March 19, 2021

Thank You for Participating in TMS2021 Virtual!
We hope you've enjoyed your week of technical exchange, networking, and conversing (virtually) with your colleagues from around the world. Here's a quick recap of this year's meeting by the numbers:
  • 2,965: Total number of attendees at TMS2021 Virtual
  • 2,493: Total number of presentations given at TMS2021 Virtual
  • 273: Number of poster presentations
  • 583: Number of student presentations
With so much great content to explore, we suspect there might be a few presentations you missed this week. Read on to find out how you can keep learning with TMS2021 Virtual even after the conference has ended.

If you didn't get to all of the presentations you wanted to see this week, don't worry. All TMS2021 registrants have access to the recorded presentations through May 31, 2021. To begin viewing, simply log in to the conference platform as you normally would, search for the session you want to see, and click to begin watching the recording.

  • Enter the conference platform here to view recordings: 
    Log in using the e-mail address you used for registration and the Confirmation ID number found in your registration confirmation e-mail (format 21-xxxxx)
Also, remember to download the conference proceedings by May 31, 2021.

Make time each week to watch a presentation or read a proceedings paper to make the most of your TMS2021 Virtual investment.

All TMS2021 Virtual registrants should receive a survey invitation in their inboxes today. This survey will ask you to let us know about your experience at TMS2021 Virtual. Your feedback is important as we plan for future events, both in-person and virtual, so please take a few moments to offer your comments and help us prepare for a successful TMS2022.

Survey responses are due Friday, April 7.

Attendees gathered for informal discussions at the TMS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Networking Table Talks event on Thursday, organized by Ashley Paz y Puente (pictured, right) and Chelsey Hargather (pictured, left), members of the TMS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.

Participants joined in small-group discussions on the following topics:
  • Cultivating Inclusion in TMS
  • DEI Best Practices for Outreach
  • Managing Expectations in Workplace Interactions
  • Managing Mental Health During Physical, Social, and Emotional Isolation
  • Moving Beyond Imposter Syndrome; Overcoming Anxiety in the Workplace
  • Strategies for Ensuring Virtual Accessibility
  • Working in a Virtual Reality
The conversation will continue at the Fourth Summit on Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Profession (DMMM4), which will be held March 2-3, 2022 as a co-located event at the TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Anaheim, California.

Several of the TMS Technical Divisions honored excellence in graduate and undergraduate student work at the 2021 Technical Division Student Poster Competition this week. The following posters took top honors:

Functional Materials Division (FMD)
Graduate: "Utilizing Advanced Manufacturing for the Development of Advanced In-pile Sensors and Instrumentation," Kiyo Fujimoto, Boise State University and Idaho National Laboratory

Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD)
Graduate: "Comparison of Laser Diffraction and Image Analysis Techniques for Particle Size-Shape Characterization in Additive Manufacturing Applications," Jack Grubbs, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Structural Materials Division (SMD)
Graduate: "Prediction and Testing of Hot Cracking Susceptibility during Local Melting in Binary and Multi Component Aluminum Alloys," Shubhra Jain, Iowa State University

Structural Materials Division (SMD)
Undergraduate: "First Principles Study of Sigma Phase Destabilization in Compositionally-complex Stainless Steel Alloys," Anna Soper, Harvey Mudd College

You can view all winning posters, along with 2-3 minute video presentations, through the Technical Division Poster Contest sessions on the conference platform.

One of the goals of the TMS Frontiers of Materials Award is to bring technical programming in topic areas that are novel, exciting, and not typically captured in existing programming to the TMS Annual Meeting. At this week's conference early-career professionals, selected through a competitive awards process, organized three Frontiers of Materials Awards symposia for TMS.

On Thursday, Jessika Rojas (pictured, left), Virginia Commonwealth University, introduced her session, Radiation Processing of Materials, with the statement: "We want to talk to you about the fascinating opportunities that ionizing radiation has in the field of materials science. For example, we can use ionizing radiation to manufacture materials at different length scales. We can also use ionizing radiation to modify materials properties so that we can potentially enhance their performance for different applications." The symposium concluded with a live Q&A session with Rojas and invited presenters (pictured).

Earlier in the week, two additional symposia by Frontiers of Materials Award recipients informed TMS2021 Virtual attendees on the following topics:
  • 2021 Functional Nanomaterials: Translating Innovation into Pioneering Technologies, organized by Huanyu Cheng, Pennsylvania State University
  • Low-Dimensional Materials and Interfaces for Next Generation Computing, organized by Deep Jariwala, University of Pennsylvania
All of these symposia presentations can now be viewed through the TMS2021 Virtual Conference platform. Applications for the 2022 Frontiers of Materials Award will be accepted through April 1, 2021. Learn how to apply.

Please plan to join us in person next year for the TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2022) in Anaheim, California. TMS2022 will feature two co-located events: Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions 4 (DMMM4) and REWAS 2022, which will focus on the theme of Developing Tomorrow's Technical Cycles. In addition, TMS2022 will feature the popular Bladesmithing Competition.

Mark your calendars now with the following key dates:

Call for Abstracts opens in May 2021
Conference Dates will be February 27–March 3, 2022
DMMM4 Dates will be March 2–3, 2022

Thank you for attending TMS2021 Virtual, and we hope to see you all in Anaheim next year!

March 18, 2021

It's the final day of the TMS 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, and plenty of events are still going on. Don't miss the live Diversity & Inclusion Table Talks, the final Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium, or the last Networking Session. Also be sure to swing by the TMS2021 Exhibit Hall for a look at innovative new products and services.

All times listed are EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).

Technical Programming Sessions
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.


Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: Radiation Processing of Materials
Symposium: 8:30 a.m. to Noon EDT
Keynote Presentation: 8:30 a.m. EDT
Keynote Title: "Ionizing Radiation in the Synthesis and Processing of Nanocomposites for Medical and Environmental Applications"
Presenter: Jessika Rojas, Virginia Commonwealth University
Learn more about the presenter and the presentation.


TMS2021 Virtual Exhibit
Preview Exhibiting Companies
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT

Annual Meeting of the Membership and Open Board of Directors Meeting
11:00 a.m. to Noon EDT
Advance registration required. Registration is now closed for this event.

TMS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Networking Table Talks
Noon to 1:30 p.m. EDT
See details below.

Networking Session V
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. EDT

TMS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Networking Table Talks Planned at Noon
Choose a topic and join your colleagues around a "table" for a relaxed, facilitated discussion, sharing perspectives and learning from each other along the way. This event is included in your TMS2021 Virtual registration, but space is limited and participation will be available on a first come, first-served basis.

How to Participate in Table Talks: You can find the link to access the Table Talks in the Calendar of Events and as part of the Thursday Agenda in the conference platform. If you have difficulty locating it, please e-mail Ashley Bohnert at and she will send you the link.

Set Up and Participation Information:
  • You must access the event access via the Chrome web browser from a computer. The site is not optimized for mobile devices. Mobile devices and web browsers other than Chrome demonstrate unreliable performance.
  • After you click the access link, it will redirect you to the Rally site, where you will be prompted to enter your first name. Please type your full name in this box to make it easier to identify each other.
  • When you enter our virtual venue, you will be presented a number of rooms/topics that you can enter. Click "Join Room" for the room/topic you'd like to enter.
  • When you first enter a room/topic, you will be "seated" at a table by yourself. Please move to a table with other attendees by clicking "Join." Names will be displayed with tables so that you can locate friends and colleagues.
  • Each table seats a maximum of nine people, so select one that is below capacity.
  • The room host will offer discussion prompts to start the conversations, but as with the in-person experience, where the conversation goes is up to the table.
  • You are free to move to different rooms and tables as you please and can stay at tables for as long as you please. Unlike our in-person event, we will not be asking people to switch tables at certain time intervals.
We hope you can join us!

On Wednesday, Anne Lauvergeon delivered the TMS2021 All-Conference Plenary, "New Methodologies: Producing High-Quality Metal from Low-Grade Ores." 2020 TMS President Tom Battle introduced Lauvergeon, describing her as a person known for her leadership in pushing the boundaries of technology and innovating business practice in our field. She is Founder/CEO of ALP; Chair, École des Mines de Nancy; and former CEO of Areva S.A. She is also board chair of the start-up company IB2, which is pioneering what Lauvergeon called a potential revolutionary innovation with far-reaching implications.

IB2 has developed a technology to produce high-quality alumina from low-grade bauxite. "What was considered mine waste using the normal process can be considered ore with this technology," she said. Her presentation described financial and environmental benefits of the new process.

During a question and answer session with Battle following her presentation, she explained that this technology can be added on to the traditional Bayer Process. "You have nothing to change to the existing facility or installation," Lauvergeon said.

Her full presentation, along with the recorded Q&A session, can be viewed by logging in to the TMS2021 conference platform

Tom Battle began his term as TMS President on February 27—the final day of the TMS 2020 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in San Diego, California, which brought together more than 4,600 attendees.

"Less than two weeks after the end of the conference, our world changed. New terms were introduced such as social distancing–rather the opposite of the business model that had been so successful in San Diego," he reflected, in a speech at Wednesday's TMS-AIME Awards Ceremony. Looking back on his year as TMS President, he noted the unique challenges the Society encountered, but also the way the community stood together, even while staying apart. "It has been an honor and privilege to lead TMS through the most extraordinary of years," he concluded.

As Battle's presidential term comes to an end, Ellen Cerreta of Los Alamos National Laboratory begins her term as 2021 TMS President. Cerreta also gave an address at the awards ceremony that acknowledged the challenges of the previous year and looked ahead to a brighter future.

"What has transpired since our last in-person TMS Annual Meeting in 2020 shouldn’t be allowed to change what we are doing as a society for the profession–even if it is likely, perhaps more than likely, to change the how, the implementation of that vision," she said, reminding listeners of the strategic goals laid out in the TMS Aspires plan and how these will serve the profession well as we move forward.

With this change in leadership, Jud Ready, Georgia Institute of Technology, moves into the role of 2021 vice president.

2021 award recipients were honored on Wednesday at the TMS-AIME Awards Ceremony, where TMS and the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME) recognized distinguished achievements by leaders in their field, early career professionals, and students. Award presenters included Tom Battle, 2020 TMS President; George Luxbacher, AIME President; George T. "Rusty" Gray III, Acta Materialia Chair and Treasurer; Brian Thomas, Colorado School of Mines; and Ellen Cerreta, 2021 TMS President.

Among the awards presented was the highest award the Society can bestow: the TMS Fellow Award. Eight new members were inducted into the 2021 Class of TMS Fellows and several of these inductees delivered acceptance speeches by video.

"Being honored by TMS is particularly meaningful to me because this Society has been singularly influential in my career success," said Fiona Doyle, University of California, in her speech. "Almost 40 years ago, I found a community of hydrometallurgists and others who mentored me, befriended me, and didn't squash my wild and crazy ideas. . . . At a time when other women in engineering were struggling with gaining acceptance by their male colleagues, I felt that TMS was fully supportive of me and other women."

In addition to Doyle, new Fellows included Dipankar Banerjee, Raymond Decker, David DeYoung, Somnath Ghosh, Hani Henein, Donald Sadoway, and Julie Schoenung.

