International Scholar Program
The Young Leaders International Scholar Program is a joint project operated by TMS, the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS), the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (JIMM), and the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIM). This exchange program offers young professional members the opportunity to present their work at international conferences.
How the Program Works
TMS, FEMS, JIMM, and KIM each identify one or more young professionals to travel to the other organization's meeting to present a paper. These international scholars also spend a few days visiting select industrial facilities, research labs, or universities. Upon their return, they are required to write an article about their experiences for their host organization's publication. The host organization supports the scholars, in part, during their stay overseas with complimentary meeting registration and financial/non-financial assistance as necessary.
A scholar award recipient selected by TMS would travel to one of the following events:
- FEMS holds a five-day EUROMAT Conference every two years in September with presentations of about 2,000 papers covering the broad spectrum of materials science and engineering. The TMS scholar to FEMS will attend the EUROMAT meeting in odd-numbered years.
- JIMM holds three-day annual meetings in both the spring and fall that total 2,500 paper presentations annually. Their technical division committee offers five to 10 symposia during the annual meetings on various topics and seven to nine symposia at other meetings. Subjects are advanced topics, which provide an opportunity for members to participate and pursue their individual technical interests.
- KIM holds a Fall Conference in October each year, and this meeting covers a wide range of topics including metals, high polymer, ceramics magnetic materials, electronics, etc.
One TMS International Scholar is chosen every odd-numbered year to travel to Europe and attend the EUROMAT Conference. One TMS International Scholar is chosen each year to travel to Japan to attend the JIMM Annual Meeting and one scholar is chosen each year to travel to South Korea to attend the KIM Fall Conference.
How to Apply
Learn more about these awards—and how to apply for them—through the following links:
Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) Young Leaders International Scholar Award
Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (JIMM) Young Leaders International Scholar Award
Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIM) Young Leaders International Scholar Award
Contact Us
For more information on the TMS International Scholar Program, contact TMS honors and awards staff.