- + Abstract Submission
How do I submit an abstract? To submit an abstract, it is first necessary to log into ProgramMaster. If you have not used ProgramMaster before, you will need to register. Registration is free. Once you are logged in, select "Submit an Abstract" from the main menu.
How long should my abstract be? Abstracts should be no longer than 150 words.
How should the text be formatted? The abstract should be typed in plain text, which you will copy and paste into the ProgramMaster block.
What happens if I save my abstract in ProgramMaster but do not submit it? No one will see your abstract until you hit the submit button. Once you have saved your abstract, you may go back and edit your submission, but TMS does not receive it until you press submit.
Do I need to submit an extended abstract? No, unless it is specified for your symposium.
What is the abstract deadline? The abstract deadline is July 1, 2016.
What are the abstract topics? Technical topics for this year's meeting can be found here.
Do I have to be a TMS member to submit an abstract? No, you do not need to be a TMS member. But, you must create a login on ProgramMaster in order to submit your abstract. This process is free.
I’m only submitting a poster; what process should I use? Posters are submitted through ProgramMaster as well. Select the appropriate symposium from the list available on the ProgramMaster site, then follow the instructions for submitting an abstract.
How can I edit an abstract? Only abstracts with the following statuses can be edited: "Submitted" or "Saved But Not Submitted." You can edit the abstract via the "Presenter/Author Tools" link from the main menu of ProgramMaster. You will see which items are available for viewing only and which are available for editing.
- + Travel Planning
I live outside the United States. What must I do to obtain a travel visa? Visa information can be obtained from the U.S. State Department website. TMS can generate a general visa support letter if you fill out the form.
What is the difference between a visa letter and an acceptance letter? You will receive notification via e-mail from TMS if you are accepted as a presenter. If you need a letter verifying your acceptance (for employer/visa documentation), TMS can generate one if you fill out the online form. A visa letter confirms that you are registered to attend the Annual Meeting. Please note that neither letter guarantees you will be granted a visa.
Does TMS offer airfare discounts? No. Transportation arrangements to/from the Annual Meeting are the attendee’s responsibility.
What is the closest airport to the meeting site? San Diego International Airport is located 3 miles from the meeting venue.
What is the primary language of the meeting? All presentations, proceedings, documents, and communications are in English.
What is the currency? All transactions related to TMS2017 are in U.S. dollars.
What is the time zone in San Diego, California? The time zone is Pacific Standard Time.
Will I need a voltage adaptor if I’m visiting from outside the United States? North American electricity is generated at 120 volts/60 Hz. If you come from a country with a different standard, you will need a voltage adaptor.
- + Manuscript Submission
Do I have to submit a manuscript? Manuscript submission is required to provide an oral presentation for symposia in Light Metals 2017 and Magnesium Technology 2017. Other symposium organizers may require a manuscript, too; check the information page for your symposium in ProgramMaster.
What is the format for the manuscript? When submitting a manuscript, the paper must follow the manuscript guidelines ( one-column format or two-column format). Refer to the manuscript invitation e-mail for which format to follow. Light Metals 2017 and Magnesium Technology 2017 each require the two-column format. Check the information page for your proceedings in ProgramMaster to determine the correct template to use.
What is the page limit? Manuscript page limits can be found in your manuscript invitation e-mail.
How do I submit a manuscript? Login to ProgramMaster with your username and password. Click on the "Presenter/Author Tools" link on the Main Menu. Find the relevant abstract in the list presented and look for the designation of "Upload Manuscript."
Do I need to submit the copyright form? A signed copyright form must be submitted along with your manuscript.
When is the manuscript due? The deadline date for manuscript submissions is September 1, 2016.
How will I know if my manuscript was accepted? An e-mail message will be sent to you and the abstract co-authors to alert you to the acceptance of the manuscript. You can view a submission with this status, but you can no longer edit it.
What if I receive an e-mail stating that my paper was "Accepted if Modified"? The editor has accepted your manuscript on the contingency of changes being made. The required changes will be communicated to you via an e-mail message. You will need to submit the revised manuscript to ProgramMaster in the "Presenter/Author Tools" link on the Main Menu.
- + Giving Your Oral Presentation
What are the dates of the Annual Meeting? The meeting starts on Sunday, February 26, and ends on Thursday, March 2. Registration opens Sunday morning. You should plan to attend the entire meeting.
Does my presentation need to be in a certain format? It is recommended, but not required, that you use the TMS PowerPoint template. This template will be available in the near future on the website. Please bring a flash drive or computer which contains your PowerPoint presentation to the session room.
What are the time constraints for presentations? In general, contributed presentations should last about 20 minutes. Please do not extend your presentation beyond your assigned time as a courtesy to all presenters. If you need a question and answer period, this consideration must be incorporated in your assigned speaking time.
Do you offer a speaker-ready room? We do not have a speaker-ready room, but there will be an opportunity to practice your presentation in your assigned room before the session begins.
Should I meet with my session chair before the session? Presenters should plan to attend the Presenter’s Coffee on the morning of their presentation. Session chairs conduct a run-through of the entire session at these gatherings.
Do I need to supply a copy of my resume/CV to the session chair? No. TMS provides a Speaker Introduction Form (  ) you can fill out online, print, and take with you to the session. Please DO NOT submit the form to TMS; take it with you to your Presenters’ Coffee.
Since I am a presenter, do I have to pay to attend? Yes, but be sure to register at the discounted presenter’s rate.
- + Giving Your Poster Presentation
Do I need to use a poster template? No, but each poster presenter may use up to a 4' x 4' space (approximately 122 cm x 122 cm.). Any visual aids which might clarify the results of your own work are encouraged. These can include diagrams, charts, figures, illustrations, etc. Do not, however, post your paper text. Graphics should be simple, colorful, well labeled, and clear. The title should be written in letters 1-2 inches (2 to 5 cm) high, and all material should be readable from a distance of 7 feet (2 m).
Since I am a poster presenter, do I have to pay to attend? Yes, but be sure to register at the discounted presenter’s rate.
- + What to do during the Annual Meeting
What should I do when I arrive? Pick up your name badge and final program at Registration. You can obtain a receipt at this station. Please notify the registration staff if a stamp is required for the receipt.
How do I find my session room for presentation? The session rooms and presentations are listed in the Final Program available in your registration materials.
How do I access WiFi? Specific information about wireless internet access and locations will be available in February 2017.
Who do I contact with questions related to my presentation? The Technical Programming Support Desk will be open each day to answer any questions that presenters may have during the program. Specific information about the Technical Programming Support Desk location will be available in February 2017.
Are participation certificates available? Certificates will be available for Organizers, Session Chairs, and Presenters at the Technical Programming Support Desk beginning on Tuesday, February 28.
- + Post-Meeting
How do I provide comments about the meeting? All conference participants are asked to complete the attendee survey which will be sent via e-mail after the conference.
What if I lost my receipt? If you need a receipt for your conference registration, contact TMS Customer Service.
What if I lost my certificate? ? If you need a certificate of participation, contact the TMS Programming Department. Include the title of your presentation and the name of your symposium in your e-mail request.