If you missed the ceremony, it is now available as a series of videos through the TMS2021 conference platform. You can also view the PDF brochure listing all of the 2021 award recipients.

On Tuesday, some of the TMS Foundation’s top donors of 2020 signed in for a virtual presentation and networking at the TMS Foundation Donor Appreciation Event. Garry Warren, TMS Foundation Board of Trustees Chair and Gold Society member, thanked all of the evening’s attendees for their commitment to the future in such a challenging and disruptive year. "But you who are gathered here this evening are not only resilient in your own lives, you also reached out to others in need in their lives with your financial generosity. The TMS Foundation and its many beneficiaries are deeply grateful to you."

Warren then introduced the newest inductees of the TMS Foundation’s Lifetime Giving Honorific Societies:
  • Silver Society: Corbett Battaile, Brad Boyce, Ellen Cerreta, Amy and Kester Clarke, John Howarter, Cesar Inostroza, Leah and Paul Ohodnicki, Linda Schadler, and Olivia Underwood
  • Titanium Society: Viola L. Acoff, James Foley, George T. “Rusty” Gray, Luis Ortiz, and Ray Peterson
  • Gold Society: Joseph Defilippi
You can view the full 2020 Annual Giving and Lifetime Giving Honor Rolls on the TMS Foundation website.

After this acknowledgment of the 2020 honorific society members, Warren introduced a new aspect of the annual donor appreciation event—a lecture from Donald Sadoway of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who is being recognized this year as a TMS Fellow and with the recently endowed Sadoway Materials Innovation and Advocacy Award, funded through the TMS Foundation. The inaugural Sadoway Award is accepting nominations through April 1, and will be awarded at the TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Anaheim, California.

Determining what type of job is the right fit for you, writing a cover letter, preparing for interviews, and more topics were covered in Wednesday's Preparing a Winning Resume Package Workshop for students.

The workshop was led by Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Colorado School of Mines, with contributions from panelists Yue Fan, University of Michigan; Chukwunwike Iloeje, Argonne National Laboratory; and Damien Tourret, IMDEA Materials Institute.

Panelists fielded audience members' questions on a variety of topics related to job searches and preparing application materials and encouraged students to pursue the positions that best matched their interests.

The full recorded session is now available to view through the TMS2021 Conference Platform.

Enter the Conference Platform:

Log in using the e-mail address you used for registration and the Confirmation ID number found in your registration confirmation e-mail (format 21-xxxxx).

March 17, 2021

Two of our signature TMS Annual Meeting events are planned for today: the TMS 2021 All-Conference Plenary Session and the TMS-AIME Awards Ceremony. Learn more about these events and the rest of today's highlights below and read on for recaps of some of yesterday's big events. Remember, if you missed any of these presentations, you can go back and view the recordings through May 31.

All times listed are EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)

Technical Programming Sessions
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.


All-Conference Plenary
"New Methodologies: Producing High-Quality Metal from Low-Grade Ores"
Anne Lauvergeon, Founder/CEO of ALP; Chair, École des Mines de Nancy; former CEO of Areva S.A.
Noon EDT
Learn more about the presenter and the presentation.


Materials Engineering--From Ideas to Practice: An Extraction & Processing Division Symposium in Honor of Jiann-Yang Hwang
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT

Aluminum Reduction Technology Across the Decades: An LMD Symposium Honoring Alton T. Tabereaux and Harald A. Øye
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT
This session will be the Harald Øye Honorary Session: Fundamentals in Anode and Cathode Technology, a joint session with Electrode Technology.

Low-Dimensional Materials and Interfaces for Next Generation Computing
8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. EDT


Networking Session IV
7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. EDT

TMS2021 Virtual Exhibit
Preview Exhibiting Companies
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
(Closed from Noon to 1:00 p.m. for all-conference plenary)

Young Professional Workshop on Preparing a Winning Application Package
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT

Poster Session III
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. EDT

TMS-AIME Awards Ceremony
Preview Award Winners
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. EDT

Tresa Pollock (pictured above), University of California, Santa Barbara, presented "New Superalloys in the Co-Ni Design Space" as the 2021 Institute of Metals/Robert Franklin Mehl Award recipient. Pollock began her presentation with a connection with the award's namesake, who worked at the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University), where Pollock also spent a portion of her career. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Metals/Robert Franklin Mehl Award.

The presentation started with a brief overview on superalloys, looking at conventional cobalt and nickel alloys, as well as newer high-temperature cobalt alloys. It wasn't until 2006, when a rediscovery and mechanical experiments revealed that "strength at very high temperatures of cobalt alloys might be better than nickel alloys," which "kicked off a worldwide effort to better understand what is possible in a cobalt-based system."

"I think this intermediate Co-Ni design space offers opportunities for superalloys with unique combinations of properties," Pollock said. She offered final thoughts on the topic, noting that new ICME tools can continue to enhance our understanding, and that more understanding is needed in phase equilibria and stability of the L12 phase and the fault energies. "Achieving a balanced set of properties remains as an interesting challenge, and I think there’s still much interest and research to be done."

Pollock will formally accept her award at the TMS-AIME Awards Ceremony on Wednesday. The ceremony is open to all TMS2021 Virtual attendees, so be sure to join in and congratulate your colleagues on their achievements.

A highlight of Tuesday’s programming was the Acta Materialia Symposium, featuring lectures by four award recipients. University of Waterloo’s Carolyn Hansson, who serves as Acta Materialia’s executive secretary, introduced the symposium.

