Edward Williams
TMS Director/Chair, Light Metals Division
Director of Manufacturing Technology, Arconic
03/04/2022 - 03/27/2025

Eddie Williams is currently the director of manufacturing technology for Arconic, based outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In his current role, he oversees the global technical support for Arconic Casting, Rolling, Finishing, Thermal, and Automation. He gained 30 years of experience working in aluminum ingot casting, molten metal processing, aluminum scrap recycling, and energy efficiency while working for Reynolds Metals, Alcoa, and then Arconic. Over his career, Williams has worked in R&D, engineering, and operations support roles. Williams has authored or co-authored 12 technical publications and holds one patent. He earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University. A TMS member since 2000, Williams was awarded the 2000 Light Metals Award for best paper. He has been active in the Light Metals Division (LMD) and TMS functional committees, in roles that include the Aluminum Committee (Chair, Vice Chair), The LMD Council (Vice Chair), and Programming Committee (Aluminum/LMD representative). He was symposium chair for Cast Shop in 2014, and editor of Light Metals 2016.