of leading researchers in the field of intermetallics have been invited to present in-depth topical discussions at ISSI-2. The titles and authors of these presentations, as well as that of the Sunday evening keynote address, are given in the technical program.

Contributed Papers: Based on review of the extended abstracts by the ISSI-2 technical committee, approximately 110 authors were selected to submit papers for inclusion in this symposium. The titles and authors of these presentations are given in the technical program.

Session Scheduling: Sessions will be held at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort in the morning and evenings with most afternoons being open for leisure activities and informal discussions.

Late Technical Results: Individuals with late breaking results of technical significance are strongly encouraged to consider submitting a "Late News Paper." Abstracts limited to 18 typed lines, double spaced, along with additional supplemental information for reviewing purposes should be submitted by letter or fax no later than August 1, 1997, to J. Daniel Whittenberger, NASA-Lewis Research Center, 21000 Brookpark Road, MS 241, Cleveland, Ohio 44135; fax (216) 433-5033. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by August 12, 1997. Papers will not appear in the proceedings, but poster space will be available at the conference. Abstracts should be sent to

Panel Discussion: Following the conference banquet, a panel discussion led by internationally recognized experts and representatives from the user community will be convened on issues and progress in the implementation of structural intermetallics. The panelists who have agreed to participate include:

Tabletop Exhibits: Organizations interested in displaying information regarding their products and/or services can do so in tabletop form. The number of tabletop exhibits available for this symposium is limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost for a tabletop exhibit is $500. Those interested in taking advantage of this opportunity should complete and submit the tabletop exhibit response form.

Please contact me regarding the Tabletop Exhibit at the ISSI-2.












Various social functions have been planned to supplement the formal technical program, including the Sunday evening welcoming reception, Monday evening beer bash, and the Wednesday evening hospitality suite. These functions are included in the symposium registration fee. This are also a number of optional tours that are available at an additional cost. The resort also offers an number of amenities, as described on the travel and destination information page.


Cancellations/Refunds: Written cancellation requests must be sent to TMS Headquarters, 184 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15086. No refunds will be issued after the September 1, 1997, deadline. A $30 processing fee will be assessed on all cancellations.

Policy on the Audio and Video Recording of Technical Paper Presentations/Sessions: TMS reserves the right to any audio and video reproduction of all presentation at every TMS sponsored meeting. Recording of sessions (audio, video, still photography, etc.) intended for personal use, distribution or copyright without the express written consent of TMS and the individual authors is strictly prohibited. Contact the TMS Technical Program Department in advance to obtain a copy of the waiver release form.


The symposium organizers wish to maximize the participation of students at this conference by offering financial aid to the fullest possible extent. As a minimum, the committee plans to offer fully paid symposium registrations to at least 20 students. Depending on the amount of industrial and institutional support, partial funding may also be available for student travel and housing expenses. Requests for student assistance should be made by letter or fax by July 1, 1997, to J. Daniel Whittenberger, NASA-Lewis Research Center, MS 24-1, 21000 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44135 USA; fax (216) 433-5033.

Note: All students who receive financial aid must be willing to work as meeting assistants or student monitors for one or two technical sessions.


An exciting feature of this symposium is that attendees will enjoy and benefit from a modified American housing/dining plan, which includes lodging, breakfast, and dinner each day. Lodging reservations must be made in advance and will be made on a first-come basis. Lodging reservations must be received by the Seven Springs Mountain Resort by September 1, 1997. Visit the travel and destination information page for details about the resort and travel options. Please complete the housing form (downloadable as an Adobe Acrobat document) and send it to the Seven Springs Mountain Resort by mail or fax.

If you have questions regarding your reservation after it has been submitted, call (800) 452-2223, ext.7009.

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