Skill-Building Resources

Title Description Author/Citation
ASTC Equity and Diversity Toolkit The Association of Science-Technology Centers’ “Equity & Diversity Initiative Toolkit” offers a number of helpful ideas and resources for member organizations in the areas of: leadership support, assessment, communication, professional development, career pipeline, and implementation of roles and responsibilities.
Author/Citation: Association of Science-Technology Centers
Association of Science-Technology Centers
Duke University Diversity Toolkit The toolkit can be used as an adjunct to existing educational programs or as a resource in developing strategies and plans to improve inclusion and engagement within a new initiative. The Diversity Toolkit provides links to publications (books, journals, reports, etc.), as well as links to electronic sources (websites, blogs, etc.).
Author/Citation: Duke University
Duke University
How to Increase Workplace Diversity This leadership guide, adapted from The WSJ Complete Small Business Guidebook (Three Rivers Press, 2009), features step-by-step how-to’s, tips, stories from The Wall Street Journal’s reporters and columnists and interviews with CEOs.
Author/Citation: Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal
Mentors Are Critical for Career Success: How to Find and Engage Mentors This blog article outlines ways to find and form successful relationships with mentors.
Author/Citation: Baochi Nguyen
Baochi Nguyen
The ALA Office for Diversity Website The American Library Association (ALA) Office for Diversity website provides information and resources on a number of workplace issues, including “Strategic Planning for Diversity,” “Employment Discrimination,” “Diversity Statistics,” “Diversity Advocacy,” and “Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Library Workforce.” Topics in the “Advocacy and Issues: Diversity” section of the site include, “Programming to Promote Diversity,” “Outreach to Underserved Populations,” “Diversity in the Workplace,” “Diversity Research & Statistics,” and “Workforce Development.”
Author/Citation: American Library Association's Office for Diversity
American Library Association's Office for Diversity