For the first time, the symposium recognized the Mary Fortune Global Diversity Medal, a newly established award for outstanding contributions to the field of materials but also contributions to the diversity of researchers in the field. Katalin Balázsi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, gave the talk "STEM Mentor Programs and New Opportunities for Women and Other Under-represented Groups in Materials Science" as the first recipient of the medal. Balázsi discussed her work to establish and grow the Association for Hungarian Women in Science (NATE) in 2008. It has grown into a national organization involving 13,500 girls, 800 teachers, 190 educational and research organizations, and four regional centers. “In the new post-COVID world, it is more important than ever to upskill and reskill people for the jobs of the future,” Balázsi said.

The following distinguished award recipients delivered their award talks at the Acta Materialia Symposium:

  • Günter Gottstein, RWTH Aachen University, gave the talk "Modelling Microstructure Complexity for Better Property Predictions" as the Gold Medal Lecture, awarded for demonstrated ability and leadership in materials research.
  • Julie Cairney, University of Sydney, gave the presentation "Measuring Hydrogen in Steels by Atom Probe Tomography" for the Silver Medal Lecture, awarded for scientific contributions and leadership in the midst of the researcher's career.
  • Quingjie Zhang, Wuhan University of Technology, gave the talk "Global Energy Challenges and Development of Thermoelectric Materials and Systems in China" as the Holloman Award in Materials and Society Lecture, recognizing demonstrated leadership in promoting the understanding of the interactions between materials technology and societal interests and needs.

Six early career professionals shared insights on potential career paths, gave a preview of what to expect during the job search process, and offered useful career advice and encouragement at the Student Career Forum, held live on Tuesday afternoon and now available as a recorded session. (You can find it under the Special Sessions track. Click the blue "View Recording" button to watch.)  

Pictured from top left to bottom right: The panel was moderated by Emily Moore, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and panelists included Jonah Klemm-Toole, Colorado School of Mines; Benjamin Adam, Portland State University;Taylor Mason, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Miriam Silton, W.L. Gore & Associates; and Ben Rutherford, Army Corps of Engineers.

Silton encouraged students to try out different opportunities within their field now, while they have more flexibility and freedom. "It's a lot easier to try out smaller-scale, temporary commitments as a student, than it is as a working professional."

Klemm-Toole advised students to start participating in professional societies while they're still in school. "I wish I had participated earlier," he said. "I'd have 15-year relationships established by now." He also noted that professional societies are one of the best places to network for job opportunities.

Mason suggested seeking out researchers whose work you find interesting, particularly when attending conferences, as a way of networking. "People love talking about their research, so if you come with questions ready, they'll often be willing to sit and talk with you. Don't be afraid to approach them."

View the full session for an engaging conversation, a practical look at potential career paths, and answers to frequently asked student questions.

The Extraction & Processing Division (EPD)/Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) Awards Ceremony & Special Lecture honored students and young professionals for their exceptional promise, as well as conferred each division’s top awards for service to the Society and achievements in their chosen fields. The awards were presented by Christina Meskers, EPD Chair, and Mark Stoudt, MPMD Chair.

Next, Richard Russell (pictured above), NASA Kennedy Space Center, presented, "Qualification and Certification Strategies for Additive Manufactured Parts for Manned Spaceflight," as the MPMD special lecturer. "Additive manufacturing—it's always been touted as a thing of the future. Well, the future is now," Russell began. He first explained the motivation behind developing additive manufacturing (AM) standards, noting several examples of AM parts and applications already in use at NASA. Focusing on the particular challenges when manufacturing for deep space missions, Russell discussed the development, methodologies, and governing principles for NASA's current and upcoming AM standards. In summary, he noted, "control what you do; evaluate what you get."

Looking at future directions for AM in spaceflight, he talked briefly about the problem presented by non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and the future in inspection: "You need to be able to understand the signals we can gather while making a part, be able to make adjustments, be able to know where your problems are, and then know how that relates back to properties. So, what I'm looking for here, what my dream is, it's a marriage between these two technologies."

The TMS Light Metals Division (LMD) Awards Ceremony & Special Lecture on Tuesday opened with a greeting from LMD Chair Eric Nyberg, who recognized recipients of the 2021 LMD awards, including awards for service, outstanding papers and posters, and young professionals. Following Nyberg's introduction, one of the award recipients, LMD Scholarship winner Zachary Wolff of the University of Nevada, Reno, gave a brief presentation on Lattice Confinement Fusion, which, he said, NASA scientists hope to use in power systems for space travel, exploration, and propulsion systems.

Mark Easton (pictured above), RMIT University, then delivered the talk, "Near Net Manufacturing of Light Metal Alloys," discussing research that has been a theme throughout his career. He spoke about how some of the themes of the research can travel from one manufacturing technology to the next.

"Near net shape manufacturing is continuing to evolve from more traditional methods such as casting to more modern methods such as additive manufacturing," he said. Many of the challenges, such as microstructure control and defect formation, remain the same, but approaches used in more traditional technologies to dealing with these issues can also be used in additive.


2021 Young Innovator in Materials Science of Additive Manufacturing Award Lecture

As the recipient of the 2021 Young Innovator in the Materials Science of Additive Manufacturing Award, Michael Kirka (pictured above, left), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, gave the talk “Additive Manufacturing of High Temperature Metals: Present and Future Opportunities” where he discussed how the maturation of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies presents new processing options for high-temperature materials and is opening the door to materials innovations and design opportunities.

“There's a lot of opportunities out there for high-temperature metals added. A lot of it can be tied back to the classical works that occur in the 50s and 60s, when they looked at these things but they were not fruitful at the time,” Kirka said. Kirka encouraged participants to learn about past research, using examples of foundational works in AM for nickel-based superalloys. He showed how leveraging processing science can help to drive materials development.

