Participate in Congressional Visits Days
Each spring, TMS, through the Material Advantage student program, sends a delegation of materials students and professionals to Washington, D.C., to lend a materials perspective to Science, Engineering, and Technology Congressional Visits Days. Participants visit their Congressional leaders to discuss the importance of adequate funding for materials science and engineering programs. Material Advantage provides training sessions and information briefings for volunteers.
Why Should You Participate in Congressional Visits?
The benefits to your career include the opportunity to:
- Learn first-hand about public policy issues affecting the materials science and engineering fields
- Develop communication, advocacy, and presentation skills
- Impact the future of your profession
Time Commitment
The event—including training, information briefings, and visits to Congressional leaders—lasts for two days and requires travel to Washington, D.C.
How to Get Started
If you have questions or require additional information, please visit the Material Advantage website.