A Message from the EPD Chair
Thank you for visiting the Extraction & Processing Division pages. Welcome!
The Division is a diverse and global community of volunteers from industry, universities and research institutes. Through seven technical committees and the TMS functional committees, the volunteer members make the TMS Aspires strategic plan happen. We develop technical topics; organize symposia, JOM contributions and short courses; recognize excellence with awards and represent the extraction and processing community throughout TMS. We go beyond TMS by organizing international conferences with metallurgical societies around the globe.
The extractive and processing industry and community has an important role to play in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). It contributes to solutions for global societal challenges such as clean mobility, circular economy and climate change. This, by providing the necessary metals and materials, as well as by using sustainable production and recycling processes. The sector is changing and adapting, among others by using Industry 4.0 concepts, i.e. big data, automation, robotics and simulation; systemic and value chain perspectives and new approaches to innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship.
Exciting times are ahead! Also for the EPD community. We have the opportunity to be part of this change by working together as volunteers, connecting to the community and society at large. As a volunteer, you’ll be helping with new ideas for topics and ways to cover these. Collaboration across committees, divisions and beyond will be a necessity. Join us to make the future happen--shape EPD and TMS--and have fun too. Take a moment to look at the committee pages. You are invited to join the technical committee meetings at the next Annual Meeting. Contact any of the council members, or me personally, for information or help on getting started today.
On behalf of all EPD volunteer members, we look forward to meet you!
Elsa Olivetti, EPD chair 2023 – 2026
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