The lecture concluded with a ten-minute question-and-answer session where Kirka elaborated on concepts discussed in his presentation. He emphasized a need to design alloys for AM: “In additive manufacturing, there are ideas of what people want to be able to process—with the properties and the end application in mind—but it’s not processable today. So how do you engineer it to get there, rather than going from the application-side down?”

2021 Young Professional Tutorial Lecture

The Young Professional Tutorial Lecture kicked off with a welcome from incoming chair of the TMS Young Professional Committee Abby Cisko, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). She introduced two Early Career Faculty Fellow Award recipients: James Pikul (pictured above, center), University of Pennsylvania, and Wei Xiong (pictured above, right), University of Pittsburgh.

Pikul began “Electrochemical Healing of Metals: A New Way to Repair Additive and Cellular Metals at Room Temperature” with an introduction to technologies applied to the Opportunity and Spirit rovers on Mars. Opportunity operated for fifteen years on Mars, while Spirit lasted only five years due to a fractured wheel. "Wouldn't it be nice if it could regrow metal and repair metal, like self-healing bone?" Pikul said.

The presentation examined the healing process of bone to apply lessons learned from this biological function to materials. The body transports healing matter to repair broken bones and can heal bones at room temperature. By comparison, when repairing synthetic materials, polymers need to use locally stored matter, while metals require high-temperatures and large amounts of energy. Pikul's research described how electrochemistry enables transport-mediated healing in cellular metals and was able to show rapid, effective, low-energy, room-temperature healing of cellular metals. "Further developments can revolutionize how we design metal parts in aerospace vehicles and robots," Pikul said.

Xiong presented "Integrated Computational Materials Design for Alloy Additive Manufacturing" to describe how the Integrated Computational Materials Design (ICMD) method can accelerate the new alloy development and processing optimization. The method integrates multiscale microstructure engineering approaches, and especially uses the CALPHAD-based ICME approach as a guide tool, to reveal the process-structure-property relationships.

"We are scientists, similar to a chef doing the cooking. We need the 'rice' or the 'meat' which is the data, and the ICME model is the recipe. The question is, can we get a better model," Xiong said.

Xiong discussed some of the challenges related to the design of alloy additive manufacturing, including the complex thermal history in additive manufacturing, its related complex microstructure, and the limitations on new alloy development.

Ready to Log in?
Enter the conference platform here:

Log in using the e-mail address you used for registration and the Confirmation ID number found in your registration confirmation e-mail (format 21-xxxxx).


March 16, 2021

Get ready for another full day of technical sessions, special lectures, networking events, and exhibits. View a schedule of today's special events and then scroll down to see highlights from Monday's activities. All times listed are EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).


Technical Programming Sessions
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

Learn more about speakers and presentations here.

Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium Keynote
"Wearable Gas Sensors with Wireless Communication and RF Energy Harvesting Capabilities"
Huanyu Cheng, Pennsylvania State University
9:10 a.m. EDT

Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium Keynote
"2D/3D Heterostructures for Low-power Logic and Memory Devices"
Deep Jariwala, University of Pennsylvania
9:15 a.m. EDT

Young Innovator in the Materials Science of Additive Manufacturing Award Lecture
"Additive Manufacturing of High-Temperature Metals: Present and Future Opportunities"
Michael Kirka, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
11:00 a.m. EDT

Institute of Metals/Robert Franklin Mehl Award
"New Superalloys in the Co-Ni Design Space"
Tresa Pollock, University of California, Santa Barbara
Noon EDT

Extraction & Processing Division/Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division Awards Ceremony & Lecture
"Qualification and Certification Strategies for Additive Manufactured Parts for Manned Spaceflight"
Richard Russell, NASA
Noon EDT

Light Metals Division Awards Ceremony & Lecture
"Near Net Manufacturing of Light Metal Alloys"
Mark Easton, RMIT University
Noon EDT

Young Professional Tutorial Lectures
"Integrated Computational Materials Design for Alloy Additive Manufacturing"
Wei Xiong, University of Pittsburgh
"Electrochemical Healing of Metals: A New Way to Repair Additive and Cellular Metals at Room Temperature"
James Pikul, University of Pennsylvania
Noon to 1:05 p.m. EDT


TMS2021 Acta Materialia Symposium
View Presenter Information and Abstracts
2:00 p.m. EDT

Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts—Concurrent Alloy Design and Processing Science: A Light Metals Division Symposium Honoring Raymond Decker
8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EDT

Materials Engineering—From Ideas to Practice: An Extraction & Processing Division Symposium in Honor of Jiann-Yang Hwang
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT; Poster Session 5:30 p.m.

Aluminum Reduction Technology Across the Decades: A Light Metals Division Symposium Honoring Alton T. Tabereaux and Harald A. Øye
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT
This session will be the Alton Tabereaux Honorary Session: Reduction Cell Operation and Process Control - Joint session with Aluminum Reduction Technology.


Networking Session II
7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. EDT

TMS2021 Virtual Exhibit 
Preview Exhibiting Companies
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT

Student Career Forum
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT

Poster Session II
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. EDT

Networking Session III
10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. EDT

Purdue University took the three top spots in Monday's It's Not All Zoom & Gloom Student Trivia Competition. Students were challenged to answer 35 questions testing their knowledge of materials and TMS, and the three highest scores were awarded cash prizes. The competition went into a final tie-breaking round to determine the students' final placement. The results were:

First Place: Thomas Mann (331 points), Purdue University - $250 prize
Second Place: Hannah DeBoer (331 points), Purdue University - $150 prize
Third Place: Ethan Mann (291 points), Purdue University - $100 prize
Honorable Mention: Kevin Schmalbach (291 points), University of Minnesota – Bragging rights

The question used to break the tie was: How many students registered to attend the TMS 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting & Exhibition? The answer: A total of 929 undergraduate and graduate students had registered for the conference as of Monday morning. The contestant who came closest to the correct answer was declared the winner.

