Originally published in the print JOM from 1997 to 2011, these articles have been enhanced with online capabilities and generally expand on the content of the print version. All of these articles are open to the general public. The most recent articles are presented below. You can also view articles by selecting their year of publication in the drop down menu provided.
Select a Year
| December 2010 |
Out of Iowa: Students Learn More than Materials Engineering in Mali [p. 11]
Authors: Lynne Robinson [READ]
| November 2010 |
Shaping What’s in Store for the Next-generation Electrical Grid [p. 13]
Authors: Lynne Robinson [READ]
| October 2010 |
The Thermodynamic Modeling of Precious-metal-modified Nickelbased Superalloys [p. 35]
Authors: F. Zhang, J. Zhu, W. Cao, C. Zhang, and Y.A. Chang [READ]
| September 2010 |
Linking Transformational Materials and Processing for an Energy-Efficient and Low-Carbon Economy: Creating the Vision and Accelerating Realization [p. insert]
Authors: Energy Materials Blue Ribbon Panel [READ]
| September 2010 |
Enabling Renewable Energy—and the Future Grid—with Advanced Electricity Storage [p. 14]
Authors: Zhenguo Yang, Jun Liu, Suresh Baskaran, Carl H. Imhoff, and Jamie D. Holladay [READ]
| August 2010 |
The Young Leader [p. Insert]
Authors: [READ]
| August 2010 |
Aluminum—Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change [p. 33]
Authors: Jerry Marks and Chris Bayliss [READ]
| July 2010 |
Real-time SEM/FIB Studies of Whisker Growth and Surface Modification [p. 30]
Authors: Nitin Jadhav, Eric Buchovecky, Eric Chason, and Allan Bower [READ]
| June 2010 |
Materials “Alchemy”: Shape-Preserving Chemical Transformation of Micro-to-Macroscopic 3-D Structures [p. 32]
Authors: Kenneth H. Sandhage [READ]
| May 2010 |
Attributes, Characteristics, and Applications of Titanium and Its Alloys [p. 21]
Authors: R.R. Boyer [READ]
| April 2010 |
Silicon and Germanium Nanowires: Growth, Properties, and Integration [p. 35]
Authors: S.T. Picraux, S.A. Dayeh, P. Manandhar, D.E. Perea, and S.G. Choi [READ]
| March 2010 |
Undergraduate Materials Education 2010: Status and Recommendations [p. 34]
Authors: Lyle H. Schwartz [READ]
| February 2010 |
The Young Leader [p. Insert]
Authors: [READ]
| February 2010 |
Advanced Materials Are a Game Changer in the Winter Olympics [p. 17]
Authors: Lynne Robinson [READ]
| January 2010 |
Laser Shocking of Materials: Toward the National Ignition Facility [p. 24]
Authors: M.A. Meyers, B.A. Remington, B. Maddox, and E.M. Bringa [READ]