Meeting Resources
7th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2023)

May 21–25, 2023

Caribe Royale • Orlando, Florida, USA

Technical Program

Some key goals of ICME 2023 are to convene stakeholders from across areas of modeling and simulation, experimental specialization, data management and analysis, and design—as well as from across academia, government, and industry—and to address ICME tools and techniques, their integration, and their application (engineering). This congress will provide a forum for presentations and discussions centering on ICME-related topics, including:

  • The wide range of materials programs where an ICME approach validated by experimental efforts is applicable, including computational- and experimental-based talks
  • Individual computational methods utilized in an ICME approach, including both advantages and limitations
  • Incorporation of “big data, data fusion and machine learning” for materials and product development with ICME methodologies
  • Verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification issues
  • Roles of ICME in continuing education in industry

The specific technical topics of ICME 2023 will include:

  • Applications: Advanced Manufacturing (Additive, Hybrid, Metamorphic, etc.)
  • Applications: Materials Design and Modification
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • ICME for Non-Metals, Structural Composites, and Ceramics
  • ICME-Based Design Tools – Industrial Integration and Success Stories
  • Linkage: Structure – Properties – Microstructure
  • Materials Databases and Platforms
  • New and Emerging Areas for ICME – Functional Materials and Energy Storage and Conversion
  • Scientific Workflows for ICME – Automated Processes and Data Capture with Tagging from Experiment and Computation)

Plenary Speakers

Andrew Bobel

Andrew Bobel
General Motors Global Research & Development
MPMD ICME Industry Implementation Award Recipient Representative
“Multi-scale Approach for Developing a High Silicon Al-Si-Cu Alloy for Additive Manufacturing Supercharger Rotors”

Ida Berglund

Ida Berglund
QuesTek Europe AB
"Advancing ICME Technologies via Strategic Collaboration while Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry"

Laurent Capolungo

Laurent Capolungo
Los Alamos National Laboratory
"ExtremeMat Quantification of the Effect of Microstructure and Composition on the Creep Rupture Life of Steels"

Adam Kopper

Adam Kopper
Mercury Marine
"The Multiple Facets of ICME in Modern Manufacturing at Brunswick Boat Group and Mercury Marine"

James Saal

James Saal
Citrine Informatics
"Accelerating Development of Materials with Artificial Intelligence"

Invited Speakers

Ankit Agrawal, Northwestern University

Raymundo Arróyave, Texas A&M University

Hector Basoalto, University of Sheffield

Catherine Brinson, Duke University

Mathew Joseph Cherukara, Argonne National Laboratory

David Crudden, Alloyed Ltd

Somnath Ghosh, Johns Hopkins University

Michael A. Groeber, The Ohio State University

June W. Lau, NIST

Karthik Rajan Venkatesan, Eaton

Michael D. Sangid, Purdue University

Jeffrey Tschirhart, Novelis

Abstract Submissions

Abstracts submission is now closed.

If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, send an e-mail to TMS Programming Staff.

View the final programs from past ICME congresses:

For More Information

For more information about this meeting, please complete the meeting inquiry form or contact:

TMS Meeting Services
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