Congratulations to all of our winners and thank you to everyone who participated in the trivia competition.

Students: don't forget to join us for the Student Career Forum today at 2:00 p.m. EDT. At this event, seven early-career professionals from industry, academia, and government will share career advice and offer insights on potential career paths.

Get answers to your questions about exhibitors' products and services in real time. When you visit an exhibit booth, click the "Meet Now" podium button (illustrated above) to begin the conversation. The exhibit hall will be open between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. EDT today, and during that time, booths will be staffed with personnel who can answer your questions and provide you with more information.

Prefer to reserve a meeting time? You can also schedule a meeting with exhibitors through their booths.

More than 20 exhibit booths are available for you to browse. View our listing of exhibitors to see who you'll meet today.

On Monday, attendees from around the world came together for the first set of Networking Sessions at TMS2021 Virtual. The event allowed attendees to gather in small groups based on technical interests that match up with the conference's 14 programming topic tracks. Four additional networking sessions are planned throughout the week at TMS2021 Virtual, including sessions today from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. EDT and from 10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. EDT.

To participate in one of these events, first click on the Networking Spots column on the right side of the main lobby screen when you log in to the conference platform. When you've selected the Networking Session event, you'll click on the green "Join Virtual Networking Session" button above. (Note: The green button does not appear until just before the event begins.) From there, you'll enter a virtual foyer, where you can select which room you'd like to join. Select a topic and click on the green “Join” button to open a Zoom window. You may close the Zoom window and return to the foyer as often as you like to enter other rooms.

Take advantage of this opportunity to connect with your fellow TMS2021 attendees this week. View the full schedule of Networking Events to find the time that works best for your schedule.

The Fifth International Symposium on Nickel and Cobalt (Ni-Co 2021) opened on Monday morning with a plenary session that featured five invited speakers, including the 2021 TMS Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) Distinguished Lecturer, Rodney Jones, Mintek. Ahead of the technical presentations, lead Ni-Co 2021 organizer Corby G. Anderson, Colorado School of Mines, welcomed attendees to the session and thanked the authors and speakers as well as his co-organizers of the symposium. "We labored through the challenges of the global pandemic and actually this whole symposium, even though it’s gone virtual, has come to fruition," he said before giving an overview of the morning lineup.

Jones kicked off the plenary session, delivering the presentation, "Ferronickel – Thermodynamics, Chemistry, and Economics," in which he noted that "nickel is an essential metal in our modern world." Though current nickel demand is dominated by stainless steel, there is growth anticipated in batteries over the next decade. "We are living in an exciting time of new developments and have the opportunity to shape the world for the better," Jones said. "The contributions that nickel, stainless steel materials, and batteries can make to a cleaner and kinder world are very significant."

The Ni-Co 2021 plenary session, and all Ni-Co 2021 programming at TMS2021 Virtual, is sponsored by The Metallurgy & Materials Society (MetSoc) of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum (CIM); the TMS EPD; TMS Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Committee; and TMS Pyrometallurgy Committee.

Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain was the focus of the 2021 Light Metals Keynote Session, which was organized by Les Edwards, Rain Carbon, Inc., and sponsored by the Aluminum Committee of the TMS Light Metals Division.

"I sincerely believe that by continuing to collaborate and share information on technology and research in our field, we will be able to tackle the big challenges facing our industry now and in the future," said Linus Perander, vice chair of the TMS Aluminum Committee and editor of the Light Metals 2021 proceedings volume, in his introduction to the session.

Pernelle Nunez, International Aluminium Association, opened the session with her talk, "Long-Term Sustainability of the Aluminium Sector," which offered an overview of the challenges and opportunities for a sustainable aluminum industry. "Aluminium has a key role to play as an enabling material in sustainable development," she said. "Because of that, demand for aluminum products will increase and the industry will need to address its sustainability challenges as it grows. Collaboration, innovation, and investment will be essential for the industry's long-term sustainability."

In total, the session featured seven talks that explored the industry's sustainability challenges and how companies and organizations are taking innovative steps to meet them.

Zhao Delivers Hume-Rothery Award Lecture

Ji-Cheng (JC) Zhao (pictured, above right), University of Maryland, delivered the William Hume-Rothery Award Lecture: "High-Throughput Measurements of Composition-Dependent Properties of Alloy Phases for Accelerated Alloy Design" to open Monday's Hume-Rothery Symposium: Accelerated Measurements and Predictions of Thermodynamics and Kinetics for Materials Design and Discovery. Zhao's presentation offered an introduction to the diffusion multiple approach and discussed diffusion coefficients, phase diagrams, other phase-based properties, and phase precipitation.

Zhao concluded by discussing the possibilities of new computational tools and models that can help speed up the experimentation process. Holistic integration of computational, experimental, and data science approaches will be needed, he said, to efficiently build thermodynamic databases. "Holistic integration is basically ICME," he said. "Every experiment is an ICME concern." Our field is ready, he said, to build an all-encompassing diffusion database for solid solutions, where we can have all the computed data for each element of each phase structure.

The Hume-Rothery Symposium continues today with two more sessions. The final two sessions of this symposium will be held on Wednesday.

