Product Details

Integrating Forward Simulation and Inverse Design of Materia

Integrating Forward Simulation and Inverse Design of Materials
Zi-Kui Liu, presenter

Presented by:
Zi-Kui Liu, Director Center for Computational Materials Design, The Pennsylvania State University

About the Subject
With the current advances in information technology and multiscale computational frameworks, predictive computational science is contributing more and more in developing and completing the materials knowledge-base and opening unprecedented opportunities for materials design based on scientific principles and minimal empiricism. Recently, the National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Computational Materials Design (CCMD) was established through a joint effort by The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) and Georgia Institute of Technology (GT). Collaboration between the university participants and the center’s members from industry and government laboratories will accelerate the transfer of research results into applied technology. CCMD philosophy is that tools and methods should be transferable among different materials design problems and classes of materials to the greatest extent possible; this is built on the MatCASE (Materials Computation and Simulation Environment) project at PSU and the distributed, collaborative, robust materials design system at GT. Learn about these tools and methods in this webcast.

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