A Message from the MPMD Chair
Welcome to the pages of the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD).
These are exciting times for those working in the field of materials processing and manufacturing, with the advent of Industry 4.0, advances in emerging materials and manufacturing technologies, such as additive manufacturing, and the growing importance of simulation and big data applied towards materials science and engineering. Integrating these emerging capabilities offers new opportunities to accelerate materials discovery and design and to address large societal challenges such as improving metal processing through recycling and designing more energy efficient, higher performing materials to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a more sustainable future.
TMS aspires to be the professional society of choice for the minerals, metals and materials community worldwide, enabling materials practitioners to come together to network and participate in vibrant annual meetings, specialty conferences, courses, student activities and other events that meet the technical, professional and organizational needs of our members.
The MPMD supports the mission of TMS through a diverse, international community of volunteers from industry, academia and government research institutes. The nine technical committees that comprise the division encompass a wide range of basic and applied research into key materials technologies that impact manufacturing processes, fostering an interdisciplinary professional technical community with strong industry engagement. Additionally, we provide representatives to ten TMS Functional Committees, as well as the Additive Manufacturing Bridge Committee, and actively collaborate with the other technical divisions of TMS.
As a division, the MPMD embraces the TMS aspirational goals to be a highly inclusive society. As a member-driven society, we rely on active, engaged volunteers, and no matter where you are in your career, we both welcome and encourage you to join us in driving this future forward, whether it be through i) organizing conference symposia, ii) editing or contributing to technical journals, iii) instructing and participating in short courses and webinars, iv) providing professional mentoring to those in the early stages of their career or v) sponsoring recognition and awards.
For more information about joining one, or more, of the MPMD committees, please contact the committee chair by clicking on the committee of your choice on the MPMD homepage, then clicking on Committee Roster on the right-hand side of the page. Alternatively, you may contact me directly; I would love to hear from you and hope to see you at a future meeting!
Paul Mason, MPMD Chair, 2023-2025
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