Magnesium Keynote Addresses Indentation Testing
The Magnesium Technology 2021 Keynote Session featured Warren Poole, University of British Columbia (UBC), presenting “Measurement of the Critical Resolved Shear Stress for Slip in Magnesium Alloys Using Instrumented Indentation.” Poole co-authored the paper with Shuheng Li, UBC, and Ghazal Nayyeri, Highland Foundry Ltd. The competition between different deformation modes and how this changes with temperature is a critical challenge for the plasticity and fracture of magnesium and its alloys. This study showed that instrumented indentation tests offer advantages. The presentation walked through a set of instrumented indentation experiments performed on magnesium alloys and the evidence collected the depth of indents changed.

Conclusions of the research were that: spherical indentation can be used to extract basic information on the activation of deformation modes; there is a strong indentation size effect, but a simple model based on strain gradient plasticity can be used to correct for this effect; the CRSS for basal slip in Mb-Al alloys measured by indentation is in good agreement with single crystal experiments; an estimate of the CRSS for basal and non-basal slip was obtained in a Mg-Zn-Nd alloy; and the results on the ratio for the CRSS of non-basal slip to basal slip are consistent with full field crystal plasticity simulations and experiments.

Attendees of the presentation may also be interested in the 12th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications (Mg 2021), June 15-18, 2021. 

The Structural Materials Division (SMD)/Functional Materials Division (FMD) Awards Ceremony & Lecture was a two-part event co-hosted by the SMD and FMD, two of the five TMS technical divisions. First, FMD Chair Paul Ohodnicki, University of Pittsburgh, and SMD Chair Daniel Miracle, Air Force Research Laboratory, recognized the recipients of the 2021 FMD and SMD awards, including scholarship recipients, young leaders receiving professional development awards, and established professionals who were recognized for significant contributions to their fields and to TMS.

Following the awards ceremony, Rajiv S. Mishra, University of North Texas, gave an invited talk titled "Pushing Structural Performance of Materials by Combining Alloy Design with Disruptive Manufacturing Technologies." The central question that his talk posed was: "How can we change what we get out of a material when we design the alloy for a specific manufacturing process?"

The best potential of a material or engineering application, he concluded, is by combining alloy design with innovative disruptive manufacturing processes. "That's how we can push the envelope more and more," he said. "The SMD is home to some of these discussions that we're engaged in."

The remaining TMS technical divisions will hold their awards ceremony and lecture events today at noon. 

Ready to Log In?
Enter the conference platform here:

Log in using the e-mail address you used for registration and the Confirmation ID number found in your registration confirmation e-mail (format 21-xxxxx).

March 15, 2021

It's the first full day of the TMS 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2021 Virtual), and we're here to let you know about some of today's highlights and to remind you of resources available for navigating the meeting. Please note that all times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).


Technical Programming Sessions
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 


Magnesium Technology 2021 Symposium Keynote Presentation
"Measurement of the Critical Resolved Shear Stress for Slip in Mg Alloys Using Instrumented Indentation"
Warren Poole, The University of British Columbia, Canada
8:30 a.m. EDT

William Hume-Rothery Award Lecture
"High-Throughput Measurements of Composition-Dependent Properties of Alloy Phases for Accelerated Alloy Design Presentation"
Ji-Cheng (JC) Zhao, University of Maryland
8:35 a.m. EDT

Extraction & Processing Division Distinguished Lecture
Part of the Ni-Co 2021 Plenary Session
"Ferronickel - Thermodynamics, Chemistry, and Economics"
Rodney Jones, Mintek
8:40 a.m. EDT

Structural Materials Division/Functional Materials Division Awards Ceremony & Lecture
"High-Throughput Measurements of Composition-Dependent Properties of Alloy Phases for Accelerated Alloy Design Presentation"
Rajiv Mishra, University of North Texas
Noon EDT


2021 Light Metals Keynote Session: Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain
View Presenter Information and Abstracts 
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EDT

Ni-Co 2021 Plenary Session
View Presenter Information and Abstracts
8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. EDT

Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: 2021 Functional Nanomaterials: Translating Innovation into Pioneering Technologies
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT

Design and Manufacturing Approaches for the Next Generation of Sustainable Materials: The 2021 Student-Led Symposium
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT

Materials Engineering—From Ideas to Practice: An Extraction & Processing Division Symposium in Honor of Jiann-Yang Hwang
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT

Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts—Concurrent Alloy Design and Processing Science: A Light Metals Division Symposium Honoring Raymond Decker
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT


TMS2021 Virtual Exhibit
Preview Exhibiting Companies
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT

It’s Not All Zoom & Gloom Student Trivia Contest
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EDT

Poster Session I and Student Poster Competition
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. EDT

Networking Session I
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. EDT

TMS2021 Virtual Welcomes Ni-Co 2021

The Fifth International Symposium on Nickel and Cobalt (Ni-Co 2021) will be held as part of TMS2021 Virtual, and all conference registrants have access to Ni-Co 2021's programming and plenary session. This special four-day symposium convenes operators, engineers, and researchers to exchange information about all aspects of current processing technologies for nickel and cobalt, as well as emerging technologies for both metals. Sessions encompass metallurgical aspects of metals commonly associated with nickel and cobalt, such as copper and platinum group metals (PGMs) and feature both industrial and academic papers.

The symposium kicks off at 8:30 a.m. EDT on Monday with a plenary session featuring presentations from five invited speakers, who are leaders in their fields. Programming will continue at 2:00 p.m. EDT on Monday with a session on Batteries. Tuesday programming will focus on Hydrometallurgy; Wednesday programming will focus on Pyrometallurgy; and Thursday's session will look at Market, Materials, and Mineral Processing.

Students: Join Our Trivia Competition at 2:00 p.m. EDT for a Chance to Win Cash Prizes

Join us from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EDT for the It's Not All Zoom & Gloom Student Trivia Competition! You’ll be challenged to answer 35 questions spanning the breadth of materials science and engineering that test what you know about the field and about TMS. Prizes will be awarded to those with the top three scores: $250 for first place, $150 for second place, and $100 for third place.

You’ll notice a special category of questions as we begin celebrating the 150th anniversary of TMS and its parent society: The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME). These questions have the same point value as those in other categories but focus on historic events within TMS. They are distinguished by a unique icon. (Hint: You can brush up on your TMS History here before the event.)

To access the trivia competition, log in to the TMS2021 Virtual platform at 2:00 p.m. EDT, navigate to the “Event” button in the left hand menu, and select trivia. Click on each icon to view the question, but think fast – you’ll only have 30 seconds to choose your answer once you click!

Visit the TMS2021 Virtual Exhibit Hall Today

Who will you meet at the TMS2021 Virtual Exhibit? View a listing of exhibitors and make time to visit their booths today between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. You can browse company products and services, view videos, post questions, and schedule meetings with exhibitors.

While visiting the exhibit hall, stop by the TMS Member Welcome Center to introduce yourself to TMS staff and learn more about your TMS Membership. (Not sure if you're a member? All TMS2021 Virtual attendees who registered at the nonmember rate receive TMS membership for the remainder of 2021, so welcome to TMS!) You can also swing by the TMS2022 exhibit hall booth to preview next year's conference.

Resources for Participating in TMS2021 Virtual
As a reminder, the following resources are available to help you navigate the TMS2021 Virtual conference:
  • Orientation Videos: View these brief (2-3 minutes each) orientation videos that demonstrate how to log in, build an agenda, participate in the exhibit, and more.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Check out our FAQ for quick answers to your questions about the conference.
  • Scheduling Tools: Download the final technical program, calendar of events, and conference guide.
Ready to Log in?
Enter the conference platform here:
Log in using the e-mail address you used for registration and the Confirmation ID number found in your registration confirmation e-mail (format 21-xxxxx).

Enjoy your day at TMS2021 Virtual!

March 14, 2021

Welcome to the TMS 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting & Exhibition!
A Message from 2020 TMS President Thomas Battle

We’re so glad you’ve decided to join us for a week of technical exchange and networking with your colleagues from around the world. We know this isn’t the annual meeting that you’re used to seeing, but we’ve gone out of our way to make this a valuable event for all participants, one that offers ample opportunities to hear what your colleagues are working on, to share your own ideas, and to connect with one another through discussions and networking activities.
Here are a few tips for making the most of this experience:
  • Participate in Real-Time. Listening to the technical presentations at their scheduled time means you’ll have the chance to post questions and engage in discussions with presenters and other listeners. View Scheduling Tools.
  • Make Time to Network. Special networking sessions are planned at various times of day throughout the week to let you connect with others who work in your technical interest area. You can also meet up with colleagues at events like the division awards and lectures sessions and the TMS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Table Talks. View Networking Events.
  • Set Your Out-of-Office Message. Let colleagues and clients know that you’re away for the week, participating in TMS2021 Virtual. Close your office door. Allow yourself some time to take in the presentations, participate in the events, ask questions, take notes.
  • Don’t Worry if You Miss Something. While we want this experience to resemble a typical TMS Annual Meeting as much as possible, we know you’re still surrounded by work and home responsibilities. (Not to mention time zone challenges.) If you miss attending a presentation in real time, just watch the recording. You’ll have access to all recordings through the end of May.
Instructions for navigating the conference and links to some of the meeting highlights are found on the TMS2021 Virtual website. Use these tools and explore a bit, make your plans for the week, and enjoy your time at TMS2021 Virtual.

Thomas Battle
2020 TMS President

A Note on Time Zones
Please note that all presentations and events for TMS2021 Virtual are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (UTC-4:00). This is the local time for TMS headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Use a tool like the Time Zone Converter to translate event times into your local time zone.

Watch Orientation Videos
Four short videos have been posted to the TMS201 Virtual Orientation Tools web page. View these brief informational videos (approximately 2-4 minutes each) for a quick tutorial that will familiarize you with how to log in, find technical presentations and networking events, build a schedule, message fellow attendees, arrange meetings with exhibitors, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about navigating the TMS2021 Virtual conference platform? Check out our frequently asked questions page.

Log In to the TMS2021 Virtual Conference Platform
To participate in TMS2021 Virtual, you will need to first log in to the conference platform: 
Enter the Conference Here:
Enter Login Name: This is the e-mail address you used for registration
Enter Password: This is your unique Confirmation ID number found in your registration confirmation e-mail (format 21-xxxxx) 

Access the Technical Program PDF
All event information can be accessed and added to your schedule through the TMS2021 Virtual Conference platform. If you prefer to browse PDFs of the conference schedule, visit the TMS2021 Virtual Scheduling Tools page where you can access the TMS2021 final technical program and the most up-to-date TMS2021 Calendar of Events. 

Celebrate Our 150th Anniversary!
TMS’s origins as a professional society date back to 1871 with the founding of its parent society, The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME). To honor this 150th anniversary, TMS is engaging in year-long festivities that will commemorate historic milestones, celebrate current achievements, and look ahead to the future of the Society. The anniversary year will kick-off with TMS2021 Virtual, with observations planned in JOM and other TMS communications throughout the year, and will conclude with in-person experiences at the TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition. To join in the celebration, TMS invites you to download and display digital badges in your e-mail signature or on social media to spread the word! You can also explore the history of TMS on our new history webpage.